WoRMS source details

Zibrowius, H. (1972). Mise au point sur les espèces méditeranéennes de Serpulidae (Annelida Polychaeta) décrites par Stefano delle Chiaje (1822-1829, 1841-1844) et Oronzio Gabriele Costa. Tethys. 4 (1): 113-126.
Zibrowius, H.
Mise au point sur les espèces méditeranéennes de Serpulidae (Annelida Polychaeta) décrites par Stefano delle Chiaje (1822-1829, 1841-1844) et Oronzio Gabriele Costa
4 (1): 113-126
Kristian Fauchald's Polychaeta DB
Mediterranean Sea in general
Systematics, Taxonomy
RIS (EndNote, Reference Manager, ProCite, RefWorks)
BibTex (BibDesk, LaTeX)
2013-01-12 18:30:12Z
2018-11-29 09:06:35Z

Codonytes [Quatrefages, 1866, non delle Chiaje, 1828] accepted as Hydroides Gunnerus, 1768 (source of synonymy)
Codonytes infundibulum [sensu Quatrefages, 1866, non Delle Chiaje, 1828] (status source)
Hydroides (Eucarphus) infundibulum (Delle Chiaje, 1822) accepted as Vermiliopsis labiata (O. G. Costa, 1861) (source of synonymy)
Hydroides euplaeana (Delle Chiaje, 1822 [1828?]) (new combination reference)
Janita fimbriata (Delle Chiaje, 1822) (status source)
Omphalopoma aculeata Fauvel, 1909 accepted as Filogranula calyculata (O. G. Costa, 1861) (source of synonymy)
Omphalopoma annulata Zibrowius, 1968 accepted as Filogranula annulata (O. G. Costa, 1861) (source of synonymy)
Omphalopoma cristata Langerhans, 1884 accepted as Filogranula calyculata (O. G. Costa, 1861) (source of synonymy)
Omphalopoma gracilis (Langerhans, 1884) accepted as Filogranula gracilis Langerhans, 1884 (source of synonymy)
Pomatoceros triquetroides (Delle Chiaje, 1822) accepted as Spirobranchus triqueter (Linnaeus, 1758) (status source)
Sabella euplaeana Delle Chiaje, 1822 [1828?] accepted as Hydroides euplaeana (Delle Chiaje, 1822 [1828?]) (source of synonymy)
Serpula frondiculata Costa, 1861 accepted as Janita fimbriata (Delle Chiaje, 1822) (source of synonymy)
Serpula infundibulum Delle Chiaje, 1828 accepted as Vermiliopsis labiata (O. G. Costa, 1861) (source of synonymy)
Serpula nodosa Risso, 1826 (status source)
Serpula triquetroides Delle Chiaje, 1822 (status source)
Vermetus annulatus O. G. Costa, 1861 accepted as Filogranula annulata (O. G. Costa, 1861) (new combination reference)
Vermetus calyculatus O. G. Costa, 1861 accepted as Filogranula calyculata (O. G. Costa, 1861) (new combination reference)
Vermetus mutabilis O. G. Costa, 1861 accepted as Filogranula calyculata (O. G. Costa, 1861) (source of synonymy)
Vermilia rugosa Langerhans, 1884 accepted as Semivermilia torulosa (Delle Chiaje, 1822) (source of synonymy)
Vermilia torulosa (Delle Chiaje, 1822) accepted as Semivermilia torulosa (Delle Chiaje, 1822) (additional source)
Vermiliopsis crenata (O.G. Costa, 1861) accepted as Semivermilia crenata (O. G. Costa, 1861) (new combination reference)
Vermiliopsis cribrata (O.G. Costa, 1861) accepted as Semivermilia cribrata (O. G. Costa, 1861) (basis of record)
Vermiliopsis richardi Fauvel, 1909 accepted as Vermiliopsis labiata (O. G. Costa, 1861) (source of synonymy)
Vermiliopsis rugosa (Langerhans, 1884) accepted as Semivermilia torulosa (Delle Chiaje, 1822) (source of synonymy)
Vermiliopsis torulosa (Delle Chiaje, 1822) accepted as Semivermilia torulosa (Delle Chiaje, 1822) (basis of record)

A mistaken link made between bryozoan genus Codonytes and Hydroides spp. Serpulidae. Zibrowius (1972:117) explains ... [details]


Delle Chiaje name perhaps a bryozoan, misapplied in Polychaeta.because of misreading of the Delle Chiaje caption ... [details]


the type species of the genus, Placostegus (Omphalopoma) umbilicatus is indeterminable; however, most of the taxa ... [details]


delle Chiaje's figures no doubt refer to either Pomatoceros lamarcki or triqueter, but it is impossible to decide ... [details]


the greater part of Costa's figures can be attributed to Filogranula annulata; however, some of them belong to ... [details]