Cetacea source details

Vollmer, N. L.; Ashe, E.; Brownell, R. L.; Cipriano, F.; Mead, J. G.; Reeves, R. R.; Soldevilla, M. S.; Williams, R. (2019). Taxonomic revision of the dolphin genus Lagenorhynchus. Marine Mammal Science. 35(3): 957-1057.
10.1111/mms.12573 [view]
Vollmer, N. L.; Ashe, E.; Brownell, R. L.; Cipriano, F.; Mead, J. G.; Reeves, R. R.; Soldevilla, M. S.; Williams, R.
Taxonomic revision of the dolphin genus Lagenorhynchus
Marine Mammal Science
35(3): 957-1057
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2022-03-16 07:00:18Z

Clymene similis Gray, 1868 accepted as Sagmatias obscurus (Gray, 1828) (taxonomy source)
Clymenia obscura Gray, 1868 accepted as Sagmatias obscurus (Gray, 1828) (taxonomy source)
Clymenia similis Gray, 1868 accepted as Sagmatias obscurus (Gray, 1828) (taxonomy source)
Delphinus (Grampus) obscurus Gray, 1828 represented as Delphinus obscurus Gray, 1828 accepted as Sagmatias australis (Peale, 1849) (taxonomy source)
Delphinus albigena Quoy & Gaimard, 1824 accepted as Sagmatias cruciger (Quoy & Gaimard, 1824) (taxonomy source)
Delphinus bivittatus Lesson in Lesson & Garnot, 1827 accepted as Sagmatias cruciger (Quoy & Gaimard, 1824) (taxonomy source)
Delphinus breviceps Wagner, 1846 accepted as Sagmatias obscurus (Gray, 1828) (taxonomy source)
Delphinus chilensis Philippi, 1895 accepted as Sagmatias australis (Peale, 1849) (taxonomy source)
Delphinus cruciger Quoy & Gaimard, 1824 accepted as Sagmatias cruciger (Quoy & Gaimard, 1824) (taxonomy source)
Delphinus eschrichtii Schlegel, 1841 accepted as Leucopleurus acutus (Gray, 1828) (taxonomy source)
Delphinus fitzroyi Waterhouse, 1838 accepted as Sagmatias obscurus (Gray, 1828) (taxonomy source)
Delphinus ibsenii Eschricht, 1846 accepted as Lagenorhynchus albirostris Gray, 1846 (taxonomy source)
Delphinus leucopleurus Rasch, 1843 accepted as Leucopleurus acutus (Gray, 1828) (taxonomy source)
Delphinus livittatus F. Cuvier, 1836 accepted as Delphinus bivittatus Lesson in Lesson & Garnot, 1827 accepted as Sagmatias cruciger (Quoy & Gaimard, 1824) (taxonomy source)
Delphinus longidens Cope, 1866 accepted as Sagmatias obliquidens (Gill, 1865) (taxonomy source)
Delphinus obscurus Gray, 1828 accepted as Sagmatias australis (Peale, 1849) (taxonomy source)
Delphinus superciliosus Lesson in Lesson & Garnot, 1827 accepted as Sagmatias obscurus (Gray, 1828) (taxonomy source)
Lagenorhynchus Gray, 1846 (taxonomy source)
Lagenorhynchus clanculus Gray, 1846 accepted as Sagmatias cruciger (Quoy & Gaimard, 1824) (taxonomy source)
Lagenorhynchus cruciger (Quoy & Gaimard, 1824) accepted as Sagmatias australis (Peale, 1849) (taxonomy source)
Lagenorhynchus gubernator Cope, 1876 accepted as Leucopleurus acutus (Gray, 1828) (taxonomy source)
Lagenorhynchus leucopleurus Gray, 1846 accepted as Leucopleurus acutus (Gray, 1828) (taxonomy source)
Lagenorhynchus longidens Cope, 1866 accepted as Sagmatias obliquidens (Gill, 1865) (taxonomy source)
Lagenorhynchus obliquidens Gill, 1865 accepted as Sagmatias obliquidens (Gill, 1865) (taxonomy source)
Lagenorhynchus ognevi Sleptsov, 1955 accepted as Sagmatias obliquidens (Gill, 1865) (taxonomy source)
Lagenorhynchus perspicillatus Cope, 1876 accepted as Leucopleurus acutus (Gray, 1828) (taxonomy source)
Leicopleurus arcticus Tomilin, 1957 accepted as Leucopleurus acutus (Gray, 1828) (taxonomy source)
Leucopleurus acutus (Gray, 1828) (taxonomy source)
Leucopleurus arcticus Gray, 1868 accepted as Leucopleurus acutus (Gray, 1828) (taxonomy source)
Phocaena australis Peale, 1849 accepted as Sagmatias australis (Peale, 1849) (taxonomy source)
Phocaena homeii Smith, 1829 accepted as Sagmatias cruciger (Quoy & Gaimard, 1824) (taxonomy source)
Phocaena posidonia Philippi, 1893 accepted as Sagmatias obscurus (Gray, 1828) (taxonomy source)
Phocoena australis Peale, 1849 accepted as Sagmatias australis (Peale, 1849) (taxonomy source)
Prodelphinus petersii Lutken, 1889 accepted as Sagmatias obscurus (Gray, 1828) (taxonomy source)
Sagmatias amblodon Cope, 1866 accepted as Sagmatias australis (Peale, 1849) (taxonomy source)
Sagmatias australis (Peale, 1849) (taxonomy source)
Sagmatias obliquidens (Gill, 1865) (taxonomy source)
Sagmatias obscurus (Gray, 1828) (taxonomy source)
Tursio chiloensis Philippi, 1900 accepted as Sagmatias australis (Peale, 1849) (taxonomy source)
English Atlantic white-sided dolphin for Leucopleurus acutus (Gray, 1828)

The species name acutus is derived from Latin and means “sharp” or “pointed.” [details]


The generic name Lagenorhynchus is derived from the Greek lagenos for “bottle” or “flask” and rhynchus for ... [details]


According to Flower (1884), the holotype of Delphinus (Grampus) acutus Gray, 1828 exists as a skull that was ... [details]


The holotype is in the “Leiden Museum” (Hershkovitz 1966). According to Broekema (1983), the holotype of ... [details]


According to Hershkovitz (1966), the holotype of L. albirostris Gray, 1846 consists of a skeleton and figure of the ... [details]

 New combination

Leucopleurus acutus: LeDuc et al., 1999:639, Figure 2: First use of current name combination. The new name is based ... [details]

 Taxonomic remark

Unjustified emendation. Synonymizes Delphinus obscurus (Gray, 1846), Tursio obscurus Gray, 1866, and Clymene ... [details]

 Taxonomic remark

Unavailable name, misidentification (based on habitat of Cape of Good Hope). “Skull like C. obscura, but palate ... [details]

 Taxonomic remark

Unavailable name, misidentification. Brief description of the specimen (fetus) is given. Philippi (1896:10, Plate 2 ... [details]

 Taxonomic remark

Incorrect subsequent spelling. A misspelling of Delphinus bivittatus Lesson in Lesson and Garnot, 1827. According ... [details]

 Taxonomic remark

Name combination. Cassin, in his republication of Peale (1849) and using mostly Peale’s original description, ... [details]

 Taxonomic remark

A brief description of a harpooned animal observed at 44ºS by Cape Diemen (south Tasmania) is given; however, a ... [details]

 Taxonomic remark

Name combination. Synonymy and taxonomic description are given. [details]

 Taxonomic remark

Name combination. Based on similarities in distribution, total body length, tooth count, vertebral count, skull ... [details]

 Taxonomic remark

Name combination. New name for Delphinus longidens Cope, 1866 after reexamination of the holotype skull. True also ... [details]

 Taxonomic remark

Incorrect subsequent spelling. According to Hershkovitz (1966), this is a “misprint listed in [Tomilin’s] ... [details]

 Taxonomic remark

Sagmatias australis: Moreno, 2008:23, Table 2. Name combination. This name appears in a Delphinidae ... [details]

 Taxonomic remark

Name Combination. This name appears in a Delphinidae classification modified from LeDuc (2002). Moreno’s use of ... [details]


Schlegel notes the similarity with Gray’s (1828) Delphinus acutus. [details]

 Type locality

According to Hershkovitz (1966), the type locality is “[u]nknown; determined as the Faeroe Islands, North Sea, on ... [details]

 Type locality

No type locality specified [in Eschricht, 1846] but is stated as “N. Atlantic: Denmark” in Hershkovitz (1966) ... [details]

 Type locality

No type locality specified in Reichenbach, 1846. [details]

 Type locality

The holotype was collected from Great Yarmouth, England by T. Brightwell. No type locality was specified by Gray ... [details]

 Type material

Type locality is “Cape of Good Hope (Layard)” (South Africa). This species is differentiated from Clymene ... [details]

 Type material

Type locality is “Cape of Good Hope” (South Africa) and the specimen is in the “Mus. Coll. of Surgeons.” ... [details]

 Type material

Type locality is close to New Holland (Australia) and Cape Horn, Chile as this specimen was collected “quelques ... [details]

 Type material

Type locality is “Dans les mers orageuses du cap Horn, en allant aux Malouines, à cent quarante lieues de ces ... [details]

 Type material

No type locality specified but is stated as “Rio de la Plata” (Argentina) by Jacquinot and Pucheran (1853). The ... [details]

 Type material

Type locality is between “Nouvelle-Hollande et le cap Horn” (New Holland [Australia] and Cape Horn [Chile]) in ... [details]

 Type material

Type locality is “in the Bay of St. Joseph” and “coast of Patagonia, Lat. 42º300 ” (Argentina). External ... [details]

 Type material

No type locality specified. Hershkovitz (1966) states the type locality as the “Gulf of Christiania” (Norway) ... [details]

 Type material

No type locality specified. A description and some measurements of the skull are provided and states “Habitat ... [details]

 Type material

Concerning the holotype, it is stated that “Nothing is known about this specimen. Off coast of Patagonia, one ... [details]

 Type material

No type locality specified. There is no text or description, only a drawing of the skull labeled with the name. ... [details]

 Type material

Type locality is “near the same locality as the last” (near Portland, Maine, U.S.A.). Description with ... [details]

 Type material

Type locality is “San Francisco, California.” A description of skull characteristics is provided and states ... [details]

 Type material

Type locality is “in the Nemoro Sea, 15–20 miles east of the South Kuril Cape (Kunashir Island).” A thorough ... [details]

 Type material

Type locality is “near Portland, Maine” U.S.A. Description with measurements is given. The lectotype, ... [details]

 Type material

Type locality is “the South Atlantic Ocean, off the coast of Patagonia.” Short description and external ... [details]

 Type material

Type locality is “the seas about the Cape of Good Hope.” Description of external characteristics of a black and ... [details]

 Type material

Type locality is “48º100 latit. sur i 77º lonjit. oeste” (48º100 latitude south and 77º longitude west) in ... [details]

 Type material

Description, measurements (p. 41), and drawing (skull p. 43) of a dolphin collected from “?en Amsterdam i det ... [details]

 Type material

No type locality specified. Description and measurements of the holotype (skull only) is provided. The type ... [details]

 Type material

Type locality is “no mui distante de Ancud” (translated as: not very far from Ancud [Chile]). Description and ... [details]