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Polychaeta source details

Clarke, Andrew; Johnston, Nadine M. (2003). Antarctic marine benthic diversity. Oceanography and Marine Biology: an Annual Review. 41: 47-114.
Clarke, Andrew; Johnston, Nadine M
Antarctic marine benthic diversity
Oceanography and Marine Biology: an Annual Review
41: 47-114
An unpublished species checklist compiled for background to this paper by the two authors was later used as basis for the Register of Antarctic Marine Species. The review article itself contains no species lists. The journal series is available at https://www.routledge.com but there is no link to the article. The original spreadsheet checklist might be obtainable from the author, accl@bas.ac.uk
Ant'Phipoda Literature database.
Available for editors  PDF available [request]
Species lists have been compiled for all the major groups of Southern Ocean benthic marine invertebrates, eliminating synonymies where possible and providing a subjective estimate of completeness and reliability for each group. Antarctic marine diversity (pelagic and benthic) is relatively high at the phylum and class level, with the gaps mostly comprising minor, meiofaunal or parasitic groups. Most benthic diversity data come from the continental shelves, with relatively few samples from deeper water. Even for the continental shelves, however, sampling is highly patchy with some areas hardly investigated at all. Over 4100 benthic species have been reported from the Southern Ocean, with the most speciose groups being polychaetes, gastropods and amphipods. Comparison with tropical and temperate regions suggest that decapods, bivalves and teleost fishes are poorly represented in the Southern Ocean benthic marine fauna, whereas pycnogonids, echinoderms and many suspension feeding groups are rich and diverse. Some groups that are currently low in diversity were previously well represented in the Antarctic shallow water marine fauna, notably decapods and many fishes. Other groups have undergone marked radiations in the Southern Ocean, including pycnogonids, amphipods, isopods and teleost fishes; in all cases, however, it is only some lineages that have diversified. This indicates that evolutionary questions concerning the origin, diversification or extinction of the Southern Ocean marine fauna will have no single answer; the evolutionary history of each group appears to reflect a different response to the tectonic, climatic and oceanographic changes to which they have been subject through history. The disposition of southern hemisphere continents makes it difficult to assess whether there is a latitudinal cline in shallow-water marine diversity to mirror that known from the northern hemisphere. Within Antarctica, many species appear to have circumpolar distributions, and the long established biogeographical division into continental Antarctic, Antarctic Peninsula and sub-Antarctic regions have not been challenged by recent sampling. For most groups the frequency distribution of species per genus ratios is typical, though none is well described by the predictions from current evolutionary or null models. Where data are available, size spectra indicate that many Southern Ocean taxa are small, a few spectacular examples of gigantism notwithstanding, and species abundance plots are normal. Knowledge of the Southern Ocean benthic marine fauna has reached a stage where we can now ask powerful evolutionary questions, and the development of new molecular techniques provides the mechanism for answering them
Fauna and Flora, Faunistic inventories, Checklists, Catalogues
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Abyssoclymene Hartman, 1967 (basis of record)
Abyssoclymene annularis Hartman, 1967 (basis of record)
Aedicira belgicae (Fauvel, 1936) accepted as Aricidea (Allia) belgicae (Fauvel, 1936) accepted as Aricidea (Strelzovia) belgicae (Fauvel, 1936) (basis of record)
Aglaophamus digitatus Hartman, 1967 (basis of record)
Aglaophamus foliosus Hartman, 1967 (basis of record)
Aglaophamus groenlandiae Hartman, 1967 (basis of record)
Aglaophamus ornatus Hartman, 1967 accepted as Aglaophamus trissophyllus (Grube, 1877) (additional source)
Aglaophamus paramalmgreni Hartmann-Schröder & Rosenfeldt, 1992 (additional source)
Aglaophamus posterobranchus Hartman, 1967 (basis of record)
Aglaophamus trissophyllus (Grube, 1877) (additional source)
Aglaophamus virginis (Kinberg, 1866) (basis of record)
Amage sculpta Ehlers, 1908 (basis of record)
Amblyosyllis granosa Ehlers, 1897 (additional source)
Ammotrypane breviata Ehlers, 1913 accepted as Ophelina breviata (Ehlers, 1913) (basis of record)
Ammotrypane gymnopyge Ehlers, 1908 accepted as Ophelina gymnopyge (Ehlers, 1908) (additional source)
Ammotrypane nematoides Ehlers, 1913 accepted as Ophelina nematoides (Ehlers, 1913) (basis of record)
Ammotrypane scaphigera Ehlers, 1900 accepted as Ophelina scaphigera (Ehlers, 1900) (basis of record)
Ammotrypane setigera Hartman, 1978 accepted as Ophelina setigera (Hartman, 1978) (basis of record)
Ammotrypane syringopyge Ehlers, 1901 accepted as Ophelina syringopyge (Ehlers, 1901) (basis of record)
Ampharana Hartman, 1967 (basis of record)
Ampharana antarctica Hartman, 1967 (basis of record)
Ampharete kerguelensis McIntosh, 1885 (basis of record)
Ampharetides Ehlers, 1913 accepted as Terebellides Sars, 1835 (basis of record)
Ampharetides vanhoffeni [auctt. misspelling] accepted as Ampharetides vanhoeffeni Ehlers, 1913 accepted as Terebellides vanhoeffeni (Ehlers, 1913) (basis of record)
Amythas Benham, 1921 (basis of record)
Anaitides bowersi (Benham, 1927) accepted as Paranaitis bowersi (Benham, 1927) (basis of record)
Anaitides madeirensis (Langerhans, 1880) accepted as Phyllodoce madeirensis Langerhans, 1880 (basis of record)
Anaitides patagonica (Kinberg, 1866) accepted as Phyllodoce patagonica (Kinberg, 1866) (basis of record)
Anchinothria Paxton, 1986 (basis of record)
Anchinothria pycnobranchiata (McIntosh, 1885) (basis of record)
Anobothrella Hartman, 1967 accepted as Anobothrus Levinsen, 1884 (basis of record)
Anobothrella antarctica (Monro, 1939) accepted as Anobothrus antarctica Monro, 1939 (basis of record)
Apistobranchus glacierae Hartman, 1978 (basis of record)
Apistobranchus gundrunae [auct. misspelling] accepted as Apistobranchus gudrunae Hartmann-Schröder & Rosenfeldt, 1988 accepted as Apistobranchus glacierae Hartman, 1978 (basis of record)
Apomatus brownii Pixell, 1913 accepted as Protis brownii (Pixell, 1913) (basis of record)
Aricia marginata Ehlers, 1897 accepted as Leodamas marginatus (Ehlers, 1897) (basis of record)
Aricia marginata var. macleani Benham, 1921 accepted as Scoloplos (Leodamas) marginatus mcleani (Benham, 1921) accepted as Leodamas marginatus (Ehlers, 1897) (basis of record)
Aricidea (Allia) Strelzov, 1973 accepted as Aricidea (Strelzovia) Aguirrezabalaga, 2012 (additional source)
Aricidea (Allia) antarctica Hartmann-Schröder & Rosenfeldt, 1988 accepted as Aricidea (Aedicira) antarctica Hartmann-Schröder & Rosenfeldt, 1988 (basis of record)
Aricidea simplex Day, 1963 represented as Aricidea (Acmira) simplex Day, 1963 (basis of record)
Artacama crassa Hartman, 1967 (basis of record)
Asclerocheilus nigrocirrus Hartman, 1978 accepted as Oligobregma collare (Levenstein, 1975) (basis of record)
Augeneria monotentaculata Averincev, 1972 accepted as Paraninoe antarctica (Monro, 1930) (basis of record)
Austrolaenilla antarctica fulgens (Hartman, 1964) accepted as Austrolaenilla fulgens (Hartman, 1964) (additional source)
Austrolaenilla hastulifera (Pruvot in Fauvel, 1936) (basis of record)
Austrolaenilla pelagica (Monro, 1930) (basis of record)
Austrolaenilla setobarba (Monro, 1930) (basis of record)
Austrophyllum Bergström, 1914 (basis of record)
Austrophyllum charcoti (Gravier, 1911) (basis of record)
Austrophyllum lanceolata Hartmann-Schröder, 1986 (basis of record)
Autolytus (Regulatus) Imajima, 1966 accepted as Proceraea Ehlers, 1864 (basis of record)
Autolytus (Regulatus) charcoti Gravier, 1906 accepted as Epigamia charcoti (Gravier, 1906) (basis of record)
Autolytus charcoti Gravier, 1906 accepted as Epigamia charcoti (Gravier, 1906) (basis of record)
Autolytus longstaffi Ehlers, 1912 (basis of record)
Autolytus simplex Ehlers, 1900 (basis of record)
Axionice spinifera (Ehlers, 1908) accepted as Pista spinifera (Ehlers, 1908) accepted as Pista mirabilis McIntosh, 1885 (basis of record)
Axiothella antarctica Monro, 1930 (basis of record)
Barrukia curviseta (Monro, 1930) (basis of record)
Brada bransfieldia Hartman, 1967 accepted as Bradabyssa bransfieldia (Hartman, 1967) (basis of record)
Brada mammillata Grube, 1877 accepted as Bradabyssa mammillata (Grube, 1877) (basis of record)
Bradabyssa papillata Hartman, 1967 (basis of record)
Brania nutrix (Monro, 1936) (basis of record)
Brania rhopalophora (Ehlers, 1897) accepted as Salvatoria rhopalophora (Ehlers, 1897) (basis of record)
Braniella Hartman, 1965 accepted as Anguillosyllis Day, 1963 (additional source)
Braniella palpata Hartman, 1967 accepted as Anguillosyllis palpata (Hartman, 1967) (additional source)
Capitella capitata antarctica Monro, 1930 (additional source)
Capitella perarmata (Gravier, 1911) (additional source)
Ceratonereis (Composetia) antarctica Hartmann-Schröder & Rosenfeldt, 1988 (basis of record)
Chitinopomoides Benham, 1927 (basis of record)
Chitinopomoides wilsoni Benham, 1927 (basis of record)
Cirratulus antarcticus Monro, 1930 accepted as Timarete antarcticus (Monro, 1930) (basis of record)
Cirratulus patagonicus (Kinberg, 1866) (additional source)
Cirrophorus brunneus Hartmann-Schröder & Rosenfeldt, 1988 represented as Paradoneis brunnea (Hartmann-Schröder & Rosenfeldt, 1988) (basis of record)
Clavodorum antarcticum Hartmann-Schröder & Rosenfeldt, 1990 (basis of record)
Clavodorum fusum (Hartman, 1967) (basis of record)
Clymenella minor Arwidsson, 1911 (basis of record)
Coralliotrocha composita Hartmann-Schröder & Rosenfeldt, 1992 (additional source)
Cystopomatus Gravier, 1911 accepted as Hyalopomatus Marenzeller, 1878 (basis of record)
Cystopomatus macintoshi Gravier, 1911 accepted as Hyalopomatus macintoshi (Gravier, 1911) (basis of record)
Dioplosyllis infuscata (Ehlers, 1901) accepted as Brachysyllis infuscata (Ehlers, 1901) (basis of record)
Dipomatus Ehlers, 1913 accepted as Serpula Linnaeus, 1758 (additional source)
Dipomatus serpulides Ehlers, 1913 accepted as Serpula narconensis Baird, 1864 (basis of record)
Drilonereis tenuis (Ehlers, 1900) (basis of record)
Emaga Hartman, 1978 (basis of record)
Emaga laevis Hartman, 1978 (basis of record)
Ephesiella antarctica (McIntosh, 1885) (additional source)
Eteone aurantiaca Schmarda, 1861 (basis of record)
Eteone sculpta Ehlers, 1897 (basis of record)
Euchone heteroseta Hartman, 1978 (basis of record)
Euchone scotiarum Hartman, 1978 (basis of record)
Eucranta villosa notialis Monro, 1936 accepted as Eucranta notialis Monro, 1936 (additional source)
Eulalia pachycirra Hartman, 1978 (basis of record)
Eulalia semenovi Averincev, 1972 (basis of record)
Eulalia sotniki Averincev, 1972 accepted as Bergstroemia sotniki (Averincev, 1972) (basis of record)
Eulalia subulifera Ehlers, 1897 (basis of record)
Eulalia varia Ehlers, 1908 (basis of record)
Eumida strigata (Ehlers, 1901) (basis of record)
Eunice (Eunice) accepted as Eunice Cuvier, 1817 (basis of record)
Eunice (Eunice) pennate (Müller, 1776) accepted as Eunice pennata (Müller, 1776) (basis of record)
Eunoe abyssorum McIntosh, 1885 (basis of record)

(Kinberg, 1866) according to RAMS [details]


RAMS gives this species (Kroyer, 1856) as author [details]


(Keferstein, 1863) is mentioned in RAMS [details]


RAMS mentions Ehlers, 1875 as author [details]


Gambi et al., 1997 found 2 not yet described species: "sp.1" and "sp.2" [details]


Ehlers, 1897 according to RAMS [details]


Schmarda, 1861 according to RAMS [details]


Ehlers, 1874 according to RAMS [details]


Mentioned as Kinberg, 1866a in RAMS [details]


cf. loveni Malmgren, 1865 [details]


Spelled Harmothoe (Harmathoe) spinosa in RAMS [details]


Spelled Herdmadion in RAMS [details]


In RAMS, this species is spelled "Herdmadion magalhaensi" [details]


As far as is known the genus misspelling 'Leospira' exists only in an unpublished checklist associated with the ... [details]


in RAMS spelled as M. longircollaris [details]


Spelled in RAMS as Pseudoscalibregmida bransfieldia [details]


In RAMS spelled as S.( Leodamus) marginatus mcleani [details]


In RAMS spelled as S. (Leodamus) ohlini [details]


A species named A. nr. hastulifera was described by (Fauvel, 1936) in RAMS [details]


RAMS also mentions a species Autolutus cf. maclearanus [details]


RAMS also mentions a species Autolytus cf. simplex [details]


Gambi et al., 1997 mentions two not yet described species: sp. 1 and sp. 2 [details]


The genus Leodora is placed under Serpulidae according to RAMS [details]


Classified under Iphitimidae [details]


Was under Iphitimidae. Palpiphitime is best treated as a species group within Ophyrotrocha according to Wiklund et ... [details]


This Genus is placed under Serpulidae in RAMS [details]


RAMS also mentions a species Pionosyllis cf. comosa [details]


(Hartman, 1978) mentions 3 not yet described species: sp.A, sp. B and sp. C [details]


RAMS mentions also a species Sphaerosyllis cf. tetralix[details]


Author is not sure about Genus name [details]


Kinberg, 1855 is mentioned in RAMS Checklists but actual publication date of that work was 1856 [details]


Classified under Aphroditidae in RAMS Checklists [details]


RAMS isn't sure about the Genus name [details]


Mentioned as Flabelligera nr. papillata in RAMS Checklists [details]


In RAMS, this species is mentioned as Harmothoe cf. magellanica [details]


Author not sure about Species name [details]


RAMS isn't sure about the Genus name of this species [details]


Lapsus calami: Melinniodes [details]


Mentioned as "Palpiphitime sp. nr. lobifera" in RAMS [details]


Species name is put between brackets () in RAMS [details]


Author not sure about the Species name (for RAMS) [details]


Authors not sure about Genus name [details]


Authors not sure about Genus name [details]


Author is not sure about the Genus name (for RAMS) [details]


Author is not sure about the Genus name [details]


Authors are not sure about Species Name [details]


Author is not sure about the Genus name (for RAMS) [details]


RAMS isn't sure about the Genus name of this species [details]