WoRMS name details
Nomenclatureoriginal description
(of Corticium plicatum Schmidt, 1868) Schmidt, O. (1868). Die Spongien der Küste von Algier. Mit Nachträgen zu den Spongien des Adriatischen Meeres (Drittes Supplement). (Wilhelm Engelmann: Leipzig): i-iv, 1-44, pls I-V. page(s): 2; pl III 11 [details] 
Otheradditional source
Thomas, P.A. (1973). Marine Demospongiae of Mahe Island in the Seychelles Bank (Indian Ocean). <em>Annales du Musée royal de l'Afrique centrale. Sciences zoologiques.</em> (203): 1-96, pls 1-8. (look up in IMIS) page(s): 83-84; note: Misapplication [details] 
additional source
Tendal, O.S. (1969). Demospongiae from the Fiji islands. <em>Videnskabelige Meddelelser fra Dansk naturhistorisk Forening i Kjøbenhavn.</em> 132: 31-44. page(s): 34-35; note: Misapplication [details] 
additional source
Thomas, P.A. (1970). On some deep sea sponges from the Gulf of Mannar, with descriptions of three new species. <em>Journal of the Marine Biological Association of India.</em> 12(1): 202-209. page(s): 207-208; note: Misapplication [details] 
additional source
Thomas, P.A. (1979). Studies on sponges of the Mozambique channel. I. Sponges of the Inhaca Island. II. Sponges of Mambone and Paradise Islands. <em>Annales du Musée royal de l'Afrique centrale, Tervuren. Sciences zoologiques.</em> 227: 1-73, pls I-III. page(s): 66 [details] 
additional source
Thomas, P.A. (1972). Boring sponges of the reefs of Gulf of Mannar and Palk Bay. <em>Proceedings of the Symposium on Coral and Coral Reefs. (Marine Biological Association of India).</em> 333-362. page(s): 353 [details] 
additional source
Thomas, P.A. (1985). Demospongiae of the Gulf of Mannar and Palk Bay. <em>In: Recent Advances in Marine Biology. New Delhi, James, P.S.B.R. (ed.). Today Tomorrow's Printers and Publishers.</em> 205-365. page(s): 346; note: Misapplication [details] Available for editors [request]
From editor or global species database
Distribution The Indian Ocean and Australian records are likely to be incorrect. [details]From regional or thematic species database
Specimen M.R.A.C. no 556 [details]
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