Property:Free text

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This is a property of type Text. It links to pages that use the form MstConcept.

Showing 20 pages using this property.
Definition requires input - individual life stages and descriptions to be confirmed by taxonomic specialists  +
Definiton specific to decapod Crustacea  +
Definiton specific to decapod Crustacea  +
Definition specific to Polychaeta  +
Definition requires input from EMODNET habitats. The current 'definition' is a catch all that needs specialist input and discussion. At present the 'slightly gravelly' categories (Folk, 1954; Long, 2006) are not included. Where does 'lag' fit into this scheme.  +
Long D., (2006). BGS detailed explanation of seabed sediment modified Folk classification.  +
Definition specific to Platyhelminthes  +
Definition requires input - is there another word for this action 'muscular contraction' used in studies of invertebrate and vertebrate swimming/locomotion.  +
Definition specific to Crustacea  +
Definition specific to Polychaeta  +
Definition requires confirmation  +
Definition specific to Ophiuroidea  +
Definition specific to Porifera  +
Definition specific to Mollusca. Citeable definition required.  +
Definition specific to Sipunculida  +
Definition requires input - it is currently specific to NE Atlantic - if required it will need additional terms for Mediterranean, Baltic, Pontic, and Pacific etc features.  +
Definition requires specialist input (sea birds)  +
Definition specific to Nemertea  +
Definition requires confirmation  +
Specific to Cnidaria  +