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Asteroidea source details

Koehler, R. (1909). Astéries, Ophiures et Echinides de l'Expedition Antarctique National Ecossaise. Scottish National Antarctic Expedition. Report on the scientific results of the voyage of S.Y. Scotia during the years 1902, 1903, and 1904. 5(13): 193-313, 16 pl.
Koehler, R
Astéries, Ophiures et Echinides de l'Expedition Antarctique National Ecossaise
Scottish National Antarctic Expedition. Report on the scientific results of the voyage of S.Y. Scotia during the years 1902, 1903, and 1904
5(13): 193-313, 16 pl.
RIS (EndNote, Reference Manager, ProCite, RefWorks)
BibTex (BibDesk, LaTeX)
2013-01-12 18:30:12Z
2014-08-03 13:55:07Z
2014-08-26 14:00:00Z
2016-04-05 14:53:33Z
2020-12-10 17:08:24Z

Anasterias cupulifera Koehler, 1907 accepted as Lysasterias perrieri (Studer, 1885) (original description)
Chitonaster johannae Koehler, 1907 (original description)
Diplasterias brucei (Koehler, 1907) (original description)
Diplasterias induta Koehler, 1907 accepted as Cryptasterias turqueti (Koehler, 1906) (original description)
Dytaster felix Koehler, 1907 (original description)
Freyella giardi Koehler, 1907 (original description)
Ganeria attenuata Koehler, 1907 (original description)
Hymenaster campanulatus Koehler, 1907 (original description)
Hymenaster densus Koehler, 1908 (original description)
Hymenaster edax Koehler, 1907 (original description)
Hymenaster fucatus Koehler, 1907 (original description)
Hyphalaster scotiae Koehler, 1907 (original description)
Lophaster abbreviatus Koehler, 1907 accepted as Lophaster stellans Sladen, 1889 (original description)
Marcellaster Koehler, 1907 accepted as Cheiraster (Luidiaster) Studer, 1883 (original description)
Marcellaster antarcticus Koehler, 1907 accepted as Cheiraster (Luidiaster) antarcticus (Koehler, 1907) (original description)
Notasterias pedicellaris (Koehler, 1907) (additional source)
Odontaster pusillus Koehler, 1907 (original description)
Psilasteropsis facetus Koehler, 1907 accepted as Persephonaster facetus (Koehler, 1907) (original description)
Scotiaster Koehler, 1907 (original description)
Scotiaster inornatus Koehler, 1907 (original description)
Solaster lorioli Koehler, 1907 accepted as Paralophaster lorioli (Koehler, 1907) (original description)
Styracaster robustus Koehler, 1907 (original description)
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