Emended diagnosis by Blake (2020: 21-22): "Prostomium pointed. Peristomium consisting of a single achaetous ring. ... [details]
Eastern Pacific Ocean: San Pedro Basin, California; off Oregon to Mexico. Western Pacific Ocean: Japan; South China ... [details]
Eastern Pacific Ocean: off northern California (USA). [details]
Eastern Pacific Ocean: off northern California (USA), in the vicinity of hydrothermal vents on Gorda Ridge. [details]
Eastern Pacific Ocean: off northern California (USA). [details]
Eastern Pacific Ocean: off Oregon (USA), Cascadia Subduction Zone. [details]
Eastern Pacific Ocean: off northern California (USA). [details]
Western Pacific Ocean: South China Sea (off Brunei, Island of Borneo). [details]
Eastern Pacific Ocean: Alaska to southern California (shallow subtidal to 795 m). [details]
Abyssal North Equatorial Pacific Ocean: Clarion-Clipperton Fracture Zone. [details]
Western Pacific Ocean: South China Sea (off Brunei, Island of Borneo). [details]
Pacific Ocean: hydrothermal vents on the East Pacific Rise at 21°N. [details]
Western Pacific Ocean: South China Sea (off Brunei, Island of Borneo). [details]
Western Pacific Ocean: South China Sea (off Brunei, Island of Borneo). [details]
Eastern Pacific Ocean: off northern California (USA). [details]
Eastern Pacific Ocean: California to Costa Rica. Western Pacific Ocean: off Japan. [details]
Eastern Pacific Ocean: off northern California (USA). [details]
Western Pacific Ocean: South China Sea (off Brunei, Island of Borneo). [details]
"This species is named for Dr. Yann Lelièvre, Université de Montréal, benthic biologist who participated in the ... [details]
"This species is named for Mr. Hovie Clifford, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI), who carefully prepared ... [details]
"The species is named for its occurrence on the Gorda Ridge [type locality]" (Blake, 2020: 10). [details]
"The epithet is from the Latin, lunula, for moon, in relation to the survey location off Half Moon Bay, California" ... [details]
"This species is named for the late Dr. Heiko Sahling (1969–2018), marine ecologist, who collected and provided ... [details]
"This species is named for my friend and long-time colleague, Isabelle P. (Izzie) Williams. Ms. Williams was part ... [details]
"The epithet is from the Greek, bathys for deep" (Blake, 2020: 37). [details]
"The epithet is derived from the Latin abyssus, in reference to the deep-sea habitat of the species" (Blake, 2020: 40). [details]
"This species is named for the late Mr. Robert Eugene Ruff, polychaete systematist and long-time friend and ... [details]
"This species is named for the late Dr. J. Frederick Grassle, prominent deep-sea benthic ecologist of the Woods ... [details]
"The epithet, longilobata is from the Latin, longus, for long and lobus for lobe in reference to the elongate, ... [details]
"The epithet is from the Latin, ruga for folds or wrinkles, referring to the rugose or rough reticulated appearance ... [details]
"The epithet is from the Latin, tumidus for swollen, in reference to short, thickened body of this species" (Blake, ... [details]
"The species is named for its location offshore California at continental slope depths" (Blake, 2020: 31). [details]
"The epithet is from the Latin sparsus for few, and acicula for small pin or needle, referring to the reduced ... [details]
Hydrothermal vents, in lower continental slope depths (2196 m). [details]
Type of sediment not stated, in lower continental slope depths (2600-3136 m). [details]
In the vicinity of hydrothermal vents, in lower continental sope depths (3271 m). [details]
Type of sediment not stated, in middle continental slope depths (1020-1760 m). [details]
Sediments with gas hydrates, in lower continental slope depths (786 m). [details]
Type of sediment not stated, in middle continental slope depths (1760 m). [details]
Type of sediment not stated, in middle continental slope depths (1219-1955 m). [details]
In gas hydrate and seep sediments on the Cascadia Subduction Zone (off Oregon, USA). [details]
Type of sediment not stated, in continental slope depths (1199-1260 m). [details]
Type of sediment not stated, in continental slope depths (1199-2008 m). [details]
Type of sediment not stated, in continental slope depths (1199-2178 m). [details]
Type of sediment not stated, in the lower continental slope and abyssal plain (1730-4119 m). [details]
Type of sediment not stated, in middle continental slope depths (1730-1880 m) [details]
Type of sediment not stated, in middle continental slope depths (1219-1955 m) [details]
Endeavour Segment, Juan de Fuca Ridge, off Washington, USA, NE Pacific Ocean (47.9493°, -129.0983°). [details]
Continental slope off northern California, west of Farallon Islands, USA, Eastern Pacific Ocean (37.6665°, ... [details]
Escanaba Trough, Gorda Ridge, off northern California, USA, Eastern Pacific Ocean (41.0067°, -127.4883°). [details]
Continental slope off northern California, off Half Moon Bay, south of Pioneer Canyon, USA, Eastern Pacific Ocean ... [details]
Southern summit of Hydrate Ridge, Cascadia Subduction Zone, continental margin off Oregon, USA, Eastern Pacific ... [details]
Continental slope off northern California, off Half Moon Bay, south of Pioneer Canyon, USA, Eastern Pacific Ocean ... [details]
Off Brunei, Island of Borneo, South China Sea (05.8161°, 114.2887°). [details]
Clarion-Clipperton Fracture Zone, abyssal plain, North Equatorial Pacific Ocean (12.9428°, -128.5902°). [details]
Off Brunei, Island of Borneo, South China Sea (05.816°, 114.2887°). [details]
Hydrothermal vent area at 21°N, East Pacific Rise, Pacific Ocean (20.8333°, -109.1°). [details]
Off Brunei, Island of Borneo, South China Sea (05.43°, 113.3698°). [details]
Off Brunei, Island of Borneo, South China Sea (05.6053°, 113.6293°). [details]
Continental slope off northern California, west of Farallon Islands, USA, Eastern Pacific Ocean (37.6167°, -123.483°). [details]
Continental slope off northern California, off Half Moon Bay, north of Pioneer Canyon, USA, Eastern Pacific Ocean ... [details]
Off Brunei, Island of Borneo, South China Sea (05.7155°, 114.2065°). [details]