The description by McIntosh (1915) is as follows: "Head obtusely rounded anteriorly and devoid of eyes, the ventral ... [details]
Original diagnosis by McIntosh (1915: 176): "Snout with a bluntly bifid median rostrum and a bulging process of the ... [details]
Atlantic Ocean: Shetland Islands (northern North Sea). [details]
Logically the combination Euclymene amphistoma must exist as Clymene amphistoma is the type species of genus ... [details]
Not stated by the authors. The specific epithet aulogastrella is composed by the name of the species Ammotrypane ... [details]
From author (McIntosh, 1915: 268): "Named after the distinguished Professor of Evolution in the Sorbonne [Maurice ... [details]
Not stated. The name of the genus is composed by the prefix eu-, meaning 'true' or 'genuine', followed by the name ... [details]
"Named in honour of M. Charles Gravier, of Paris, who has done so much excellent work in the group" (McIntosh, ... [details]
"The specific name is in honour of Prof. Mesnil" (McIntosh, 1915: 176, footnote). [details]
"Found in a tunnel, probably of Docecaceria or other boring annelid in the spreading form of Lithothamnion between ... [details]
Armandiella Ancey, 1901 (Mollusca, Gastropoda, Camaenidae) is senior to Armandiella McIntosh, 1915, therefore ... [details]
Unreplaced secondary homonym to Spio mesnili Augener,1914 [details]
nomen nudum. McIntosh (1915:133) in text (not in a synonymy) mention in Spionidae introduction of a Montagu MS name ... [details]
nomen nudum. McIntosh (1915:133) in text (not in a synonymy) mention in Spionidae introduction of a Montagu MS name ... [details]
Not Terebellidae but Cirratulidae. Not indexed in Hartman catalogue, not seen mentioned in text, but was catalogued ... [details]
McIntosh claims 1911 for the date of publication of the genus, and this is the date in Hartman Catalogue. Although ... [details]
"The single example is a female, with numerous and apparently nearly ripe eggs which do not appear to have the ... [details]
"The specimen [collected the July 1871] is a female with small ova" (McIntosh, 1915: 179). [details]
Genera -cola endings should be masculine according to the modern Code. McIntosh's (1915: 59) long list of synonyms ... [details]
May be seen in print as 'mülleri' which becomes 'muelleri'. Also possibly 'mulleri' which is a misspelling. [details]
Dalyell's figure (plate XX figure 19) shows what looks like the spirally curved body of a spionid with a pair of ... [details]
Ammochares was for a time included in the Maldanidae following Grube (1851) but placed as type genus of ... [details]
Rafinesque had a family Brancephia for annelids with branchiae on the head or anterior body, which contained ... [details]
Identity uncertain? Invalid as a homonym but the taxon was questionably referred to be a synonym of Spio filicornis ... [details]
The name has a confused history. Lamarck (1816) unnecessarily created the new name Tubifex marinus for Lumbricus ... [details]
St. Peter Port, Guernsey, English Channel, Atlantic Ocean (gazetteer estimate 49.455°, -02.535°). [details]
Bressay Sound, Shetland Islands, Scotland, United Kingdom, northern North Sea, Atlantic Ocean (gazetteer estimate ... [details]