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Deep-Sea name details

Pheronema grayi Kent, 1870

192933  (urn:lsid:marinespecies.org:taxname:192933)

 unaccepted (junior synonym)
marine, brackish, fresh, terrestrial
recent only
Kent, W. Saville, 1870d. Notice of a new vitreous sponge, Pheronema (Holtenia) grayi. Annals and Magazine of Natural History (4) 6: 182-186. [details] OpenAccess publication
Type locality contained in South European Atlantic Shelf  
type locality contained in South European Atlantic Shelf [details]
de Voogd, N.J.; Alvarez, B.; Boury-Esnault, N.; Cárdenas, P.; Díaz, M.-C.; Dohrmann, M.; Downey, R.; Goodwin, C.; Hajdu, E.; Hooper, J.N.A.; Kelly, M.; Klautau, M.; Lim, S.C.; Manconi, R.; Morrow, C.; Pinheiro, U.; Pisera, A.B.; Ríos, P.; Rützler, K.; Schönberg, C.; Turner, T.; Vacelet, J.; van Soest, R.W.M.; Xavier, J. (2025). World Porifera Database. Pheronema grayi Kent, 1870. Accessed through: Glover, A.G.; Higgs, N.; Horton, T. (2025) World Register of Deep-Sea species (WoRDSS) at: https://marinespecies.org/deepsea/aphia.php?p=taxdetails&id=192933 on 2025-02-11
Glover, A.G.; Higgs, N.; Horton, T. (2025). World Register of Deep-Sea species (WoRDSS). Pheronema grayi Kent, 1870. Accessed at: https://marinespecies.org/DeepSea/aphia.php?p=taxdetails&id=192933 on 2025-02-11
2005-12-18 15:00:44Z
2008-11-14 12:17:38Z
2019-12-04 19:51:58Z
2025-02-05 09:44:45Z

original description Kent, W. Saville, 1870d. Notice of a new vitreous sponge, Pheronema (Holtenia) grayi. Annals and Magazine of Natural History (4) 6: 182-186. [details] OpenAccess publication

additional source Boury-Esnault, N.; Pansini, M.; Uriz, M.J. (1994). Spongiaires bathyaux de la mer d'Alboran et du golfe ibéro-marocain. <em>Mémoires du Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle.</em> 160: 1-174., available online at http://bibliotheques.mnhn.fr/EXPLOITATION/infodoc/ged/viewportalpublished.ashx?eid=IFD_FICJOINT_MNHN_MMNHN_S000_1994_T160_N000_1
page(s): 20-21: fig 2 [details] Available for editors  PDF available

additional source Schulze, F.E. (1887). Report on the Hexactinellida collected by H.M.S. ‘Challenger' during the years 1873-76. <em>Report on the Scientific Results of the Voyage of H.M.S. Challenger during the years 1873–76. Zoology.</em> 21 (part 53): 1-514, pl. 1-104., available online at http://www.19thcenturyscience.org/HMSC/HMSC-Reports/Zool-53/README.htm
page(s): 246 [details] OpenAccess publication

additional source Schulze, F.E. (1893). Revision des Systemes der Hyalonematiden. <em>Sitzungsberichte der Königlich Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin.</em> 30: 541-589.
page(s): 564-565 [details] OpenAccess publication

additional source Stephens, J. (1915). Sponges of the Coasts of Ireland. I.- The Triaxonia and part of the Tetraxonida. <em>Fisheries, Ireland Scientific Investigations.</em> 1914(4): 1-43, pls I-V.
page(s): 7-9 [details] OpenAccess publication

additional source Topsent, E. (1892). Contribution à l'étude des Spongiaires de l'Atlantique Nord (Golfe de Gascogne, Terre-Neuve, Açores). <em>Résultats des campagnes scientifiques accomplies par le Prince Albert I. Monaco.</em> 2: 1-165, pls I-XI.
page(s): 29-30 [details] OpenAccess publication

additional source Topsent, E. (1896). Éponges [Sponges], <B><I>in</I></B>: Koehler, R. (Ed.) (1896). <i>Scientific results of the <i>Caudan</i> campaign in the Gulf of Biscay, August-September 1895</i>. <em>Annales de l'Université de Lyon.</em> 26: pp. 276-295, 7 plates. (look up in IMIS)
page(s): 273 [details] OpenAccess publication

additional source Topsent, E. (1904). Spongiaires des Açores. <em>Résultats des campagnes scientifiques accomplies par le Prince Albert I. Monaco.</em> 25: 1-280, pls 1-18., available online at https://biodiversitylibrary.org/page/40603003
page(s): 29-31 [details] OpenAccess publication

additional source Topsent, E. (1928). Spongiaires de l'Atlantique et de la Méditerranée provenant des croisières du Prince Albert ler de Monaco. [Atlantic and Mediterranean sponges from the cruises of Prince Albert I of Monaco]. <em>Résultats des campagnes scientifiques accomplies par le Prince Albert I. Monaco.</em> 74:1-376, pls I-XI.
page(s): 98; pl I fig 2 [details] OpenAccess publication

additional source Vacelet, J. (1960). Eponges de la Méditerranée nord-occidentale récoltées par le ‘Président Théodore Tissier' (1958). <em>Revue des Travaux de l'Institut des Pêches maritimes.</em> 24 (2): 257-272.
page(s): 259-260 [details] OpenAccess publication

additional source Arnesen, E. (1920 [1932]). Spongia. <em>Report on the Scientific Results of the "Michael Sars" North Atlantic Deep-Sea Expedition, 1910.</em> 3 (II): 1-29.
page(s): 12 [details] OpenAccess publication

new combination reference Reiswig, H.M.; Champagne, P. (1995). The NE Atlantic glass sponges <i>Pheronema carpenteri</i> (Thomson) and <i>P. grayi</i> Kent (Porifera: Hexactinellida) are synonyms. <em>Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society.</em> 115: 373-384. [details] Available for editors  PDF available
 Present  Inaccurate  Introduced: alien  Containing type locality 

Holotype BMNH [details]
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