Intertidal (Australia); also at 115 m (Arafura Sea). [details]
Intertidal to 20 m depth. [details]
Branchiae 3, rarely 2, pairs from segment 2; dendritically branched or filiform arising from a basal stump or ... [details]
Prostomium compact, branchiae absent, lateral lobes present, well developed on peristomium, and segments 2 and 3. ... [details]
Emended diagnosis by Hutchings & Glasby (1988: 11): "Abranchiate Amphitritinae, lateral lobes absent, ventral ... [details]
Prostomium compact, branchiae, 3 pairs on segments 2,3 and 4, branched. Lateral lobes present on segments 2,3 and ... [details]
Branchiae absent. Lateral lobes sometimes present; glandular pads well developed. Thoracic notopodia begin on ... [details]
Prostomium compact. Branchiae, 3 pairs present on segments 2,3 and 4, branchiae branched. Lateral lobes present on ... [details]
Emended diagnosis by Hutchings & Glasby (1988: 20): ''Branchiae, 2 or 3 pairs on segments 2, 3 and 4, branchiae ... [details]
Three pairs of branched branchiae from segment 2. Lateral lobes absent. Notopodia from segment 4, continue for a ... [details]
Indian Ocean: Western Australia (Rat Island, Abrolhos Islands). [details]
Australia: Western Australia (north west); Northern Territory (Arafura Sea; Gove); Queensland (Townsville; Calliope ... [details]
Several material in Hutchings & Glasby (1988), from the Great Barrier Reef, Turtle island, Nymph Island, Hope ... [details]
Australia: Northern Territory (Darwin Harbour; Melville Bay; Port Essington); Western Australia (Broome, Halls ... [details]
Australia: New South Wales; Queensland; South Australia; Tasmania; Victoria; Western Australia. Widespread in southern ... [details]
Australia, widespread north of about 32°S on the west coast, and about 35°S on the east coast: Western Australia ... [details]
Specific name derived from the Greek adjective, pachys, thick and derma, skin referring to the thickened ventral ... [details]
Specific name from the greek noun, harpe, sickle, referring to the sickle-shaped posterior notosetae. [details]
Specific name derived from the Greek adjective ithys, straight, upright, referring to the angle of the subrostral ... [details]
"The generic name Arranooba (gender feminine) is an aboriginal word for a place in Western Australia." [details]
"The specific name is an aboriginal word for wind. The Abrolhos Islands, the type locality for the species, are ... [details]
Specific name is derived from latin bi, double and latin seriata, row and refers to the numerous neuropodia with ... [details]
The specific name refers to an Aboriginal name for kangaroo, the type locality for the species. [details]
The specific name exelysis is greek (f) and refers to the mouth of the estuary, where this species occurs. [details]
The specific name refers to the presence of eye spots. [details]
The specific name bidewa refers to the name of the aboriginal tribe living in the region of Cape Everard, the type ... [details]
The specific name, fascia, is latin for band, stripe or girdle which refers to the banded stalk of the branchiae [details]
The specific name lacuna refers to the habitat in which this species lives, and is the latin word for a pool or pond. [details]
The specific name tribanchiata refers to the three pairs of branchiae present. [details]
The specific name is derived from the latin batillum, a shovel, referring to the scoop-shaped anterior ventrum. [details]
The specific name triloba refers to the three pairs of lateral lobes on the anterior segments, and is made of tri ... [details]
Specific name derived from the greek macro and kerkos, tail referring to the long abdominal region. [details]
The specific name echuca refers to an aboriginal name meaning a meeting of waters. [details]
The specific name australis refers to its wide spread distribution in south-eastern Australia. [details]
The specific name sinusa refers to the development of a sinus on the inside of the lateral lobe, and is derived ... [details]
The specific name trina refers to the three pairs of branchiae, and is derived from the latin tri meaning 3. [details]
The specific name turawa refers to the name of an Aboriginal tribe living on the coast just south of Sydney, the ... [details]
The specific name aloba refers to the absence of lateral lobes, and is derived from the latin lobus meaning a ... [details]
Specific name derived from the latin macula spot, (f), referring to the dark pigment spots adorning the abdomen. [details]
Dead coral rubble in depths of 1-3 m. [details]
Intertidal seagrasses with fine sand and mud flats in front of mangroves, amongst coral rubble, and also at shelf ... [details]
Occurs in a variety of soft substrates ranging from silty to coarse gravel, in depths of 5-50 m. [details]
Occurs in sheltered protected areas and in deeper oceanic waters of Bass Strait. [details]
Occurs in deep water on the continental slope, living in dense colonies. A few of the tubes opened in the colony ... [details]
Occurs from the intertidal to the continental slope (357m) in muddy coral sand, living in compact tubes made of ... [details]
Occurs in sheltered marine waters 3-10m, under rocks, or in crevices sometimes associated with sponge and Posidonia ... [details]
Occurs on dandier parts of reef flat, usually under dead coral bounders also from 8 m at Lizard Island on fringing ... [details]
Occurs under rocks, as crevice fauna, and in sandy mud, intertidally. [details]
Intertidally in sandy mud flats, or on rock platforms in crevices, under stones, boulders, and in soft sediment in ... [details]
Occurs intertidally to dephts of 20 m often in reef environments, either rock or coral, associated with the kelp ... [details]
Note that Neoamphitrite may not be distinct from Amphitrite, in which case A. figulus would be the correct combination [details]
Type material has not been located. At this stage, it is unclear if this species even belong to the genus Terebella. [details]
Neoamphitrite differs from Amphitrite in "dichotomous rather than filiform branchiae, the number of nephridia is ... [details]
Rat Island, Abrolhos Group, Western Australia, Australia, Indian Ocean (-16.4°, 123.1167°). [details]
The type species is Lanassa nordeskioldi Malmgren, 1866 by original designation. [details]
The type species is Nereis conchilega Pallas 1766 by monotypy. [details]