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Deep-Sea source details

McIntosh, W.C. [M'Intosh]. (1885). Report on the Annelida Polychaeta collected by H.M.S. Challenger during the years 1873-1876. Report on the Scientific Results of the Voyage of H.M.S. Challenger during the years 1873–76. Zoology. 12 (part 34): i-xxxvi, 1-554, pl. 1-55, 1A-39A, & Annelida stations map.
McIntosh, W.C. [M'Intosh]
Report on the Annelida Polychaeta collected by H.M.S. Challenger during the years 1873-1876.
Report on the Scientific Results of the Voyage of H.M.S. Challenger during the years 1873–76. Zoology
12 (part 34): i-xxxvi, 1-554, pl. 1-55, 1A-39A, & Annelida stations map
World Polychaeta Database (WPolyD). Last ms batch received 20/07/1885. John Murray's editorial note is dated 1 September, 1885, indicating publication was soon after that date.
Editors, there are hundreds of Annelida linked. Do not add a duplicate record for this McIntosh work. Please keep this source citation clean (no notes about minor McIntosh comments on other phyla - those belong to citation notes for those taxa records).
[Extract from the lengthy discursive introduction]: "Towards the middle of 1877 I received intimation from Sir Wyville Thomson about the examination of this part of the collection, which he described as somewhat limited in extent. A review of the specimens, however, on their arrival proved that instead of being limited, the series was an extensive one, and reflected much credit on the scientific staff of the Expedition. This was probably due to the interest taken in the group by the late Dr. Rudolf von Willemoes-Suhm, a young naturalist of great ability, whose previous acquaintance with the Annelida had been considerably extended by a trip to the Faeroes just before the equipment [ie mobilization for voyage] of the Challenger."
Systematics, Taxonomy
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Allmaniella McIntosh, 1885 (original description)
Allmaniella setubalensis McIntosh, 1885 (original description)
Ampharete kerguelensis McIntosh, 1885 (original description)
Ampharete sombreriana McIntosh, 1885 (original description)
Amphicteis gunneri (M. Sars, 1835) (additional source)
Amphicteis gunneri atlantica McIntosh, 1885 accepted as Amphicteis atlantica McIntosh, 1885 (original description)
Amphicteis japonica McIntosh, 1885 (original description)
Amphicteis sarsi McIntosh, 1885 (original description)
Amphicteis wyvillei McIntosh, 1885 (original description)
Aphrodita aculeata Linnaeus, 1758 (additional source)
Aphrodita australis Baird, 1865 (additional source)
Aphrodita intermedia McIntosh, 1885 accepted as Heteraphrodita intermedia (McIntosh, 1885) (original description)
Aricidea fragilis Webster, 1879 represented as Aricidea (Aricidea) fragilis Webster, 1879 (additional source)
Autolytus maclearanus McIntosh, 1885 accepted as Epigamia maclearanus (McIntosh, 1885) (original description)
Brada mammillata Grube, 1877 accepted as Bradabyssa mammillata (Grube, 1877) (additional source)
Buskiella McIntosh, 1885 (original description)
Buskiella abyssorum McIntosh, 1885 (original description)
Chaetozone atlantica McIntosh, 1885 (original description)
Chaetozone benthaliana McIntosh, 1885 (original description)
Chloenea atlantica McIntosh, 1885 accepted as Chloenopsis atlantica (McIntosh, 1885) (original description)
Dalhousia McIntosh, 1885 (original description)
Dalhousia atlantica McIntosh, 1885 (original description)
Ehlersiella McIntosh, 1885 (original description)
Ehlersiella atlantica McIntosh, 1885 (original description)
Ephesia antarctica McIntosh, 1885 accepted as Ephesiella antarctica (McIntosh, 1885) (original description)
Eulagisca McIntosh, 1885 (original description)
Eulagisca corrientis McIntosh, 1885 (original description)
Eulepis challengeriae McIntosh, 1885 accepted as Proeulepethus challengeriae (McIntosh, 1885) (original description)
Eulepis wyvillei McIntosh, 1885 accepted as Pareulepis wyvillei (McIntosh, 1885) (original description)
Eumenia reticulata McIntosh, 1885 accepted as Hyboscolex reticulatus (McIntosh, 1885) (original description)
Eunice cirrobranchiata McIntosh, 1885 (original description)
Eunice kobiensis McIntosh, 1885 (original description)
Eunice magellanica McIntosh, 1885 (original description)
Eunice prognatha McIntosh, 1885 (original description)
Eunice vittata (Delle Chiaje, 1828) (additional source)
Eunoe abyssorum McIntosh, 1885 (original description)
Eunoe iphionoides McIntosh, 1885 (original description)
Eunoe yedoensis McIntosh, 1885 (original description)
Eunotomastus McIntosh, 1885 (original description)
Eunotomastus grubei McIntosh, 1885 (original description)
Eupista McIntosh, 1885 accepted as Eupistella Chamberlin, 1919 (original description)
Eupista darwini McIntosh, 1885 accepted as Eupistella darwini (McIntosh, 1885) (original description)
Eupista grubei McIntosh, 1885 accepted as Eupistella grubei (McIntosh, 1885) (original description)
Eusamytha McIntosh, 1885 accepted as Samythella Verrill, 1873 (original description)
Eusamytha pacifica McIntosh, 1885 accepted as Samythella pacifica McIntosh, 1885 (original description)
Eusyllis kerguelensis McIntosh, 1885 accepted as Pionosyllis kerguelensis (McIntosh, 1885) (original description)
Euthelepus McIntosh, 1885 (original description)
Euthelepus chilensis McIntosh, 1885 accepted as Streblosoma chilensis (McIntosh, 1885) (original description)
Euthelepus setubalensis McIntosh, 1885 (original description)
Evarne johnstoni McIntosh, 1876 accepted as Harmothoe johnstoni (McIntosh, 1876) (additional source)
Evarne tenuisetis McIntosh, 1885 accepted as Harmothoe tenuisetis (McIntosh, 1885) (original description)
Exogone heterosetosa McIntosh, 1885 (original description)
Genetyllis oculata McIntosh, 1885 (original description)
Glycera capitata Örsted, 1842 (additional source)
Glycera kerguelensis McIntosh, 1885 (original description)
Glycera lamelliformis McIntosh, 1885 (original description)
Glycera sagittariae Fauvel, 1932 accepted as Glycera tesselata Grube, 1863 (original description)
Glycera tesselata Grube, 1863 (additional source)
Grubianella McIntosh, 1885 (original description)
Grubianella antarctica McIntosh, 1885 (original description)
Harmothoe benthaliana McIntosh, 1885 (original description)
Harmothoe haliaeti McIntosh, 1876 (additional source)
Hemipodus magellanicus McIntosh, 1885 accepted as Glycerella magellanica (McIntosh, 1885) (original description)
Hermione hystrix (Savigny in Lamarck, 1818) accepted as Laetmonice hystrix (Savigny in Lamarck, 1818) (additional source)
Hermodice carunculata (Pallas, 1766) (additional source)
Hipponoe gaudichaudi Audouin & Milne Edwards, 1830 (taxonomy source)
Hyalinoecia benthaliana McIntosh, 1885 accepted as Leptoecia benthaliana (McIntosh, 1885) (original description)
Hyalinoecia tubicola (O.F. Müller, 1776) (additional source)
Hydroides norvegica Gunnerus, 1768 (additional source)
Iphionella McIntosh, 1885 (original description)
Iphionella philippinensis Pettibone, 1986 (basis of record)
Laenilla fusca McIntosh, 1885 accepted as Harmothoe fusca (McIntosh, 1885) (original description)
Laetmonice aphroditoides McIntosh, 1885 accepted as Aphrodita aphroditoides (McIntosh, 1885) (original description)
Laetmonice filicornis Kinberg, 1856 (additional source)
Laetmonice japonica McIntosh, 1885 (original description)
Laetmonice producta Grube, 1877 (additional source)
Lagisca (Agnodice) McIntosh, 1885 (original description)
Lagisca (Agnodice) moseleyi McIntosh, 1885 (original description)
Lagisca crosetensis McIntosh, 1885 accepted as Harmothoe crosetensis (McIntosh, 1885) (original description)
Lagisca kermadecensis McIntosh, 1885 accepted as Antinoe kermadecensis (McIntosh, 1885) (original description)
Lagisca peracuta McIntosh, 1885 (original description)
Lanassa benthaliana McIntosh, 1885 (original description)
Lanassa sarsi McIntosh, 1885 (original description)
Leaena abyssorum McIntosh, 1885 (original description)
Leaena antarctica McIntosh, 1885 (original description)
Leaena langerhansi McIntosh, 1885 (original description)
Leaena neozealaniae McIntosh, 1885 (original description)
Leanira areolata McIntosh, 1885 accepted as Neoleanira areolata (McIntosh, 1885) (original description)
Leanira hystricis Ehlers, 1874 (additional source)
Leanira japonica McIntosh, 1885 accepted as Sthenolepis japonica (McIntosh, 1885) (original description)
Leanira magellanica McIntosh, 1885 accepted as Neoleanira magellanica (McIntosh, 1885) (original description)
Lepidonotus squamatus (Linnaeus, 1758) (additional source)
Lumbriconereis abyssorum McIntosh, 1885 accepted as Abyssoninoe abyssorum (McIntosh, 1885) (original description)
Lumbriconereis bifurcata McIntosh, 1885 accepted as Lumbrineris bifurcata McIntosh, 1885 (original description)
Lumbriconereis neozealaniae McIntosh, 1885 accepted as Lumbrineris neozealaniae McIntosh, 1885 (original description)
Lumbriconereis punctata McIntosh, 1885 accepted as Scoletoma punctata (McIntosh, 1885) (original description)
Macduffia McIntosh, 1885 accepted as Marphysa Quatrefages, 1866 (original description)
Macduffia bonhardi McIntosh, 1885 accepted as Marphysa bonhardi (McIntosh, 1885) (original description)
Macellicephala McIntosh, 1885 (original description)
Maldane atlantica McIntosh, 1885 (original description)
Kerguelen Islands for Scoloplos kerguelensis McIntosh, 1885 
Kobe for Pista fasciata (Grube, 1869)  (doubtful)
Marion Island for Exogone heterosetosa McIntosh, 1885 
Rio de la Plata for Pista corrientis McIntosh, 1885 
Rio de la Plata for Pista mirabilis McIntosh, 1885 
Nontype NHMUK, geounit Banda Sea, identified as Syllis ramosa McIntosh, 1879
Holotype NHMUK, geounit Japan, identified as Laetmonice japonica McIntosh, 1885
Holotype BMNH 1885.12.1.108, geounit Japan, identified as Laetmonice aphroditoides McIntosh, 1885
Syntype NHMUK 1885.12.1.11, geounit Central Atlantic Ocean, identified as Chloenea atlantica McIntosh, 1885
Holotype NHMUK 1885.12.1.12, geounit Bermuda, identified as Notopygos megalops McIntosh, 1885
Holotype NHMUK 1885.12.1.132, geounit Philippine Sea, identified as Genetyllis oculata McIntosh, 1885
Syntype NHMUK 1885.12.1.142, geounit Kerguelen Islands, identified as Eusyllis kerguelensis McIntosh, 1885
Holotype NHMUK 1885.12.1.145, geounit Portuguese Atlantic Coast, identified as Syllis setubalensis McIntosh, 1885
Holotype NHMUK 1885.12.1.146, geounit Brazil, identified as Syllis brasiliensis McIntosh, 1885
Holotype NHMUK 1885.12.1.147, geounit Argentina, identified as Syllis robertianae McIntosh, 1885
Holotype NHMUK 1885.12.1.156, geounit Kerguelen Islands, identified as Autolytus maclearanus McIntosh, 1885
Holotype NHMUK 1885.12.1.156, geounit Kerguelen Islands, identified as Autolytus maclearanus McIntosh, 1885
Syntype NHMUK 1885.12.1.170, geounit Kerguelen, identified as Nereis kerguelensis McIntosh, 1885
Holotype NHMUK 1885.12.1.24, geounit West Indies, identified as Aphrodita intermedia McIntosh, 1885
Syntype BMNH 1885.12.1.258, geounit New Zealand part of the South Pacific Ocean, identified as Eumenia reticulata McIntosh, 1885
Holotype NHMUK 1885.12.1.358, geounit Portugal, identified as Euthelepus setubalensis McIntosh, 1885
Syntype NHMUK 1885.12.1.359, geounit Chile Basin, identified as Euthelepus chilensis McIntosh, 1885
Syntype NHMUK 1885.12.1.71, identified as Eulagisca corrientis McIntosh, 1885
Holotype BM ZK 1885.12.1.209, verbatimGeounit Off Kermadec Islands..., identified as Nicidon balfouriana McIntosh, 1885
Syntype NHMUK ZOO 1885.12.1.252, geounit Kerguelen Islands, identified as Scoloplos kerguelensis McIntosh, 1885
Syntype NHMUK ZOO 1885.12.1.253, geounit Kerguelen Islands, identified as Scoloplos kerguelensis McIntosh, 1885


McIntosh (1885:477) also described a copepod parasite he found attached on the Ehlersiella atlantica as Oestrella ... [details]


McIntosh (1885: 225) strangely headlines this name as "Nereis kerguelensis, Baird ?" because he links his specimen ... [details]

 Depth range

Surface. [details]

 Depth range

At the surface of the sea. [details]

 Depth range

1525 fathoms (= about 2789 m). [details]

 Depth range

Not stated. Probably at shallow water. [details]

 Depth range

127 fathoms (= about 232 m). [details]

 Depth range

3950 m. [details]

 Depth range

360-860 m. [details]

 Depth range

126 m (69 fathoms).  [details]

 Depth range

500 fathoms (= about 914 m). [details]

 Depth range

Surface of the sea. [details]

 Depth range

30 fathoms (= about 55 m). [details]

 Depth range

100.5 m. [details]

 Depth range

Between 84-102 fathoms (= about 154-187 m). [details]

 Depth range

30 fathoms (= about 55 m). [details]

 Depth range

Not stated, unknown. [details]

 Depth range

150 fathoms (= about 274 m). [details]

 Depth range

45-120 fathoms (= about 80-220 m). [details]

 Depth range

200-220 m.  [details]

 Depth range

350 fathoms (= about 640 m).  [details]

 Depth range

98 fathoms (= about 179 m). [details]

 Depth range

18-183 m (10-100 fathoms).  [details]

 Depth range

95-140 fathoms (= about 174-256 m). [details]

 Depth range

600 fathoms (= about 1097 m). [details]

 Depth range

470 fathoms (= about 860 m). [details]


Original diagnosis by McIntosh (1885: 443) "The new genus Euthelepus is intermediate between the Ampharetidae and ... [details]


Original diagnosis by McIntosh (1885: 188): "Body somewhat elongated. The four eyes almost in a transverse line. A ... [details]


"In the intestine is muddy debris containing long sponge-spicules, fragments of Radiolarians, a few Gregarine ... [details]


Southern Ocean, near Antarctica. [details]


Pacific Ocean: Hawaiian Islands. [details]


Subantarctic Indian Ocean, Kerguelen Islands. [details]


Atlantic Ocean: south of the Canary Islands, off the Western Sahara. [details]


Pacific Ocean: Levuka (Ovalau Island, Fiji). [details]


Kerguelen Islands and Subantarctic Indian Ocean.  [details]


Pacific Ocean: Chile Basin. [details]


Atlantic Ocean: off Portugal.  [details]


Antarctic Ocean. [details]


Pacific Ocean: southwestern part of Philippine Sea. [details]


Pacific Ocean: Hawaiian Islands. [details]


Subantarctic Indian Ocean: Kerguelen Islands. [details]


Southwestern Atlantic Ocean: off eastern end of the Strait of Magellan. [details]


Philippine Islands: Basilan Strait (Sulu Sea). [details]


Atlantic Ocean: off Bermuda. [details]


Atlantic Ocean: off St. Vincente (Cape Verde Islands). [details]


Pacific Ocean: Tasman Sea (New South Wales, Australia). [details]


Subantarctic Indian Ocean: Kerguelen Islands.  [details]


Southern Indian Ocean: Kerguelen Islands.  [details]


Kerguelen Islands.  [details]


Southwest Atlantic, Brazil.  [details]


South Africa (off the Cape of Good Hope).  [details]


Subantarctic Indian Ocean, Kerguelen Islands.  [details]


Indo-Pacific: Banda Sea; Bohol Sea. [details]


Southwestern Atlantic Ocean, off northern Argentina.  [details]


Atlantic Ocean: Portugal (off Setúbal). [details]


In the description for Phyllochaetopterus claparedii McIntosh, with which Polynoe ocellata was found, McIntosh ... [details]

 Editor's comment

Possibly this name was a Brtish museum label name of Baird's, and seen by McIntosh (1885) there, but Baird (1868) ... [details]

 Editor's comment

Zibrowius (1973) recognised that McIntosh's (1885) identification from the deep sea of Placostegus ornatus (Sowerby ... [details]

 Editor's comment

McIntosh (1885: 29-30) does not provide information about the depth, habitat, or date of collection of Eurythoe ... [details]

 Editor's comment

It seems likely this name is indeterminable to species, as McIntosh had only a dried posterior fragment. Moore ... [details]


The specific epithet antarctica refers to the type locality of the species, the Antarctic Sea (= Antarctic Ocean or ... [details]


Not stated. The specific epithet quadrioculata is a New Latin adjective meaning 'having four eyes', and refers ... [details]


Not stated, but evidently named after the proximity of the collection station to Setubal, Portugal [details]


Not stated. The specific epithet decipiens is the present participle of the Latin verb decipio, meaning 'cheating' ... [details]


The species is dedicated to John Fiot Lee Pearse Maclear (b. Cape Town, 27 June 1838 - d. Niagara, 17 July 1907), ... [details]


named after the collector "Mr Whiteaves" [details]


author: "Named after G. Busk, Esq, F.R.S., one of the most devoted and most exact of living zoologists." George ... [details]


Not stated, the specific epithet atlantica refers obviously to the type locality, the Atlantic Ocean. [details]


In a footnote McIntosh (p.186) explains "Named after the Earl of Dalhousie, K.T., who has both earnestly and ... [details]


"Named in honour of Prof. Ehlers of Göttingen, whose laborious and valuable reasearches amongst the Annelids are ... [details]


Not stated, the subspecific epithet levukaensis refers to the type locality of the subspecies, Levuka (Ovalau ... [details]


Not explicitly stated, but the specific epithet kerguelensis refers to the type locality of the species, Kerguelen ... [details]


Not stated. The name of the genus is composed by the prefix of Ancient Greek origin eu-, meaning 'well' or 'good', ... [details]


Not explicitly stated in the original description but the name of the species, chilensis, refers obviously to the ... [details]


Not stated in the original description, the name setubalensis refers obviously to the type locality of the species, ... [details]


The specific epithet heterosetosa derives from the Ancient Greek word 'heteros', meaning 'different', and the Latin ... [details]


The specific epithet oculata is a Latin adjective meaning 'having eyes', and refers to the big eyes of the species: ... [details]


Not stated in the original description. The generic epithet Greeffia is named after Richard Greeff (b. Elberfeld, ... [details]


Not explicitly stated, but the specific epithet oahuensis refers to the type locality of the species, off Oahu ... [details]


The specific epithet kerguelensis refers to the type locality of the species, Kerguelen Islands (Southern Indian ... [details]


Not stated. McIntosh says nothing about the species-group name, and he doesn't mention de Quatrefages. However, it ... [details]


Not stated. The species is obviously named after its type locality, the Kerguelen Islands. [details]


Not stated in the original description. The specific epithet patagonica refers to the type locality of the species, ... [details]


not stated, but clearly based on the small size of the holotype, 20 mm x 0.5 mm, hence 'minuta' [details]


Not stated. The specific epithet labiatus is a Latin adjective meaning 'having lips', and refers presumably to the ... [details]


Not stated. The specific epithet megalops is a New Latin adjective of Ancient Greek origin, meaning 'having large ... [details]


Not stated. The specific epithet sanctaevincentis refers to the type locality of the species, off St. Vincente ... [details]


Not stated. The specific epithet twofold is a Latin adjective meaning 'double' or 'two-fold', and refers presumably ... [details]


Genus named after the College of St. Salvator, St. Andrews (Scotland).  [details]


Not explicitly stated, but the specific epithet kerguelensis refers to the type locality of the species, Kerguelen ... [details]


Not stated, but evidently named for similarity to genus Samytha of Malmgren, thus Samyth as stem with -opsis ... [details]


"Named after Prof. L. Schmarda, the author of the well-known work on the Annelida so often quoted" (McIntosh, 1885: ... [details]


The specific epithet kerguelensis refers to the type locality of the species, Kerguelen Islands (Southern Indian ... [details]


The specific epithet kerguelensis refers to the type locality of the species, Kerguelen Islands.  [details]


One of five 'challengeriae' species-group names that McIntosh uses for new taxa from the Challenger Expedition. [details]


Not explicitly stated, but the specific epithet brasiliensis refers to the type locality of the species, Brazil ... [details]


Not explicitly stated, but the specific epithet capensis refers to the type locality of the species, off the Cape ... [details]


Not stated. The specific epithet gigantea refers to the big size of the type specimen (90 mm long, 7 mm wide, ... [details]

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