original descriptionOzaki, Y. (1925). Preliminary notes on a trematode with anus. <em>Journal of Parasitology.</em> 12: 51-53. note: as family [details]
original description(ofGenitocotylinae Skrjabin & Petrov, 1958)Skrjabin, K. I.; Petrov, A. M. (1958). Family Opecoelidae Ozaki, 1925. Subfamilies Opecoelinae Stunkard, 1931; Genitocotylinae Skrjabin, Petrow et Koval, 1958; Horatrematinae Srivastava, 1942; Notoporinae Srivastava, 1942. <em>Osnovy Trematodologii.</em> 15: 79–329. (In Russian). page(s): 280 [details]
original description(ofCoitocaecinae Poche, 1926)Poche, F. (1926). Das System der Platodaria. <em>Archiv für naturgeschichte. Abteilung A.</em> 91: 1-458. page(s): 163; note: COITOCOECINAE [details] Available for editors [request]
Identification resource
identification resourceCribb, T. H. (2005). Family Opecoelidae Ozaki, 1925. In: Jones, A., Bray, R. A. & Gibson, D. I. (Eds). <em>Keys to the Trematoda. Volume 2.</em> Wallingford: CAB International and the Natural History Museum, pp. 443–531. page(s): 485 [details]
identification resourceSkrjabin, K. I.; Petrov, A. M. (1958). Family Opecoelidae Ozaki, 1925. Subfamilies Opecoelinae Stunkard, 1931; Genitocotylinae Skrjabin, Petrow et Koval, 1958; Horatrematinae Srivastava, 1942; Notoporinae Srivastava, 1942. <em>Osnovy Trematodologii.</em> 15: 79–329. (In Russian). page(s): 94 [details]
identification resourceShimazu, T. (1988). Trematodes of the genera Coitocaecum, Dimerosaccus and Opecoelus (Opecoelidae: Opecoelinae) from freshwater fishes of Japan. <em>Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Systematic Zoology.</em> 37, 1-19. page(s): 3 [details]