MSBIAS source details
Gosse, P. H. (1855). A manual of marine zoology for the British Isles. Part I. John Van Voorst. London. 203 pp. 355 figs.
Gosse, P. H.
A manual of marine zoology for the British Isles. Part I
John Van Voorst. London.
203 pp. 355 figs.
Ant'Phipoda Literature database
Britain in general
British Islands
British Islands
Systematics, Taxonomy
Systematics, Taxonomy
Adamsia palliata (Fabricius, 1779) accepted as Calliactis palliata (Müller, 1776) (additional source)
Arachnactis albida Sars, 1846 (additional source)
Capnea sanguinea Forbes, 1841 (additional source)
Corynactis viridis Allman, 1846 (additional source)
Priapulidae Gosse, 1855 (original description)
Sagartia troglodytes (Price in Johnston, 1847) accepted as Cylista troglodytes (Price in Johnston, 1847) (additional source)
Siriella armata (Milne Edwards, 1837) (additional source)
Arachnactis albida Sars, 1846 (additional source)
Capnea sanguinea Forbes, 1841 (additional source)
Corynactis viridis Allman, 1846 (additional source)
Priapulidae Gosse, 1855 (original description)
Sagartia troglodytes (Price in Johnston, 1847) accepted as Cylista troglodytes (Price in Johnston, 1847) (additional source)
Siriella armata (Milne Edwards, 1837) (additional source)