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Photogallery » Crustacea (crustaceans) » Ostracoda (seed shrimp) » Ostracoda from the Caribbean Sea
Pterygocythereis sp.
Pterygocythereis sp.
Description This species is very simaar tD some 
of the specimens desaibed as Pterygocythere:s 
sp. aff. Pt. americana (Ulrich & Bassler) from 
the Eastern Gulf of MexicD (BensDn & Cole?man), but on1~ uncrested forms have been 
fDund. MoreDver even these show SDme 
differences: the anteriDr end bears Dnly 
4 large bladelike spines in the ventral part. 
above the middle they fmm a continuous thin 
ridge. ND spedmes showed any sign Df a dorsal 
ridge and in this respect they also differ from 
the species described as Cythereis (P:erygocy?threis) comuta var. americana (Ulrich & 
Bassler) by Howe et al (1935, p. 26, pI: 2, 
fig. 19, 21, 24, pt 4, fig. 24), or Pterygocythe?reis americana (Ulrich & Bassler) by Puri 
(1954, p. 261, part, PI. 13, fig. 2-5, textfigs 
9 d, e, NDt PI. 13, fig. 1, textfig. 9 f, which 
represents the real Pterygocythereis americana) 
frDm the Chootawhatchee Miocene of FlDrida 
and which occurs ,in the Gatun fDrmation of 
Panama. The species under cDnsideration here 
has 2 distinct bladelike spines at the junctiDn 
Df the ala and the rest Df the carapace. 
 Right Valve: L: 0.82; H: 0.45 
Author Pereira, Sávio Gabriel Gomes PNG file - 38.00 kB - 256 x 133 pixels added on 2024-06-114 views © 2024 Pereira, Sávio Gabriel Gomes
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