CaRMS taxon details
original description
Grube, Adolf-Eduard. (1873). Über ein paar neue Anneliden aus der Familie der Spiodeen. <em>Jahres-Bericht der Schlesichen Gesellschaft für vaterländische Cultur.</em> 50: 57-58., available online at page(s): 58; note: new genus Paraonis for Paraonis tenera Grube from Adriatic Sea [details] 
additional source
Fauchald, K. (1977). The polychaete worms, definitions and keys to the orders, families and genera. <em>Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County: Los Angeles, CA (USA), Science Series.</em> 28:1-188., available online at [details]
additional source
Bellan, G. (2001). Polychaeta, <i>in</i>: Costello, M.J. <i>et al.</i> (Ed.) (2001). European register of marine species: a check-list of the marine species in Europe and a bibliography of guides to their identification. <em>Collection Patrimoines Naturels.</em> 50: 214-231. (look up in IMIS) note: listing only [details]
additional source
Day, J. H. (1967). [Sedentaria] A monograph on the Polychaeta of Southern Africa. Part 2. Sedentaria. British Museum (Natural History), London. pp. 459–842., available online at [details]
status source
Strelzov, V.; Uschakov, P. (1975). <i>Paraonis</i> Grube, 1873 (Polychaeta, Paraonidae): proposed use of the plenary powers to designate a type-species in harmony with current use. Z.N.(S.) 1993. <em>Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature.</em> 32(3): 146-148., available online at [details]
status source
Strelzov, V.; Uschakov, P. (1972). <i>Paraonis</i> Grube, 1872 (Polychaeta, Paraonidae): proposed suppression under the plenary powers in favour of <i>Paraonis</i> Cerruti, 1909. Z.N.(S.) 1993. <em>Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature.</em> 29(4), 209-211., available online at [details]
subsequent type designation
International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature (ICZN). (1979). Opinion 1139: <i>Paraonis</i> Grube, 1873 (Polychaeta, Paraonidae): designation of a type species under the plenary powers. <em>Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature.</em> 36(2): 114-118., available online at [details] Available for editors 
Present Inaccurate Introduced: alien Containing type locality
From editor or global species database
Authority The authorship and publication date of the genus is Grube, 1873, and always has been. Grube used Paraonis for Paraonis tenera, described without figures. As P. tenera is supposedly indeterminable Strelzov & Uschakov (1972) first proposed to the ICZN instead changing the authorship to Cerruti, 1909, who had included in Paraonis P. gracilis (Tauber), P. tenera Grube, P. fulgens (Levinsen) and Cerruti's own new species P. paucibranchiata and P. neapolitana. This initial proposal was replaced by a second one in which Strelzov & Uschakov (1975) wrote "It has been pointed out to us, however, that this position is untenable for two reasons. First, there is no such nominal genus as Paraonis Cerruti, 1909 ; Cerruti was plainly adopting Grube's generic name, not proposing a new one. Secondly, if Paraonis Grube, I 873 is suppressed, it is not "Paraonis Cerruti, 1909" that replaces it as the valid name for the species that lack a dorsal antenna, but Levinsenia a name that has not been used as a valid name for over 60 years." . Opinion 1139 of the ICZN did not change the authorship of Paraonis from Grube, but did assign to it a type species not in the original description (Paraonis was monotypic) [G. Read, April 2019]. [details]
Editor's comment From a current perspective it is difficult to see why the ICZN voted in 1979 to interfere to disrupt greatly the concept of Paraonis Grube, and the concept of Levinsenia, and the history of the family. The usual taxonomic revisionary procedures and investigations would have adequately assigned the names as the original authors intended (Paraonis was probably senior to the tentacled genus Aricidea, as Strelzov & Uschakov indeed suggested). The original request to the ICZN was to change the author and date of Paraonis to a later author, namely Cerruti, although Cerruti's article was admitted to have errors of interpretation (in synonymizing Paraonis and Levinsenia). The fundamental objection to this idea is that Cerruti did not author a genus Paraonis, and there would still be the problem of selecting a type species. Eventually the type decided upon was one of the two species included by Mesnil when he named Levinsenia (a name erected subsequent to Paraonis), namely Aonides fulgens. Two previously described Aonides species, 'fulgens' and 'gracilis' were included by Mesnil in new genus Levinsenia. So a species included in new genus Levinsenia became type of old genus Paraonis, in order to agree with a mistaken concept of Paraonis, in order to continue that mistaken concept (as the applicants write: "to preserve the generic name Paraonis and the family-name Paraonidae in the [clearly mistaken] meanings that have been given to them since 1909). This was not a good idea or a necessary change. Paraonidae was not under threat from a change in understanding of the nature of Paraonis. The outcome became unexpectedly adverse for Strelzov because the ICZN made Aonides gracilis type of Levinsenia, although they had not been asked to do this, thus making a junior synonym of Levinsenia the fate of the new genus Tauberia Strelzov, 1973, which was based on A. gracilis,. In their revised application Strelzov & Uschakov (1975) had said Levinsenia was "a name that has not been used as a valid name for over 60 years", and they clearly wanted it to remain unused, but today it has 21 species. [comment by G Read, April 2019] [details]
Type species Type species Aonides fulgens Levinsen 1884 by ICZN Opinion 1139, replaces Paraonis tenera Grube, 1873, which was the type by monotypy, the natural type. This was a distorting unnecessary interference by the ICZN Commissioners of the time. [details]Unreviewed
description Nuchal organs prostomial; median antenna absent. Modified setae neuropodial. [details]
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