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Lumbriconereis latreilli Audouin & Milne Edwards, 1833

155488  (

 unaccepted (genus misspelling by subsequent authors)


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  1. Variety Lumbriconereis latreilli var. sphaerocephala Harmelin, 1964 (unaccepted > nomen nudum, infrasubspecific name published after 1960)
marine, brackish, fresh, terrestrial
recent only
(of Lumbrineris latreilli Audouin & Milne Edwards, 1833) Audouin, J.V. and Milne Edwards, H. (1833). [Part 2.] Classification des Annélides et description de celles qui habitent les côtes de la France. <em>Annales des sciences naturelles, Paris.</em> sér. 1, 28: 187-247., available online at
page(s): 242-243, plate XII figs. 13-15 [plate XII inserted in vol. 27 of the same journal]; note: as [variant genus spelling] Lombrineris Latreilli. Description is repeated (p.168) in A & M 1834 "Recherches ... littoral de la France [details] 
Distribution Distribution: Pacific Ocean, Indian Ocean, Maldive Archipelago, Persian Gulf, Red Sea, atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean Sea...  
Distribution Distribution: Pacific Ocean, Indian Ocean, Maldive Archipelago, Persian Gulf, Red Sea, atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean Sea (Fauvel,1953).. [details]

Taxonomy Current taxon junior synonym of species listed  
Taxonomy Current taxon junior synonym of species listed [details]
Read, G.; Fauchald, K. (Ed.) (2025). World Polychaeta Database. Lumbriconereis latreilli Audouin & Milne Edwards, 1833. Accessed through: World Register of Marine Species at: on 2025-03-13
2005-04-27 08:17:47Z
2008-03-25 08:16:00Z
2008-03-26 07:46:44Z
2008-03-26 11:36:43Z
2019-11-17 04:05:20Z

Creative Commons License The webpage text is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License


original description (of Lumbrineris latreilli Audouin & Milne Edwards, 1833) Audouin, J.V. and Milne Edwards, H. (1833). [Part 2.] Classification des Annélides et description de celles qui habitent les côtes de la France. <em>Annales des sciences naturelles, Paris.</em> sér. 1, 28: 187-247., available online at
page(s): 242-243, plate XII figs. 13-15 [plate XII inserted in vol. 27 of the same journal]; note: as [variant genus spelling] Lombrineris Latreilli. Description is repeated (p.168) in A & M 1834 "Recherches ... littoral de la France [details] 


source of synonymy Fauvel, P. (1911). Troisième note préliminaire sur les polychètes provenant des campagnes de l'Hirondelle et de la Princesse-Alice, ou déposées dans la Musée Océanographique de Monaco. <em>Bulletin de l'Institut Océanographique de Monaco.</em> 194: 1-41., available online at [details] 

source of synonymy Fauvel, P. 1911. Annélides Polychètes. 1-45. Charles Bulens. Brussels. [details] 

source of synonymy Fauvel, P. (1923). Polychètes errantes. Faune de France. <em>Librairie de la Faculte des Sciences. Paris.</em> 5: 1-488., available online at [details] 


additional source Holly, M. (1938). Polychaeten aus der Nordsee [Polychaetes from the North Sea]. <em>Bull. Mus. royal d'Hist. Nat. Belg./Med. Kon. Natuurhist. Mus. Belg.</em> 14(12): 1-24. (look up in IMIS) [details] Available for editors  PDF available [request]

additional source Fauvel, P. (1953). The fauna of India including Pakistan, Ceylon, Burma and Malaya : Annelida, Polychaeta. The Indian Press, Ltd, Allahabad. xii and 507 p., available online at [details] 

 Present  Present in aphia/obis/gbif/idigbio   Inaccurate  Introduced: alien  Containing type locality 

Distribution Distribution: Pacific Ocean, Indian Ocean, Maldive Archipelago, Persian Gulf, Red Sea, atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean Sea (Fauvel,1953).. [details]

Taxonomy Current taxon junior synonym of species listed [details]
