Berkeley, E.; Berkeley, C. (1960). Notes on some Polychaeta from the west coast of Mexico, Panama, and California. Canadian Journal of Zoology. 38(2): 357-362.
Notes on 13 species of Polychaeta selected from collections made on, or near, the coasts of California and Mexico during 1958 and 1959 are recorded. Of these one (Eurythoe complanata var. mexicana) is a new variety, three (Paraeurythoe americana, Halla parthenopeia, Asychis amphiglypta) are new records for the eastern Pacific, three (Perinereis obfuscata, Nereis oligohalina, Polyophthalmus pictus) involve new records of swarming forms, and two (Glycera robusta, Aphrodite falcifera) are extensions of distribution. The remainder deal with species having miscellaneous features of some other interest.