ARMS source details
Huettmann, F. (2007). ArcOD species list by Falk Huettmann. provided on 2007-11-25.
Huettmann, F.
ArcOD species list by Falk Huettmann
provided on 2007-11-25
(EndNote, Reference Manager, ProCite, RefWorks)
(BibDesk, LaTeX)
2013-01-12 18:30:12Z
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Taxa (205)
Aetideopsis minor
(Wolfenden, 1911)
(basis of record)
Aetideus pacificus
Brodsky, 1950
(additional source)
Alcyonidium vermiculare
Okada, 1925
represented as
Alcyonidium (Paralcyonidium) vermiculare
Okada, 1925
(basis of record)
Alectridium aurantiacum
Gilbert & Burke, 1912
(basis of record)
Allocyttus folletti
Myers, 1960
(basis of record)
Ammodytes hexapterus
Pallas, 1814
(basis of record)
Ampelisca birulai
Brüggen, 1909
(basis of record)
Anarhichas orientalis
Pallas, 1814
(basis of record)
Ancistrolepis magna
(Dall, 1895)
accepted as
Clinopegma magnum
(Dall, 1895)
(basis of record)
Argis crassa
(Rathbun, 1899)
(basis of record)
Argis lar
(Owen, 1839)
(basis of record)
Artediellus camchaticus
Gilbert & Burke, 1912
(basis of record)
Artediellus gomojunovi
Taranetz, 1933
(basis of record)
Artediellus pacificus
Gilbert, 1896
(basis of record)
Aspidophoroides bartoni
Gilbert, 1896
accepted as
Aspidophoroides monopterygius
(Bloch, 1786)
(basis of record)
Balanus rostratus
Hoek, 1883
(basis of record)
Barbatia glacialis
(J. E. Gray, 1824)
accepted as
Bathyarca glacialis
(J. E. Gray, 1824)
(basis of record)
Bathyagonus alascanus
(Gilbert, 1896)
(basis of record)
Bathyagonus infraspinatus
(Gilbert, 1904)
(basis of record)
Bathyagonus nigripinnis
Gilbert, 1890
(basis of record)
Bathyagonus pentacanthus
(Gilbert, 1890)
(basis of record)
Bathymaster leurolepis
McPhail, 1965
(basis of record)
Bathymaster signatus
Cope, 1873
(basis of record)
Benthalbella dentata
(Chapman, 1939)
(basis of record)
Blepsias bilobus
Cuvier, 1829
(basis of record)
Boreacola vadosa
F. R. Bernard, 1979
accepted as
Boreacola maltzani
(Verkrüzen, 1875)
(basis of record)
Bothrocara nyx
Stevenson & Anderson, 2005
(basis of record)
Brada ochotensis
Annenkova-Chlopina, 1922
(additional source)
Bryozoichthys marjorius
McPhail, 1970
(basis of record)
Byblis pearcyi
Dickinson, 1983
(basis of record)
Bythocaris leucopis
G.O. Sars, 1879
(basis of record)
Caprella dubia
Hansen, 1887
(basis of record)
Careproctus colletti
Gilbert, 1896
(basis of record)
Careproctus furcellus
Gilbert & Burke, 1912
(basis of record)
Careproctus melanurus
Gilbert, 1892
(basis of record)
Chesnonia verrucosa
(Lockington, 1880)
(basis of record)
Chirolophis decoratus
(Jordan & Snyder, 1902)
(basis of record)
Chirolophis nugator
(Jordan & Williams, 1895)
(basis of record)
Chirolophis snyderi
(Taranetz, 1938)
(basis of record)
Chlamys rubida
(Hinds, 1845)
(basis of record)
Chone cincta
Zachs, 1933
accepted as
Paradialychone cincta
(Zachs, 1933)
(basis of record)
Clinocardium californiense
(Deshayes, 1839)
accepted as
Keenocardium californiense californiense
(Deshayes, 1839)
accepted as
Keenocardium californiense
(Deshayes, 1839)
(basis of record)
Colus hypolispus
(Dall, 1891)
accepted as
Latisipho hypolispus
(Dall, 1891)
(basis of record)
Coregonus laurettae
Bean, 1881
(basis of record)
Coregonus pidschian
(Gmelin, 1789)
(basis of record)
Crangon dalli
Rathbun, 1902
(basis of record)
Cribroelphidium excavatum
(Terquem, 1875)
accepted as
Elphidium excavatum
(Terquem, 1875)
(basis of record)
Cribrostomoides subglobosus
(Cushman, 1910)
(basis of record)
Cuvier, 1798
(basis of record)
Cristatella mucedo
Cuvier, 1798
(basis of record)
Cruciloculina ericsoni
Loeblich & Tappan, 1957
accepted as
Cribromiliolinella ericsoni
(Loeblich & Tappan, 1957)
(basis of record)
Cryptocyclops bicolor
(Sars G.O., 1863)
(basis of record)
Cyclops bicuspidatus
Claus, 1857
accepted as
Diacyclops bicuspidatus
(Claus, 1857)
represented as
Diacyclops bicuspidatus bicuspidatus
(Claus, 1857)
(basis of record)
Cyclops vernalis
Fischer, 1853
represented as
Cyclops vernalis vernalis
Fischer, 1853
accepted as
Acanthocyclops vernalis vernalis
(Fischer, 1853)
(additional source)
Delectopecten greenlandicus
(G. B. Sowerby II, 1842)
accepted as
Similipecten greenlandicus
(G. B. Sowerby II, 1842)
(basis of record)
Dendrobeania flustroides
(Levinsen, 1887)
(basis of record)
Diaptomus (Hesperodiaptomus) nevadensis
Light, 1938
accepted as
Hesperodiaptomus nevadensis
Light, 1938
(basis of record)
Diaptomus sicilis
Forbes S.A., 1882
accepted as
Leptodiaptomus sicilis
(Forbes S.A., 1882)
(basis of record)
Diastylis nodosa
G. O. Sars, 1879
accepted as
Diastylis spinulosa
Heller, 1875
(basis of record)
Eleginus gracilis
(Tilesius, 1810)
(basis of record)
Enophrys lucasi
(Jordan & Gilbert, 1898)
(basis of record)
Epischura nevadensis
Lilljeborg, 1889
(basis of record)
Eucalanus bungii bungii
Giesbrecht, 1893
accepted as
Eucalanus bungii
Giesbrecht, 1893
(basis of record)
Eugerda globiceps
Meinert, 1890
accepted as
Eugerda tenuimana
(G. O. Sars, 1866)
(basis of record)
Eumicrotremus andriashevi
Perminov, 1936
(basis of record)
Eumicrotremus asperrimus
(Tanaka, 1912)
(basis of record)
Eumicrotremus barbatus
(Lindberg & Legeza, 1955)
(basis of record)
Eumicrotremus orbis
(Günther, 1861)
(basis of record)
Eumicrotremus phrynoides
Gilbert & Burke, 1912
(basis of record)
Eurymen gyrinus
Gilbert & Burke, 1912
(basis of record)
Eurytemora richingsi
Heron & Damkaer, 1976
(basis of record)
Evasterias echinosoma
Fisher, 1926
(basis of record)
Flustrella corniculata
accepted as
Flustrellidra corniculata
(Smitt, 1872)
(basis of record)
Flustrella gigantea
accepted as
Flustrellidra gigantea
(Silén, 1947)
(basis of record)
Gadus macrocephalus
Tilesius, 1810
(basis of record)
Gaetanus brevispinus
(Sars G.O., 1900)
(basis of record)
Geodia phlegraei
(Sollas, 1880)
(basis of record)
Gymnelus barsukovi
Chernova, 1999
accepted as
Gymnelus viridis
(Fabricius, 1780)
(basis of record)
Gymnelus hemifasciatus
Andriashev, 1937
(basis of record)
Gymnelus obscurus
Chernova, 2000
(basis of record)
Gymnelus platycephalus
Chernova, 1999
accepted as
Gymnelus hemifasciatus
Andriashev, 1937
(basis of record)
Gymnocanthus galeatus
Bean, 1881
(basis of record)
Gymnocanthus pistilliger
(Pallas, 1814)
(basis of record)
Hapalogaster grebnitzkii
Schalfeew, 1892
(basis of record)
Hemilamprops cristata
(Sars G.O., 1870)
accepted as
Hemilamprops cristatus
(Sars G.O., 1870)
(basis of record)
Hemilamprops uniplicata
(Sars G.O., 1872)
accepted as
Hemilamprops uniplicatus
(Sars G.O., 1872)
(basis of record)
Hemilepidotus gilberti
Jordan & Starks, 1904
(basis of record)
Hemilepidotus hemilepidotus
(Tilesius, 1811)
(basis of record)
Hemilepidotus jordani
Bean, 1881
(basis of record)
Hemilepidotus papilio
(Bean, 1880)
(basis of record)
Hemitripterus bolini
(Myers, 1934)
(basis of record)
Henricia beringiana
Djakonov, 1950
accepted as
Aleutihenricia beringiana
(Djakonov, 1950)
(basis of record)
Henricia derjugini
Djakonov, 1950
(basis of record)
Heterocope septentrionalis
Juday & Muttkowski, 1915
(basis of record)
Hexagrammos octogrammus
(Pallas, 1814)
(basis of record)
Hexagrammos stelleri
Tilesius, 1810
(basis of record)
Hippoglossoides robustus
Gill & Townsend, 1897
(basis of record)
Hippomedon propinqvus sibiricus
Gurjanova, 1962
(basis of record)
Hypomesus olidus
(Pallas, 1814)
(basis of record)
Hypsagonus quadricornis
(Valenciennes, 1829)
(basis of record)
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