WoRMS name details

Eurytemora affinis (Poppe, 1880)

104872  (urn:lsid:marinespecies.org:taxname:104872)

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marine, brackish, fresh, terrestrial
(of Temora affinis Poppe, 1880) Poppe, S.A. (1880). Über eine neue Art der Calaniden-Gattung Temora, Baird. [On a new species of the Calanidae genus Temora, Baird.]. <em>Abhandlungen des Naturwissenschaftlichen Vereins zu Bremen.</em> 7:55-60, pl. 3., available online at https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/page/33911739 [details] OpenAccess publication
Distribution Gulf of St. Lawrence (unspecified region), Saguenay Fjord, upstream and downstream part of Middle St. Lawrence Estuary,...  
Distribution Gulf of St. Lawrence (unspecified region), Saguenay Fjord, upstream and downstream part of Middle St. Lawrence Estuary, lower St. Lawrence estuary, Prince Edward Island (from the northern tip of Miscou Island, N.B. to Cape Breton Island south of Cheticamp, including the Northumberland Strait and Georges Bay to the Canso Strait causeway), upper Laurentian Channel (bathyal zone off Sept- Isles); middle North Shore (from Sept- Iles to Cape Whittle, including the Mingan Islands) [details]
Walter, T.C.; Boxshall, G. (2025). World of Copepods Database. Eurytemora affinis (Poppe, 1880). Accessed through: World Register of Marine Species at: https://www.marinespecies.org/aphia.php?p=taxdetails&id=104872 on 2025-03-03
2004-12-21 15:54:05Z
2014-06-30 16:37:48Z
2020-01-26 13:09:26Z
2025-02-28 03:17:50Z

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original description (of Temora affinis Poppe, 1880) Poppe, S.A. (1880). Über eine neue Art der Calaniden-Gattung Temora, Baird. [On a new species of the Calanidae genus Temora, Baird.]. <em>Abhandlungen des Naturwissenschaftlichen Vereins zu Bremen.</em> 7:55-60, pl. 3., available online at https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/page/33911739 [details] OpenAccess publication

basis of record Boxshall, G. (2001). Copepoda (excl. Harpacticoida), <B><I>in</I></B>: Costello, M.J. <i>et al.</i> (Ed.) (2001). <i>European register of marine species: a check-list of the marine species in Europe and a bibliography of guides to their identification. Collection Patrimoines Naturels,</i> 50: pp. 252-268 (look up in IMIS) [details] 


ecology source Brun, P., M.R. Payne & T. Kiørboe. (2017). A trait database for marine copepods. <em>Earth System Science Data.</em> 9(1):99-113., available online at https://doi.org/10.5194/essd-9-99-2017 [details] Available for editors  PDF available [request]


context source (Schelde) Maris, T.; Beauchard, O.; Van Damme, S.; Van den Bergh, E.; Wijnhoven, S.; Meire, P. (2013). Referentiematrices en Ecotoopoppervlaktes Annex bij de Evaluatiemethodiek Schelde-estuarium Studie naar “Ecotoopoppervlaktes en intactness index”. <em>Monitor Taskforce Publication Series, 2013-01. NIOZ: Yerseke.</em> 35 pp. (look up in IMIS) [details] 

additional source Brunel, P., L. Bosse & G. Lamarche. (1998). Catalogue of the marine invertebrates of the estuary and Gulf of St. Lawrence. <em>Canadian Special Publication of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 126.</em> 405 pp. (look up in IMIS) [details] Available for editors  PDF available [request]

additional source Appeltans, W. (2001). Distribution of Eurytemora affinis (Poppe, 1880) (Copepoda: Calanoida) in the Schelde estuary (Belgium - the Netherlands): the effect of oxygen? B.Sc. Thesis, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Brussels, Belgium 15 pp. (look up in IMIS) [details] 

additional source Appeltans, W., A. Hannouti, S. van Damme, K. Soetaert, R. Vanthomme & M. Tackx. (2003). Zooplankton in the Schelde estuary (Belgium/The Netherlands). The distribution of Eurytemora affinis: effect of oxygen?. <em>Journal of Plankton Research.</em> 25(11):1441-1445., available online at https://doi.org/10.1093/plankt/fbg101 [details] Available for editors  PDF available [request]

additional source Hoffmeyer, M.S., B.W. Frost & M.B. Castro. (2000). Eurytemora americana Williams, 1906, not Eurytemora affinis (Poppe, 1880), inhabits the Bahía Blanca estuary, Argentina. Scientia Marina 64(1):111-113. (iii.2000) [details] Available for editors  PDF available [request]

additional source Bradley, B.P. (1975). The anomalous influence of salinity on temperature tolerances of summer and winter populations of the copepod Eurytemora affinis. <em>Biological Bulletin, Woods Hole.</em> 148(1):26-34, tabs. 1-5. (ii-1975). [details] Available for editors  PDF available [request]

additional source Brady, G. S. (1892). A revision of the British species of freshwater Cyclopoidae and Calanidae. <em>Transactions of the Natural History Society of Northumberland.</em> 11:68-120, fig. 1, pls. 1-14. [for 1891]. [details] OpenAccess publication

additional source Breemen, P.J. van. (1907). Vrijlevende zoetwater-Copepoden van Nederland. [Free-living freshwater copepods of the Netherlands.]. <em>Tijdschrift der Nederlandsche Dierkundige Vereeniging (A.</em> (2)10(3):303-368, pls. 6-7. [details] OpenAccess publication

additional source Busch, A. & U. Brenning. (1992). Studies on the status of Eurytemora affinis (Poppe, 1880) (Copepoda, Calanoida). Crustaceana, Leiden 62(1):13-38, figs. 1-10, tabs. 1-5. (2.i.1992) [details] Available for editors  PDF available [request]

additional source Einsle, U. (1993). Crustacea: Copepoda: Calanoida und Cyclopoida. <em>In: Schwoerbel, J. & P. Zwick (eds.). Süsswasserfauna von Mitteleuropa, Gustav Fischer Verlag.</em> 8(4-1):1-209. (German). [details] Available for editors  PDF available [request]

additional source Croskery, P. (1978). The freshwater co-occurrence of Eurytemora affinis (Copepoda: Calanoida) and Manayunkia speciosa (Annelida: Polychaeta): possible relicts of a marine incursion. <em>Hydrobiologia, The Hague.</em> 59(3):237-241. (22-vi-1978). [details] Available for editors  PDF available [request]

additional source Dussart, B.H. (1967). Les Copépodes des eaux continentales d'Europe occidentale. Tome I: Calanoïdes et Harpacticoïdes. [Copepods of the continental waters of Western Europe. Volume I: Calanoids and Harpacticoids.]. <em>N. Boubée et Cie, Paris.</em> 500 pp. [details] Available for editors  PDF available [request]

additional source Engel, R.A. (1962). Eurytemora affinis, a calanoid copepod new to Lake Erie. Ohio Journal of Science 62(5):252. (ix-1962) [details] Available for editors  PDF available [request]

additional source Faber, D.J., G. Jermolajev & E.G. Kossiakina. (1966). A new copepod genus in the plankton of the Great Lakes. Limnology and Oceanography 11:301-303. (iv-1966) [details] Available for editors  PDF available [request]

additional source Franke, U. (1989). Katalog zur Sammlung limnischer Copepoden von Prof. Dr. Friedrich Kiefer (Mit einem Gesamtverzeichnis seiner Publikationen). Catolog of the freshwater copepods of Dr. Friedrich Kiefer. <em>Carolinea Beiheft, Karlsrühe.</em> 5:1-433, figs. 1-2.
note: Catalog vial number(s): 1841, 1842, 555 [details] Available for editors  PDF available [request]

additional source Hough, A.R. & E. Naylor. (1992). Endogenous rhythms of circatidal swimming activity in the estuarine copepod Eurytemora affinis (Poppe). <em>Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology.</em> 161(1):27-32., available online at https://doi.org/10.1016/0022-0981(92)90187-F [details] Available for editors  PDF available [request]

additional source Herrick, C.L. (1895). Part I. Copepoda of Minnesota. <em>In: Herrick, C.L. & C.H. Turner (eds.). Second report of the State Zoologist including a synopsis of the Entomostraca of Minnesota. Geological Natural History Survery of Minnesota (Zoological Series.).</em> 2:41-138, 81 plates. [details] OpenAccess publication

additional source Guerne, J. de & J. Richard. (1889). Révision des Calanides d'eau douce. [Revision of freshwater Calanidae.]. <em>Mémoires de la Société Zoologique de France.</em> 2:1-129 , figs. 1-60, pls. 1-4. [details] OpenAccess publication

additional source Heckman, C.W. (1986). The anadromous migration of a calanoid copepod, Eurytemora affinis (Poppe, 1880) in the Elbe estuary. Crustaceana, Leiden 50(2):176-181. (iii.1986) [details] Available for editors  PDF available [request]

additional source Heinle, D.R. & D.A. Flemer. (1975). Carbon requirements of a population of the estuarine copepod Eurytemora affinis. <em>Marine Biology, Berlin.</em> 31(3):235-247, figs. 1-6, tabs. 1-7. (31-vii-1975). [details] Available for editors  PDF available [request]

additional source Hirche, H.J. (1974). Die Copepoden Eurytemora affinis Poppe und Acartia tonsa Dana und ihre Besiedlung durch Myoschiston centropagidarum Precht (Peritricha) in der Schlei. [The copepods Eurytemora affinis Poppe and Acartia tonsa Dana and their colonization by Myoschiston centropagidarum Precht (Peritricha) in the Schlei.]. <em>Kieler Meeresforschungen.</em> 30(2):43-64, figs. 1-16 on pls. 1-6, tabs. 1-11. [details] Available for editors  PDF available [request]

additional source Katona, S.K. (1970). Growth characteristics of the copepods Eurytemora affinis and E. herdmani in laboratory cultures. Helgoländer Wissenschaftliche Meeresuntersuchungen 20(1-4):373-384, figs. 1-4. (v-1970) [details] Available for editors  PDF available [request]

additional source Katona, S.K. (1971). The developmental stages of Eurytemora affinis (Poppe, 1880) (Copepoda, Calanoida) raised in laboratory cultures, including a comparison with the larvae of Eurytemora americana Williams, 1906, and Eurytemora herdmani Thompson & Scott, 1897. Crustaceana, Leiden 21(1):5-20, figs. 1-93. (1-ix-1971) [details] Available for editors  PDF available [request]

additional source Katona, S.K. (1975). Copulation in the copepod Eurytemora affinis (Poppe, 1880). Crustaceana, Leiden 28(1):89-95, fig. 1, pl. 1, tabs. 1-2. (12-iii-1975) [details] Available for editors  PDF available [request]

additional source Kiefer, F. (1978). Freilebende Copepoda. <em>In: Kiefer, F. & G. Fryer (eds.) Das Zooplankton der Binnengewässer, 2. Teil.; In: Elster, H.J. & W. Ohle (eds) Die Binnengewässer Einzeldarstellungen aus del Limnologie und ihren Nachbargebietien.</em> 26(2):1-343, figs. 1-22, pls. 1-96, tabs. 1-12, Beilage. [details] Available for editors  PDF available [request]

additional source Mordukhai-Boltovskoy, F.D., ed. (1969). Rakoobraznye. (Crustacea). Opredetel' fauny Chernogo i Azovskogo more, 2. Svobodnozhivushchie bespozvonochnye. [Crustacea. Identification key to the fauna of the Black and Azov Seas, 2. Freeliving invertebrates.]. <em>Institut Biologii Yuzh'nykh Morei, Akademiya Nauk USSR, Naukova Dumka, Kiev.</em> 536 pp. (In Russian.). [details] Available for editors  PDF available [request]

additional source Lee, C.E. & B.W. Frost. (2002). Morphological stasis in the Eurytemora affinis species complex (Copepoda: Temoridae). In: Lee, C.E., S. Strom & J. Yen, (eds.). Progress in Zooplankton Biology: Ecology, and Behavior, Hydrobiologia, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Netherlands, 207pp. 480:111-128. [details] Available for editors  PDF available [request]

additional source Marsh, C.D. (1933). Synopsis of the calanoid crustaceans, exclusive of the Diaptomidae, found in fresh and brackish waters, chiefly of North America. Proceedings of the United States National Museum 82(18)(2959):1-58, pls. 1-24. (30-vi-1933) [details] Available for editors  PDF available [request]

additional source Muxagata, E.M. & J.A. Williams. (2004). The Mesozooplankton of the Solent-Southampton Water system: a photographic guide. Southampton Oceanography Centre, Southampton, U.K. 103 pp. [details] Available for editors  PDF available [request]

additional source Pauw, N. De. (1973). On the distribution of Eurytemora affinis (Poppe) (Copepoda) in the western Scheldt Estuary. Verhandlungen der Internationale Vereinigung für Theoretische und Angewandte Limnologie 18(3):1462-1472, figs. 1-4, tabs. 1-2. [details] Available for editors  PDF available [request]

additional source Pesta, O. (1928). Krebstiere oder Crustacea. I: Ruderfüsser oder Copepoda (1. Calanoida, 2. Cyclopoida) (3. Ordnung) [Crustaceans or Crustacea. I: Copepods (1. Calanoida, 2. Cyclopoida) (3rd order).]. <em>In: Dahl, F. (ed.). Die Tierwelt Deutschlands und der Angrenzenden Meeresteile nach Ihren Merkmalen und nach Ihrer Lebensweise. Fischer, Jena.</em> 9:1-136, figs. 1-115. [details] Available for editors  PDF available [request]

additional source Petit, G. & D. Schachter. (1947). Contributions a l'étude biologique de la Camargue. Sur la présence du genre Eurytemora en Camargue. [Contributions to the biological study of the Camargue. On the presence of the genus Eurytemora in the Camargue.]. <em>Bulletin du Museum d'Histoire Naturelle, Marseille.</em> 7(2-3): 103-114. (4-Vii-1947). [details] Available for editors  PDF available [request]

additional source Revis, N., J. Castel & M.L.M. Tackx. (1991). Some reflections on the structure of the mandible plate of Eurytemora affinis (Copepoda, Calanoida). Hydrobiological Bulletin, Amsterdam 25(1):45-50. [details] Available for editors  PDF available [request]

additional source Saunders, J.F., III. (1993). Distribution of Eurytemora affinis (Copepoda: Calanoida) in the southern Great Plains, with notes on zoogeography. <em>Journal of Crustacean Biology.</em> 13(3):564-570. [details] Available for editors  PDF available [request]

additional source Vaas, P. & G.G. Pesch. (1984). A karyological study of the calanoid copepod Eurytemora affinis. Journal of Crustacean Biology 4(2):248-251, fig. 1, tab. 1. (3-iv-1984) [details] Available for editors  PDF available [request]

additional source Vaupel Klein, J.C. Von & R.E. Weber. (1975). Distribution of Eurytemora affinis (Copepoda: Calanoida) in relation to salinity: field and laboratory observations. Netherlands Journal of Sea Research 9(3-4):297-310, figs. 1-6. (xii-1975) [details] Available for editors  PDF available [request]

additional source Vekhov, N.V. (1986). Rasprostranennie i biologiya veslonogogo rachka Eurytemora affinis v solonovateykh vodakh na severe Evropy. The distribution and biology of the crustacean Eurytemora affinis in brackish waters in the north of Europe. <em>Biologiya Morya, Vladivostok / Russian Journal of Marine Biology.</em> 1986(6):68-70. (Russian with English summary.). [details] Available for editors  PDF available [request]

additional source Verreth, J. (1974). De invloed van enkele ecologische parameters op de ontwikkeling en de reproduktie van de calanoide copepod Eurytemora affinis Poppe, in laboratoriumkulturen. [Influence of some ecological parameters on the development and reproduction of the calanoid copepod Eurytemora affinis Poppe, under laboratory conditions.]. <em>B.Sc. Thesis, Universiteit Gent, Ghent, Belgium.</em> 107 pp. [details] 

additional source Wright, D.A., J.D. Savitz, R. Dawson, J. Magee & R.A. Smucker. (1996). Effect of diflubenzuron on the maturation and reproductive success of the copepod Eurytemora affinis. Ecotoxicology 5(1):47-58. [details] Available for editors  PDF available [request]

additional source Pomerleau, C. (2008). Mercury and carbon in marine pelagic zooplankton: linkage with oceanographic processes in the Canadian High Arctic. <em>M.Sc. Thesis, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada.</em> 112 pp., available online at http://Mercury and carbon in marine pelagic zooplankton: linkage with oceanographic processes in the Canadian High Arctic (umanitoba.ca) [details] Available for editors  PDF available [request]

additional source Chang, C.Y. (2009). Illustrated encyclopedia of fauna & flora of Korea. Vol. 42. Inland-water Copepoda. <em>Jeonghaeng-sa, Ministry of Education, Seoul, South Korea.</em> 42:1-687. [details] Available for editors  PDF available [request]

additional source Liu, J.Y. [Ruiyu] (ed.). (2008). Checklist of marine biota of China seas. <em>China Science Press.</em> 1267 pp. (look up in IMIS) [details] Available for editors  PDF available [request]

additional source Labbé, A. (1927). Contributions à l'étude de allélogénèse. III-memoire. l'Histoire naturelle des copépodes des Marais Salants du Croisic. Essai de phylogénie expérimentale. [Contributions to the study of allelogenesis. III-memoir. The natural history of copepods of the salt marshes of Croisic. Essay on experimental phylogeny.]. <em>Archives de Zoologie Expérimentale et Générale.</em> 66(4):135-290. (iii-1927). [details] Available for editors  PDF available [request]

additional source Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS). , available online at http://www.itis.gov [details] 

additional source Wilson, C.B. (1932). The copepods of the Woods Hole region, Massachusetts. <em>Bulletin of the United States National Museum.</em> 158:1-635, figs. 1-316, pls. 1-41. [details] Available for editors  PDF available [request]

additional source Gutiérrez-Aguirre, M.A., E. Suárez-Morales, A. Cervantes-Martínez & E.J. Walsh. (2019). Freshwater copepods (Calanoida, Cyclopoida and Harpacticoida) from the Chihuahuan Desert. <em>CONACYT, Registro Nacional de Instituciones y Empresas Científicas y Tecnológicas, Mexico.</em> :1-86. [details] Available for editors  PDF available [request]

additional source Paulmier, G. (2016). Les Copépodes (Crustacea, Calanoida) des eaux côtières et estuariennes de la Bretagne et de la Normandie. Section des Heterarthrandria. Copepoda (Crustacea, Calanoida) from coastal and estuaries waters of the Brittany and Normandy, Section Heterarthrandria. <em>Bulletin de la Societe Linneenne de Bordeaux.</em> 151, n.ser. 44(2/3):317-335. [details] Available for editors  PDF available [request]

additional source St-Onge Drouin, S. (2010). Dispersion lagrangienne dans l'estuaire moyen du Saint-Laurent. [Lagrangian dispersal in the middle St. Lawrence estuary.]. <em>M.Sc. Thesis, Université du Québec à Rimouski,Rimouski, Québec, Canada.</em> 112 pp. [In French; English abstract]. [details] Available for editors  PDF available [request]

additional source Mouth, C., M. Tackx, F. Azémar, E. Bou, P. Meire, T. Maris, L. Legal & A. Bernard. (2024). Environmental factors as drivers of the spatial distribution of the copepods Eurytemora affinis affinis and Eurytemora velox in the Scheldt tributaries. <em>Estuarine Coastal And Shelf Science.</em> 303:1-14. Aug 2024., available online at https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecss.2024.108802 [details] Available for editors  PDF available [request]

additional source Peignot, Q., G. Winkler, E. Roy, N. Giusti & J. Forget-Leray. (2024). First evidence of lithium toxicity in the cryptic species complex of the estuarine copepod Eurytemora affinis. <em>Ecotoxicology And Environmental Safety.</em> 283:1-8. 116813 Sep 2024., available online at https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecoenv.2024.116813 [details] Available for editors  PDF available [request]

additional source Strasser, C.A., M.A. Lewis & C. DiBacco. (2011). A mechanistic model for understanding invasions: using the environment as a predictor of population success. <em>Diversity & Distributions.</em> 17(6):1210-1224., available online at https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1472-4642.2011.00791.x [details] Available for editors  PDF available [request]

 Present  Present in aphia/obis/gbif/idigbio   Inaccurate  Introduced: alien  Containing type locality 

Distribution Gulf of St. Lawrence (unspecified region), Saguenay Fjord, upstream and downstream part of Middle St. Lawrence Estuary, lower St. Lawrence estuary, Prince Edward Island (from the northern tip of Miscou Island, N.B. to Cape Breton Island south of Cheticamp, including the Northumberland Strait and Georges Bay to the Canso Strait causeway), upper Laurentian Channel (bathyal zone off Sept- Isles); middle North Shore (from Sept- Iles to Cape Whittle, including the Mingan Islands) [details]

Habitat upper epipelagic of the Gulf and estuary [details]
