BeRMS Taxon list
Search for '' returned 63 matching records.
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- Aurila convexa (Baird, 1850)
- Bonnyannella robertsoni (Brady, 1868)
- Boreostoma variabile (Baird, 1835) †
- Bythocythere bradyi Sars, 1926
- Callistocythere littoralis (Müller, 1894) accepted as Sagmatocythere littoralis (Müller, 1894)
- Costa runcinata (Baird, 1850)
- Cushmanidea elongata (Brady, 1868) Puri, 1958
- Cyprideis torosa (Jones, 1850)
- Cythere lutea Müller, 1785
- Cytherois fischeri (Sars, 1866)
- Cytheromorpha fuscata (Brady, 1869)
- Cytheropteron depressum Brady & Norman, 1889 accepted as Microxestoleberis depressa (Brady & Norman, 1889) Whatley & Maybury, 1988
- Cytheropteron latissimum (Norman, 1865)
- Cytheropteron nodosum Brady, 1868 † accepted as Oculocytheropteron nodosum (Brady, 1868)
- Elofsonia pusilla (Brady & Robertson, 1870)
- Eucythere declivis (Norman, 1865)
- Eucythere prava Brady & Robertson, 1869
- Finmarchinella (Barentsovia) angulata (Sars, 1866)
- Finmarchinella finmarchica (Sars, 1866)
- Hemicythere villosa (Sars, 1866)
- Hemicytherura cellulosa (Norman, 1865)
- Hemicytherura clathrata (Sars, 1866)
- Heterocythereis albomaculata (Baird, 1838)
- Hirschmannia viridis (Müller, 1785)
- Leptocythere baltica Klie, 1929
- Leptocythere castanea (Sars, 1866)
- Leptocythere lacertosa (Hirschmann, 1912)
- Leptocythere macallana (Brady & Robertson, 1869)
- Leptocythere pellucida (Baird, 1850)
- Leptocythere porcellanea (Brady, 1869) Horne & Whittaker, 1985
- Leptocythere psammophila Guillaume, 1976
- Leptocythere tenera (Brady, 1868) Sars, 1925
- Loxoconcha elliptica Brady, 1868
- Loxoconcha rhomboidea (Fischer, 1855)
- Microcytherura boulangei Rome, 1956
- Microcytherura fulva (Brady & Robertson, 1874)
- Neocytherideis subulata (Brady, 1868)
- Neonesidea acanthigera (Brady, 1868)
- Nereina finmarchica (Sars, 1866) accepted as Finmarchinella finmarchica (Sars, 1866)
- Oculocytheropteron nodosum (Brady, 1868)
- Palmoconcha laevata (Norman, 1865)
- Paracytherois ensiforme (Brady, 1868)
- Paracytherois flexuosa (Brady, 1867)
- Paradoxostoma abbreviata Sars, 1866
- Paradoxostoma angliorum Horne & Whittaker, 1985
- Paradoxostoma variabile (Baird, 1835) accepted as Boreostoma variabile (Baird, 1835) †
- Pontocythere elongata (Brady, 1868) Oertli, 1956 accepted as Cushmanidea elongata (Brady, 1868) Puri, 1958
- Propontocypris trigonella (Sars, 1866)
- Sagmatocythere littoralis (Müller, 1894)
- Sagmatocythere multifora (Norman, 1865)
- Sahnicythere retroflexa (Klie, 1936) Athersuch, 1982
- Sclerochilus abbreviatus Brady & Robertson, 1869
- Sclerochilus contortus (Norman, 1862)
- Semicytherura acuticostata (Sars, 1866)
- Semicytherura angulata (Brady, 1868)
- Semicytherura cornuta Brady, 1868
- Semicytherura nigrescens (Baird, 1838)
- Semicytherura sella (Sars, 1866)
- Semicytherura striata (Sars, 1866)
- Semicytherura undata (Sars, 1866)
- Urocythereis britannica Athersuch, 1977
- Xestoleberis aurantia (Baird, 1838)
- Xestoleberis depressa Sars, 1866