Cytherocopina, Thaerocytheridae - Poseidonamicus collected from the deep Southern Ocean during the ANDEEP II expedition
Author Brandão, Simone
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added on 2016-11-212 766 viewsCaRMS taxa Ostracodachecked Brandão, Simone Nunes 2024-12-10 Podocopidachecked Brandão, Simone Nunes 2024-12-10 Cytheroidea Baird, 1850checked Brandão, Simone Nunes 2024-12-10 Podocopachecked Brandão, Simone Nunes 2024-12-10 Cytherocopinachecked Brandão, Simone Nunes 2024-12-10 Thaerocytheridae Hazel, 1967checked Brandão, Simone Nunes 2024-12-10
© 2016 Brandão, Simone-N.