Foraminifera taxon details
From editor or global species database
Description Test rectilinear, lenticular to elongate, ovoid to subglobular, or lanceolate; formed by a bulbous to globular, well-distinct proloculus open either on an undivided to pseudoseptate, non-enrolled, slightly increasing tubular chamber or on a series of more brevithalamous ever-increasing chambers set, at least in the juvenile part, in a rectilinear, planispiral, polymorphine-like, or biserial to trochospiral arrangement (plurilocular test). Wall calcareous, microgranular with crystals either randomly distributed or arranged in inverted paraboloids and/or hyaline with crystals’ c-axes perpendicular to the test surface; perforate or imperforate, with an inner organic lining. Aperture terminal, in the test elongation axis, foraminal distance maximized (Rigaud et al. 2015).
Vachard and Le Coze (2024). [details]
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