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Deep-Sea source details

Sandeman, I.M. & J.H.C. Pippy. (1967). Parasites of freshwater fishes (Salmonidae and Coregonidae) of insular Newfoundland. Journal of the Fisheries Research Board of Canada. 24(9):1911-1943, figs. 1-23, tabs. 1-4. (ix-1967).
Sandeman, I.M. & J.H.C. Pippy
Parasites of freshwater fishes (Salmonidae and Coregonidae) of insular Newfoundland.
Journal of the Fisheries Research Board of Canada
24(9):1911-1943, figs. 1-23, tabs. 1-4. (ix-1967)
Available for editors  PDF available
A survey was made of the parasites of freshwater game fishes in Insular Newfoundland. A total of 304 fish from five species (Saluelinus Jontinalis, Salmo salar (grilse, landlocked, parr, smolt), Salmo gairdneri, Salmo irutto, and Coregonus clupeaformis) was examined f rom 43 sampling stations covering the main watersheds of the island. Twenty-six parasitic species are recorded. Two new species, Phyllode istomum limnosa and Salmincola ersanguinata, are described. Descriptions are given and the systematic positions of the following discussed: Trichophrya piscium, Crepidostomum farionis, Apohallus brevis (metacercariae), Dibothriocephal,us sp., Echinorhynchus I'aterolis, Metobronema salvelini, Philonema agubernaculum, Salmincola salmonea, and Argulus canadensis.A host-parasite list with percentage infections is given for all species of fish and a table showing the distribution between river and lake fish over the island as a whole is given for the commoner parasites oI S. fontinalis. Distribution and host specificity are discussed.
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2024-01-05 14:33:17Z

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