Azores Exclusive Economic Zone for
Troschelia berniciensis (W. King, 1846)
Azores part of the North Atlantic Ocean for
Columbella nitidulina Locard, 1897
Azores part of the North Atlantic Ocean for
Mitrella nitidulina (Locard, 1897)
Azores part of the North Atlantic Ocean for
Mitrella nitidulina (Locard, 1897)
East Greenland Shelf for
Colus gracilis (da Costa, 1778)
French part of Bay of Biscay and the Iberian Coast for
Colus gracilis (da Costa, 1778)
French part of Bay of Biscay and the Iberian Coast for
Troschelia berniciensis (W. King, 1846)
French part of Celtic Seas for
Colus gracilis (da Costa, 1778)
French part of Celtic Seas for
Liomesus ovum (W. Turton, 1825)
French part of Celtic Seas for
Troschelia berniciensis (W. King, 1846)
French part of the Bay of Biscay for
Mitrella nitidulina (Locard, 1897)
Icelandic Exclusive Economic Zone for
Colus gracilis (da Costa, 1778)
Icelandic Exclusive Economic Zone for
Liomesus ovum (W. Turton, 1825)
Icelandic part of the North Atlantic Ocean for
Colus jeffreysianus (P. Fischer, 1868)
Madeiran part of the North Atlantic Ocean for
Mitrella nitidulina (Locard, 1897)
Moroccan part of the North Atlantic Ocean for
Colus jeffreysianus (P. Fischer, 1868)
Norwegian Exclusive Economic Zone for
Colus islandicus (Mohr, 1786)
Norwegian Exclusive Economic Zone for
Liomesus ovum (W. Turton, 1825)
Norwegian Exclusive Economic Zone for
Troschelia berniciensis (W. King, 1846)
Portuguese Exclusive Economic Zone for
Colus jeffreysianus (P. Fischer, 1868)
Portuguese Exclusive Economic Zone for
Troschelia berniciensis (W. King, 1846)
Rhode Island Continental Shelf for
Colus pubescens (A. E. Verrill, 1882)
Russian part of the White Sea for
Colus gracilis (da Costa, 1778)
Swedish part of the Skagerrak for
Colus islandicus (Mohr, 1786)
Swedish part of the Skagerrak for
Colus jeffreysianus (P. Fischer, 1868)
Swedish part of the Skagerrak for
Neptunea antiqua (Linnaeus, 1758)
United Kingdom Exclusive Economic Zone for
Colus jeffreysianus (P. Fischer, 1868)
United Kingdom part of the Celtic Sea for
Liomesus ovum (W. Turton, 1825)
United Kingdom part of the Irish Sea and St. George's Channel for
Liomesus ovum (W. Turton, 1825)
United Kingdom part of the North Sea for
Troschelia berniciensis (W. King, 1846)