Deep-Sea image

Description Paragorgia regalis, 1369 m Gulf of Mexico.

Photograph courtesy of Lophelia II Reefs, Rigs, and Wrecks, BOEM-NOAA-OER. Identification by P. Etnoyer, M. Rittinghouse and J. Sanchez. For more information see: Brooks JM, Fisher C, Roberts H, Cordes E, Baums I, Bernard B, Church R, Etnoyer P, German C, Goehring E,  McDonald I, Roberts H, Shank T, Warren D, Welsh S, Wolff G, Weaver D (2015). Exploration and research of northern Gulf of Mexico deepwater natural and artificial hard-bottom habitats with emphasis on coral communities: Reefs, rigs, and wrecks—“Lophelia II” Appendices. U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Gulf of Mexico OCS Region, New Orleans, LA. OCS Study BOEM 2016-022. 711 p.
Author BOEM-NOAA-OER JPG file - 49.46 kB - 343 x 414 pixels added on 2017-06-13604 viewsDeep-Sea taxaDigital photo, entire species Paragorgia regalis Nutting, 1912
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