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' returned 111 matching records, showing records 1-100.
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Alepocephalus agassizi
Goode & Bean, 1883
accepted as
Alepocephalus agassizii
Goode & Bean, 1883
Alepocephalus agassizii
Goode & Bean, 1883
Alepocephalus andersoni
Fowler, 1934
Alepocephalus antipodianus
(Parrott, 1948)
Alepocephalus australis
Barnard, 1923
Alepocephalus bairdi
Goode & Bean, 1879
accepted as
Alepocephalus bairdii
Goode & Bean, 1879
Alepocephalus bairdii
Goode & Bean, 1879
Alepocephalus barnardi
Norman, 1930
accepted as
Alepocephalus australis
Barnard, 1923
Alepocephalus bicolor
Alcock, 1891
Alepocephalus edentulus
Alcock, 1892
accepted as
Einara edentula
(Alcock, 1892)
Alepocephalus giardi
Köhler, 1896
accepted as
Alepocephalus bairdii
Goode & Bean, 1879
Alepocephalus longiceps
Lloyd, 1909
Alepocephalus longirostris
Okamura & Kawanishi, 1984
Alepocephalus macropterus
Vaillant, 1888
accepted as
Conocara macropterum
(Vaillant, 1888)
Alepocephalus niger
Günther, 1878
accepted as
Conocara nigrum
(Günther, 1878)
Alepocephalus owstoni
Tanaka, 1908
Alepocephalus planifrons
Sazonov, 1993
Alepocephalus productus
Gill, 1883
Alepocephalus rostratus
Risso, 1820
Alepocephalus tenebrosus
Gilbert, 1892
Alepocephalus triangularis
Okamura & Kawanishi, 1984
Alepocephalus umbriceps
Jordan & Thompson, 1914
Asquamiceps caeruleus
Markle, 1980
Asquamiceps hjorti
(Koefoed, 1927)
Asquamiceps velaris
Zugmayer, 1911
Aulastomatomorpha phospherops
Alcock, 1890
Bajacalifornia arcylepis
Markle & Krefft, 1985
Bajacalifornia burragei
Townsend & Nichols, 1925
Bajacalifornia calcarata
(Weber, 1913)
Bajacalifornia drakei
(Beebe, 1929)
accepted as
Bajacalifornia megalops
(Lütken, 1898)
Bajacalifornia megalops
(Lütken, 1898)
Bathylaco macrophthalmus
Nielsen & Larsen, 1968
Bathylaco nigricans
Goode & Bean, 1896
Bathyprion danae
Marshall, 1966
Bathytroctes aequatoris
Goode & Bean, 1896
accepted as
Rouleina attrita
(Vaillant, 1888)
Bathytroctes antillarum
Goode & Bean, 1896
accepted as
Talismania antillarum
(Goode & Bean, 1896)
Bathytroctes drakei
Beebe, 1929
accepted as
Bajacalifornia megalops
(Lütken, 1898)
Bathytroctes homopterus
Vaillant, 1888
accepted as
Talismania homoptera
(Vaillant, 1888)
Bathytroctes innesi
Fowler, 1934
accepted as
Holtbyrnia innesi
(Fowler, 1934)
Bathytroctes macrolepis
Günther, 1887
Bathytroctes michaelsarsi
Koefoed, 1927
Bathytroctes microlepis
Günther, 1878
Bathytroctes oligolepis
(Krefft, 1970)
Bathytroctes pappenheimi
(Fowler, 1934)
Bathytroctes rostratus
Günther, 1878
accepted as
Mentodus rostratus
(Günther, 1878)
Bathytroctes squamosus
Alcock, 1890
Bathytroctes stomias
Gilbert, 1890
accepted as
Narcetes stomias
(Gilbert, 1890)
Bellocia koefoedi
(Parr, 1951)
accepted as
Bathytroctes macrolepis
Günther, 1887
Bellocia macrolepis
(Günther, 1887)
accepted as
Bathytroctes macrolepis
Günther, 1887
Bellocia michaelsarsi
(Koefoed, 1927)
accepted as
Bathytroctes michaelsarsi
Koefoed, 1927
Binghamichthys aphos
Bussing, 1965
accepted as
Talismania aphos
(Bussing, 1965)
Conocara fiolenti
Sazonov & Ivanov, 1979
Conocara kreffti
Sazonov, 1997
Conocara macroptera
(Vaillant, 1888)
accepted as
Conocara macropterum
(Vaillant, 1888)
Conocara macropterum
(Vaillant, 1888)
Conocara mcdonaldi
Goode & Bean, 1896
accepted as
Conocara macropterum
(Vaillant, 1888)
Conocara microlepis
(Lloyd, 1909)
Conocara murrayi
(Koefoed, 1927)
Conocara nigrum
(Günther, 1878)
Conocara salmonea
(Gill & Townsend, 1897)
accepted as
Conocara salmoneum
(Gill & Townsend, 1897)
Conocara salmoneum
(Gill & Townsend, 1897)
Conocara werneri
Nybelin, 1947
Einara edentula
(Alcock, 1892)
Einara macrolepis
(Koefoed, 1927)
Ericara salmonea
Gill & Townsend, 1897
accepted as
Conocara salmoneum
(Gill & Townsend, 1897)
Grimatroctes bullisi
Grey, 1958
accepted as
Bathytroctes microlepis
Günther, 1878
Herwigia kreffti
(Nielsen & Larsen, 1970)
Leptochilichthys agassizii
Garman, 1899
Leptochilichthys pinguis
(Vaillant, 1886)
Leptoderma macrops
Vaillant, 1886
Leptoderma retropinna
Fowler, 1943
Leptoderma springeri
Mead & Böhlke, 1953
accepted as
Leptoderma macrops
Vaillant, 1886
Mirognathus normani
Parr, 1951
Narcetes erimelas
Alcock, 1890
Narcetes lloydi
Fowler, 1934
Narcetes pappenheimi
Fowler, 1934
accepted as
Bathytroctes pappenheimi
(Fowler, 1934)
Narcetes shonanmaruae
Poulsen, Ida, Kawato & Fujiwara, 2021
Narcetes stomias
(Gilbert, 1890)
Nomoctes koefoedi
(Parr, 1951)
accepted as
Bathytroctes macrolepis
Günther, 1887
Nomoctes michaelsarsi
(Koefoed, 1927)
accepted as
Bathytroctes michaelsarsi
Koefoed, 1927
Photostylus pycnopterus
Beebe, 1933
Rinoctes nasutus
(Koefoed, 1927)
Rouleina attrita
(Vaillant, 1888)
Rouleina danae
Parr, 1951
Rouleina eucla
Whitley, 1940
Rouleina euryops
Sazonov, 1999
Rouleina guentheri
(Alcock, 1892)
Rouleina livida
(Brauer, 1906)
Rouleina maderensis
Maul, 1948
Rouleina squamilatera
(Alcock, 1898)
Rouleina watasei
(Tanaka, 1909)
Talismania antillarum
(Goode & Bean, 1896)
Talismania aphos
(Bussing, 1965)
Talismania bifurcata
(Parr, 1951)
Talismania brachycephala
Sazonov, 1981
Talismania bussingi
Sazonov, 1989
Talismania homoptera
(Vaillant, 1888)
Talismania kotlyari
Sazonov & Ivanov, 1980
Talismania longifilis
(Brauer, 1902)
Talismania mekistonema
Sulak, 1975