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Lankester, E.R. (1877). Notes on the Embryology and classification of the Animal kingdom: comprising a revision of speculations relative to the origin and significance of the germ-layers. Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science. 17(68): 399-454.
Lankester, E.R.
Notes on the Embryology and classification of the Animal kingdom: comprising a revision of speculations relative to the origin and significance of the germ-layers
Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science
17(68): 399-454
LANKESTER (3) thus divides the Platyhelmia:[long dash]Branch A. Ciliata. I. Planarioe . . 1. Rhabdocoela. 2. Dendrocoela. II. Nemertina . . 1. Anopla. 2. Enopla. Branch B. Suctoria. I. Trematoidea . 1. Monogenea. 2. Digenea. II. Cestoidea . . 1. Caryophyllidea. 2. Tetraphyllidea. 3. Diphyllidea. 4. Pseudophyllidea 5. Cyclophyllidea. III. Hirudinea. . 1. Pericoela. 2. Bdellidea. The Gephyrea into four classes[long dash]Echiuridoe, Priapulidoe, Sipunculidoe, and Phoronidoe. The Nematoidea are divided into[long dash]1, Ascaridoe; 2, Strongylidoe; 3, Trichinidoe; 4, Filariidoe; 5, Mermithidoe; 6, Gordiidoe; 7, Anguillulidoe; 8, Enoplidoe; 9, Choetosomidoe. The Platyhelmia, Gephyrea, Enteropneusta, Nematoidea, Choetognatha, and Appendiculata (in which are included the Gnathopoda) are regarded as separate "phyla." The Solenogastres form grade A (Lipoglossa), or Scolecomorpha, of the first branch (Eucephala) of the Mollusca. The Appendiculata are divided into[long dash]Branch A. Choetopoda. I. Oligochaeta . . 1. Naidina. 2. Soenurina. 3. Lumbricina. II. Polychoeta . . 1. Vagantia. 2. Sedentaria, 3. Haliscoleina. Appendix a. Myzostoma. Appendix b. Archisyllidea. Branch B. Rotifera. Rotifera... 1. Arthroptera. 2. Chaetoptera. 3. Loricate. 4. Tubicola. 5. Bdelligrada. Appendix. Mutica.
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