Foraminifera source details
stated date: 25 July 1818 [les Arachnides; les Crustacés; les Annélides; les Cirrhipèdes; les Conchiferes]
Ant'Phipoda Literature database
NeMys doc_id: 1606
Do not use this entry for Polychaeta - see #50747 instead
Savigny authored Amphictene aegyptia in 1822 (the official ICZN date of his work). Articles that credit Lamarck ... [details]
Lamarck alone is the author as the text is not a copy from Savigny. There is no doubt that Lamarck derived and ... [details]
Lamarck (1818) clearly took the species name from the Savigny MS, not published until 1822, as he cites the MS, but ... [details]
Lamarck (1818) clearly took the species name from the Savigny MS, not officially published until 1822, as he cites ... [details]
Lamarck (1818) clearly took the species name from the Savigny MS, not published until 1822, as he cites the MS, but ... [details]
Hartman catalogue credits Savigny with the authorship of Galeolaria but this appears baseless. The taxa came to the ... [details]
Usually given as Savigny alone (this is definitely incorrect) or Savigny in Lamarck, but Lamarck alone is correct. ... [details]
Based on the Savigny MS but as written by Lamarck, therefore author is Lamarck. The wording is very different from ... [details]
Although Lamarck clearly adapted the name Leodice and its diagnosis from Savigny's manuscript, published Savigny ... [details]
As with about five other Lycoris species Lamarck (1818: 312) states the species name Lycoris lobulata was taken ... [details]
Name attributed by Tomlin to Martyn (unavailable; published in a non-binominal work). [details]
Authority may be seen as Savigny in Lamarck. However, Lamarck wrote the text, citing "Sav. mss. et Egypt. Zool", ... [details]
In his monograph Kirtley (1994:2) strangely attributed Sabellaria to the year 1812 (Lamarck,1812:96) because ... [details]
In the Hartman catalogue the authority is listed as Mörch, 1863, p 465, but this is incorrect. Lamarck is the ... [details]
Lamarck took the name Syllis monilaris from Savigny's unpublished Ms volume from 'Description de l'Égypte .... ... [details]
Original description: "Serpula testa tereti angulata, subcostata, in spiram deformem contorta , subglomerata; plicis ... [details]
The complete description and location information is: "testa anfractibus subdiscoideis; costis tribus rotundatis; ... [details]
"Corps très-long, peu déprimé, aminci insensiblement vers la queue, que terminent deux filets grêles et ... [details]
Original diagnosis by Lamarck (1818: 328): "Trompe .... cinq antennes subulées, biarticulées: les mitoyennes ... [details]
Gulf of Suez; Australia (Houtman Abrolhos Islands); English Channel. [details]
Lamarck refers to page 44 of Daudin (1800) which has Vermetus indicus Daudin, but it is not obvious why. Vermetus ... [details]
Not stated in the original description but maybe from Chlöe, one of the epithets of Demeter, goddess of the ... [details]
Not stated by Lamarck, but evidently Cirratulus is a modification based on cirratus, for the characteristic long, ... [details]
Not stated. The species name "caespitosus" (-a, -um) in Latin refers to turfy, matted, clumped, and thus appears ... [details]
Not stated in Lamarck or Savigny, or Hartman (1950) or Böggemann (2002). However, Glycera was a widely used ... [details]
not stated but 'unicornis' is an adjectival form, unchanging between masculine/feminine, meaning single-horned. [details]
Not stated. However, Lamarck does describe "pectinibus duobus paleaceis auratis", which means approximately "with ... [details]
Not stated. The Missouri Botanical Garden Latin dictionary has this entry for muricate: muricatus,-a,-um (adj.A): ... [details]
The specific epithet monilaris is formed by the Latin root monil-, meaning "string of beads", and the Latin suffix ... [details]
Ultimately likely from Vermes than other sources but obscure. Lamarck (1818: 368) writes "Les serpulées auxquelles ... [details]
Not stated but taenia (Latin from Greek) means ribbon, band, stripe, thus it seems the species was named ... [details]
Masculine. Based on a masculine noun, and almost invariably species-group adjectival names have had ... [details]
feminine from the Greek female given name. Adjectival species names in Glycera appear to be consistently created as ... [details]
Pectinaria is feminine in its formation and has been treated as feminine since first used. [details]
Aglaura has been used multiple times as a genus name in the early nineteenth century. Aglaura Lamarck, 1818 is a ... [details]
Oenone Lamarck, 1818 is a senior homonym to the Gastropoda name, Oenone Hartman, 1881, a junior synonym of Partula ... [details]
Aenone is printed instead of the intended Oenone used later. No description, therefore a nomen nudum, Risso makes ... [details]
Lamarck has no description and only includes 'pulsatoria' in a list of Lycoris names from the Savigny manuscript, ... [details]
Lamarck (1818:330-331) included five species in his Pleione, three now in Amphinome, one in Eurythoe, one in ... [details]
Hartman's catalogue (1959:402) incorrectly dated Cirratulus as in Lamarck 1801 because she linked the wrong Lamarck ... [details]
Authored Savigny (1822) as Lamarck (1818:313) mentions Lycoris 'nubila' only as one of the Lycoris species in ... [details]
Lamarck (1805) used the spelling Cytherea in his heading for the genus (p. 132) but Cytheraea with including ... [details]
Euphrosyne is the usual spelling of the name of the Greek Goddess, but Lamarck used Euphrosine in the original ... [details]
Euphrosyne is the usual transliterated spelling of the name of the Greek Goddess, but Lamarck (1818) used ... [details]
Lamarck used the 'Nephtys' spelling when he introduced the genus. The alternate Nephthys was often used later [details]
Lamarck 'misspells' Oenone as Aenone on his page 321. Perhaps it was a typesetters error. Neave in Nomenclator ... [details]
Lamarck (1818: 366) clearly used the ligature œ, not the ligature æ, and DeFrance (1827) clearly did also when he ... [details]
Lamarck (1818: 319) was apparently confused by a figure captioning mistake in Montagu 1816 into creating a new name ... [details]
Lamarck appears to rename Lumbricus cirratus [he credits Fabricius's Fauna Groenland with the authorship] as ... [details]
In spite of being the type of a complex genus with numerous described taxa, the species was not redescribed since ... [details]
The type locality of Glycera unicornis is unknown. Lamarck and Savigny were reporting on a specimen held in the ... [details]