Peruvian Register of Marine Species

PeRMS source details

Vos, C. (2007) A conchological Iconography (No. 13) - The family Tonnidae. 123 pp., 30 numb. plus 41 (1 col.) un-numb. text-figs, 33 maps., 63 col. pls, Conchbooks, Germany
2013-01-12 18:30:12Z

Malea Valenciennes, 1832 (additional source)
Malea ringens (Swainson, 1822) (additional source)
 Additional information

In the same periodical (1860:490) in a second article (here referred to as Hanley, 1860b), listing all Doliidae, ... [details]


Worldwide distribution: Circumtropical [details]


Worldwide distribution: Circumtropical [details]


Spelling mistake from Paetel, 1887 (121) [details]


Unavailable (under Direction 1 as index to non-binominal work) [details]


Non-binominal synonym: Buccinum latescens late sulcatum Martini, 1777 [details]


Bruguière (1789:246) used the name Buccinum dolium to refer to the species currently accepted as Tonna lischkeana ... [details]


Unsure by lack of detailed description and type material. [details]


Bayer (1937:29-30) considers the combination Dolium (Eudolium) crosseanum Monterosato, 1869 for both species ... [details]


Recombination used by Bayer (1937:30) sensu his combination Dolium (Eudolium) crosseanum (di Monterosato, 1869), ... [details]


The species currently referred to as Malea pomum (Linnaeus, 1758) was referred to as Dolium (Malea) pomum ... [details]


Combination as used by (a. o.): Menke (1830:63); Deshayes (1844:144); Reeve (1849, pl. 5, fig. 8); Küster ... [details]


Tryon (1885:263) used the name Dolium crosseanum di Monterosato, 1869 for the species currently referred to as ... [details]


Mörch never intended to use the word "occidentalis" in a subspecific sense, only as a geographic designation for ... [details]


The taxon Eudolium crosseanum (di Monterosato, 1869) has been, and still is often erroneously used for the species ... [details]


Recombination proposed by Beu (2005:111). Synonymy proposed by Vos (2007:23) [details]


Recombination used by Osima (1943:133). Thach (2005:93) used Eudolium lineatum Osima, 1943 for the species ... [details]


Dall (1889) misspelled this taxon as Helix sulfurea, which is considered a homonym to sulphurea (fide ICZN 58.9). [details]


The species currently referred to as Malea pomum (Linnaeus, 1758) was referred to as Malea noronhensis Kempf & ... [details]


The species currently referred to as Malea pomum (Linnaeus, 1758) was referred to under that name by (a. o.) Paetel ... [details]


Recombination used by Abbott & Dance (1982:116) [details]


Combination of Eudolium Dall, 1889 as subgenus of Tonna Brünnich, 1771 used by (a.o.) Kilias (1962:14-17) and ... [details]


Kilias (1962:14) used the combination Tonna (Eudolium) crosseana (Monterosato, 1869) for the species currently ... [details]

 Type designation

Turner (1948) selected the figure in Gualtieri (1735, pl. 42 fig. A) as type image. Formal designation of the ... [details]

 Type designation

Type material in LSL, London represented by 2 syntypes both marked "339". The larger specimen was designated by Beu ... [details]

 Type designation

Neotype designated by Vos (2007:48) and deposited at MNHN, Paris, Reg. No. Moll. 9510. [details]

 Type designation

Lectotype designation by Vos (2007: 86) [details]

 Type material

Holotype NMNH-SI 51385 [details]

 Type material

No potential type material is present in the collection of Mörch in Copenhagen. Mörch referred to Martini (1777) ... [details]

 Type material

Type material lost (pers. com. V. Héros - C. Vos (2005)) [details]

 Type material

Holotype AMS C.45030 [details]

 Type material

Holotype AMS C 44582 [details]

 Type species

Type taxon by subsequent designation Herrmannsen, 1847 is Malea latilabris Valenciennes, 1832 which is accepted as ... [details]