Peruvian Register of Marine Species

PeRMS source details

Hartman, Olga. (1957). Orbiniidae, Apistobranchidae, Paraonidae and Longosomidae. Allan Hancock Pacific Expeditions. 15(3): 211-393.
Hartman, Olga
Orbiniidae, Apistobranchidae, Paraonidae and Longosomidae.
Allan Hancock Pacific Expeditions
15(3): 211-393
World Polychaeta Database (WPolyDb)
The polychaetous families ORBINIIDAE, APISTOBRANCHIDAE, PARAONIDAE and LONGOSOMIDAE are reviewed. The ORBINIIDAE are distinguished for 74 species in nine genera and two subgenera. Two new subfamilies, ORBINIINAE and PROTOARICIINAE, are named. Califia, new genus, is erected for C. calida, new species, from California. Other new species are Haploscoloplos bifurcatus, Scoloplos (Leodamas) dendrobranchus and S. (L.) fimbriates, from South Australia, Naineris uncinata from California, and Naineris grubei australis, new subspecies, from South Australia. The APISTOBRANCHIDAE are known for three species in three genera, and known only from the north Atlantic and Arctic oceans. The PARAONIDAE are recognized for 28 species in three genera and three subgenera. Aedicira is a new subgenus in Aricidea. New species are Aricidea (Cirrophorus) aciculata, A. (C.) furcata, Paraonis multibranchiata, and P. gracilis oculata, new subspecies, from California. LONGOSOMIDAE is known for a single species from California. Aricidea fauveli, new name for A. fragilis, sensu Fauvel, and perhaps A. jeffreysii, sensu Fauvel, originates in the Mediterranean Sea. Haploscoloplos alaskensis is newly referred to H. panamensis, Aricidea heteroseta to A. suecica, A. longicornuta to A. uschakovi and Paraonis filiformis to P. gracilis. A glossary of terms is given for ORBINIIDAE, and some species are emended.
Pacific Ocean
Systematics, Taxonomy
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2013-01-12 18:30:12Z
2014-02-13 09:34:25Z
2016-10-04 14:15:12Z
2019-09-13 09:02:07Z

Orbiniinae Hartman, 1942 (additional source)
 Depth range

Shore to 15 m. [details]

 Depth range

Intertidal to 536 m. [details]

 Depth range

Intertidal to about 1 m.  [details]


Original diagnosis by Hartman (1957: 305-306): "The prostomium is short and triangular. The first segment or ... [details]


South Australia and New South Wales (Australia); Marovo Lagoon, Vangunu Island (Solomon Islands).  [details]


Pacific Ocean: from Alaska to California. [details]


Australia: Western Australia; South Australia; Victoria; New South Wales; Queensland.  [details]

 Editor's comment

The genus Porcia was erected by Grube (1859: 105) to include the new species Porcia maderensis Grube, 1859. Grube ... [details]

 Editor's comment

The genus Porcia was erected by Grube (1859: 105) to include the new species Porcia maderensis Grube, 1859. Grube ... [details]


Not stated by the author. 'Califia', also known as 'Calafia', is the name of a fictional queen ruling over a ... [details]


Not stated. The adjective calidus -a -um means warm or hot. There is no obvious reason why Hartman chose it. ... [details]


The specific epithet bifurcatus, Latin adjective meaning 'bifurcated' or 'forked in two', refers to the posterior ... [details]


Scoloplos is masculine and thus Leitoscoloplos is also masculine, as authors have treated it. [details]


Not stated. The subspecific epithet australis is a Latin adjective meaning 'southern', and refers presumably to the ... [details]

 Grammatical gender

Feminine. In using 'calida' for the type species epithet, Hartman treats the genus as feminine, and also Califia ... [details]

 Grammatical gender

Feminine, but usages exist that assume without explanation that Phylo is masculine. Most likely named after Phylo, ... [details]

 Grammatical gender

Masculine. Scoloplos is masculine in Greek and most authors have used masculine adjectives with it. [details]


On limestone reefs among Zostera roots, pebbles and sand at shallow water (Australia); mud and silty sand, 2-13 m ... [details]


Littoral sandy mud flats and subintertidal soft bottoms. [details]


Sand and fine sand, at intertidal and shallow depths.  [details]


Intertidal sandy beaches. [details]


When the mandatory correction to 'dubius' is made for 'dubia' then Scoloplos dubius Tebble (1953) is junior primary ... [details]


Hartman (1957: 256) was the first author in dividing the family Orbiniidae into subfamilies, establishing the ... [details]


Phylo is a feminine genus name (see etymology) but it appears that Hartman (1957) subsequently assumed that Phylo ... [details]


Hartman reports an apparent lapsus calami by Eisig for Scolaricia typica Eisig, but the error is a misunderstanding ... [details]


The holotype is indeterminable (Hartman 1957, Blake 2017), therefore the original monotypic genus Alcandra and the ... [details]


Hartman (1957:295) examined the holotype and figured an uncinus from it. She referred Alcandra robusta to Scoloplos ... [details]


Hartman (1957) comments on Aricidea fragilis, sensu Fauvel (1936) (Non A. fragilis Webster, 1879) on p. 317, ... [details]


No figures, but the new species is based on her earlier (1957) record and description as "Aricidea near suecica ... [details]


Hartman (1957) records both Aricidea suecica, and also A. near suecica. Later (1965) she described A. near suecica ... [details]


Hartman (1957:247) places as indeterminable, fide Fauvel, 1927:63 [citation? not F de France] [details]


Müller included Gisela heteracantha in Ariciaea (= Orbiniidae). Included by Hartman (1957) in a list of Orbiniidae ... [details]


Current taxon junior synonym of species listed. [details]

 Type locality

Australia, South Australia, Encounter Bay (geocoordinates not provided, estimated with gazetteer to be ... [details]

 Type locality

Australia, South Australia, in the vicinity of Adelaide (geocoordinates not given, estimated with gazetteer to be ... [details]

 Type species

Aricia sertulata Savigny. See Orbinia for comments on it also being type species of Orbinia [details]

 Type species

Hartman (1957: 256) states O. cuvieri as Aricia sertulata was the first species attributed to Aricia Savigny, and ... [details]