Peruvian Register of Marine Species

PeRMS source details

Hartman, Olga. (1959). Catalogue of the Polychaetous Annelids of the World. Parts 1 and 2. Allan Hancock Foundation Occasional Paper. 23: 1-628.
Hartman, Olga
Catalogue of the Polychaetous Annelids of the World. Parts 1 and 2
Allan Hancock Foundation Occasional Paper
23: 1-628
World Polychaeta Database (WPolyDb)
Available for editors  PDF available
Introduction begins: "This Catalogue is the continuation and final part of the Literature of the Polychaetous Annelids, of which Volume I, the Bibliography, has been issued (Hartman, 1951a). The Catalogue is an attempt to present in a uniform style the facts of the establishment of the systematic categories applied to the POLYCHAETA or marine annelids. The names of the higher ranks, such as families and subfamilies, are given in alphabetic order, followed by an alphabetic list of generic and subgeneric names, together with the families to which they are referred. Species and lesser categories (subspecies and varieties) are listed alphabetically under family groupings arranged systematically. Fossil names, most numerous in the family SERPULIDAE, are largely omitted."
Fauna and Flora, Faunistic inventories, Checklists, Catalogues
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2013-01-12 18:30:12Z
2014-02-25 03:16:18Z
2014-12-23 05:21:58Z
2016-12-03 05:20:42Z

Lopadorrhynchidae Claparède, 1870 (additional source)
Nereididae Blainville, 1818 (additional source)
 Additional information

This is a mispelling name. See Hartman, Olga 1959. Catalogue of the Polychaetous Annelids of the World. Parts 1 and ... [details]

 Additional information

Ehlers (1901) does not describe a new species. He records M. corallina (Kinberg, 1865) from Chile (Tumbes ... [details]


The authorship of the genus was considered to be "Grube & Ørsted in Grube" by Salazar-Vallejo & Eibye-Jacobsen ... [details]


Hartman Catalogue attributed the authority to "Otto in Audouin and Milne Edwards, 1832". However, this is seriously ... [details]


Chaetozone cincinnata Augener, 1923 does not exist. The usage by Augener (1923: 81) recombined in Chaetozone is of ... [details]


Confusingly Hartman (1959:403) in her catalogue gave three separate entries for the combination, Cirratulus ... [details]


The 1959 Hartman catalogue p.548 lists Laonome ceratodaula as authored by Ehlers (1904). This is an incorrect ... [details]


Mistakenly as Lumbricus papillosus Fabricius, 1780 in the Hartman catalogue, but it is clear Fabricius was ... [details]


There is no taxon 'Nereis pulsatoria Audouin and Milne Edwards, 1834' as recorded in the Hartman Catalogue (p269) ... [details]


There is no doubt that Rathke (1843) was using genus Siphonostoma Otto, and not a name he created himself, as he ... [details]


Undescribed but Hartman placed Aonopsis as Spionidae, perhaps based on the form of the name and where it appeared ... [details]


The genus Brochus is a synonym to Caecum J. Fleming, 1813 in Mollusca. The species Brochus arcuatus Brown, 1827 is ... [details]

 Editor's comment

Amphinome genus type species There seems to be some confused interpretation in recent literature of the ... [details]

 Editor's comment

Strictly this record of Pratt's tentatively using an established prior name of Lo Bianco, does not qualify for ... [details]

 Editor's comment

Genus assignment corrected. Was as dubious database record from Fauchald, as in "Calizonella", which derives from a ... [details]

 Editor's comment

Lepidonotus (Physalidonotus) barbatus Augener, 1910 has usually been placed directly into junior synonymy under ... [details]

 Editor's comment

Hartman catalogue (p. 55) lists two Eruca species names but without a genus heading. This was the treatment she ... [details]

 Editor's comment

It is uncertain how this combination was derived by Hartman in the catalogue as she also lists the same species ... [details]

 Editor's comment

Leucodore sanguinea is not in the Hartman catalogue. The name appeared in an otherwise non-taxonomic work, and was ... [details]

 Editor's comment

Prior usages to the Hartman and Bellan checklists for the combination Macroclymene santandarensis [sic for ... [details]

 Editor's comment

There is no entry for Nereis foliata Baird, 1863 in the Hartman catalogue (1959) or its supplement (1965) [details]

 Editor's comment

Placement of Pleijelius in Hesioninae is tentative and interim. Salazar-Vallejo & Orensanz (2006:160) placed it as ... [details]

 Editor's comment

There is no such species as Polynoe rigida. However, we have retained this incorrect record in order to explain how ... [details]

 Editor's comment

The genus Porcia was erected by Grube (1859: 105) to include the new species Porcia maderensis Grube, 1859. Grube ... [details]

 Editor's comment

The genus Porcia was erected by Grube (1859: 105) to include the new species Porcia maderensis Grube, 1859. Grube ... [details]

 Editor's comment

It is as yet uncertain where this combination comes from. Included by Fauchald in his database, but in the Hartman ... [details]

 Editor's comment

Name of confused history. Spirorbis carinulata appears to be based only on a checklist entry by Mörch, 1863:462, ... [details]

 Editor's comment

WoRMS does not usually record misidentifications as separate records, and does not track the later assignment of ... [details]

 Editor's comment

The type locality of the species has been considered as "off the West Indies", probably with base on Hartman (1956: ... [details]


Replaced junior homonym to Anophthalmus 1844 in Coleoptera [details]


Replaced junior primary homonym to Cirratulus flavescens Johnston, 1825. The homonymy was detected and tagged by ... [details]


Hartman (1959: 257) indicates that Mastigonereis cuprea Schmarda, 1861, when recombined into Nereis is a homonym. ... [details]


unreplaced junior primary homonym to P. fasciculosa Grube, 19840, but also indeterminable [details]


Not a homonym. Hartman catalogue (1959:378) wrongly transferred the name to Laonice as a name then unavailable due ... [details]


Hartman catalogue (1959: 266) assigned this Nereis noctiluca name as "not polychaete" but this is incorrect (she ... [details]

 New combination

Chone picta is included tagged as a new combination by Tovar-Hernández (2007: 545), but the combination Chone ... [details]

 New combination

Hartman (1959: 477, 478) first moved Amphictene aegyptia in her catalogue to the combination Cistenides aegyptia, ... [details]


Alikuhnia is a replacement name for the junior homonym Anophthalmus Alikuhni (1949). Pleijel (1998) considered it a ... [details]


Erected in Mollusca for Anatomus indicus Montfort. It is difficult to ascertain what Montfort was describing, but ... [details]


Hartman (1959: 56) replaced junior homonym Hermione, with Hermonia. As the change was published in a catalogue, ... [details]


The troubled early history of Myzostoma/Myzostomum is based on unavailable nomina nuda.
Hartman (1959, catalogue ... [details]


Hartman treats the usage as "Müller in Linnaeus 1788". This is incorrect for authors, for date and name (actually ... [details]


Name used lapsus calami. Hartman (1959: 219), Ben-Eliahu (1977: 61-62, 65, 88, 96-97) or Imajima (2003: 141) ... [details]


In Hartman catalogue (1959:388) recorded as if authored by Webster & Benedict, 1884, thus a synonym, and a ... [details]

 Original Combination

In the original description the species is cited by Hartman (1936) both as Polydora truncata (p. 49) and as ... [details]

 Original Combination

In the original description the species is cited by Hartman (1936) both as Polydora truncata (p. 49) and as ... [details]

 Original description

The species was described as new during the year of 1900 in two different publications, the Annales des Sciences ... [details]

 Publication date

The first date for Dinophilidae is at least 1876, and it has been claimed to be 1852 by Hartman (1959: 613), but ... [details]


Hartman (1959:59) misspells Acanthicolepis equitis as A. aequitis [details]


token Branchiomma 'cingulata' separate WoRMS record as that spelling has multiple usages, redirecting to gender ... [details]


Hartman catalogue (1959:169) lists only as a misspelling of Callizonella Apstein. No example usages were found in ... [details]


Multiple spelling variants exist. Hartman (1959) gives Chloraemum, Chlorema, Chlorhaema, Clorema. Nomenclator ... [details]


One of the several variant spellings of Cirrhineris Blainville, 1828 [details]


One of the several variant spellings of Cirrhineris Blainville, 1828 [details]


The original spelling is Cistena pallassii with a double s. This is the spelling used in the ICZN Opinion and ... [details]


The correct species name spelling is 'santanderensis NOT 'santandarensis' as previously in Hartman catalogue and WoRMS [details]


Possibly the first creation of Laetmatonice as a misspelling of Laetmonice is in Baird (1865: 179). Baird presents ... [details]


According to Hartman (1959: 378) subsequent variant spellings were Leucadore, Leucodora, Leucodorum (which was used ... [details]


Care is needed attributing subsequent usages. Johnston (1827) used the spelling 'littoralis' with a double 'tt'. ... [details]


Hartman and Bellan usages were misspellings as 'santandarensis' for the correct 'santanderensis' [details]


The original combination used by Delle Chiaje was 'Lumbrinerus siphodonta'. The genus misspelling is one of several ... [details]


Nephtys is not the original genus spelling for Fauvel's species, but Hartman used it in her catalogue, and did not ... [details]


The species is originally spelled as Nereis lacustris in Linnaeus (1758: 654), but later misspelled as Nereis ... [details]


The Hartman catalogue (1959: 98) for unknown reasons, but perhaps influenced by usages, has the main entry for ... [details]


Spelled as 'Polynoe varigata n. sp.' in original, so intentional new name not to be confused with existing Polynoe ... [details]


Although there are very few usages of this misspelling of 'Protannelis' Lam, 1922 as 'Protoannelis', it has been ... [details]


Misspelling 'aspera' for 'aspersa' in the Hartman Catalogue p.558 [details]


Various misspellings have entered the literature. Hartman catalogue reports Scolecolepis, Scolecolipis, ... [details]


Hartman in the catalogue and in 1961 treated 'cariboum' as a Latinized adjective requiring gender suffix mandatory ... [details]


Poorly known and with no type locality. Not used since original description (other than secondary catalogue ... [details]


No type material is known and the original description is not sufficient to compare with other taxa. Not listed by ... [details]


disused name, perhaps belonging to the Polydora-group (the body figure, a ventral view, looks like a Polydora-group ... [details]


Hartman (1959: 225) considered that the species belonged to the genus Syllis, being however indeterminable to ... [details]


Without much background or detail Grube (1869) mentions Omaria, proposed in his text for a genus for Ophelia ... [details]


synonymised in the past with Serpula vermicularis Linnaeus, 1767(e.g. Hartman 1959) or with Serpula jukesi Baird, ... [details]


According to Hartman (1959: 225) the species is indeterminable to species.  [details]


The species was stated to be a nomen nudum by Hartman (1959: 524), which is clearly incorrect. Probably Hartman ... [details]


Serpula torulosa was regarded to be indeterminable by Fauvel (1927: 405) and Hartman (1959: 598), its identity was ... [details]


The Hartman catalogue (p.536) refers "mariae E. Pratt, 1901" to Bispira volutacornis. Hartman must have been aware ... [details]


The synonymy to Eulalia viridis is not certain. Following the work of Bonse et al (1996) on splitting a Northern ... [details]


Hartman (1959:408) lists a Heterocirrus Saint-Joseph, 1894 as distinct from Heterocirrus Grube, 1855. This is ... [details]


Listed as a synonym of Perinereis cultrifera (Grube, 1840) in Hartman Catalogue. This is clearly not possible, as ... [details]


Hartman Catalogue (p269) referred Nereis pulsatoria [as used in Audouin & Edwards, 1834] to Nereis zonata Malmgren, ... [details]


The species was considered as a synonymy of Alitta virens (M. Sars, 1853) by various authors (e.g.: Hartman, 1959; ... [details]


Catalogued as synonymous with Ophiodromus [Oxydromus] since at least Hartman (1959:190). There is probably an ... [details]


Grube (1846) does not describe Sabella rubripunctata as he does his other new Sabella. Rather it is a new name he ... [details]

 Taxonomic remark

not polychaete according to Hartman Catalogue [details]


Indeterminable. Apstein (1900: 7) did not receive the type material to revise it, and considered the original ... [details]


Probably indeterminable as the name seems to have no modern records. Müller gives a five word description of ... [details]


Unknown Sabellidae species. Hartman catalogue (1959:535) incorrectly lists as authored by Pennant, 1812, but ... [details]


Fauvel (1923: 199) considered the species as indeterminable, stating that it was probably based on a juvenile of ... [details]


indeterminable [details]


Hartman Catalogue included a listing only for Cirratulus fuscus Grube, 1872, as indeterminable. There was no ... [details]


Moved to different genus by Augener (1910: 233, 235; to Pterocirrus), and Hartman (1959: 150, 166; to Sige). [details]


Hartman (1959: 203) considered Eurymedusa Kinberg, 1866 to be synonymous with Trypanosyllis Claparède, 1864, ... [details]


Moved to different genus. [details]


Moved to different genus. [details]


Lacharis remained monotypic for L crudelis. Hartman's comment about being partly eunicid applies only to the figure ... [details]


The original name is Syllis (Langerhansia) as a subgenus of Syllis. Czerniavsky (1881) is quite clear about this ... [details]


Generic name corrected by Hartman (1959); moved to different genus by Gallardo (1968). [details]