WoRMS name details
Nomenclatureoriginal description
Orensanz, J.M. (1990). The Eunicemorph polychaete annelids from Antarctic and Subantarctic Seas. With addenda to the Eunicemorpha of Argentina, Chile, New Zealand, Australia, and the Southern Indian Ocean. <em>Antarctic Research Series.</em> 52: 1-183., available online at http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1029/AR052p0001/summary page(s): 124, plate 36, figures g, k; note: Kerguelen Islands [details]
Taxonomysource of synonymy
Eibye-Jacobsen, Danny; Kristensen, Reinhardt Møbjerg. (1994). A new genus and species of Dorvilleidae (Annelida, Polychaeta) from Bermuda, with a phylogenetic analysis of Dorvilleidae, Iphitimidae and Dinophilidae. <em>Zoologica Scripta.</em> 23(3): 107-131., available online at https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1463-6409.1994.tb00379.x page(s): 127; note: No formal synonymy but occurs in a polytomy with Ophryotrocha and "the validity of Mammiphitime appears to be especially dubious" [details] Available for editors [request]
status source
Wiklund, Helena; Purschke, Günter; Ravara, Ascensao. (2021). Dorvilleidae Chamberlin, 1919. <em>[Book chapter].</em> 361-382 In: Handbook of Zoology [Annelida volume 3. Pleistoannelida, Sedentaria III and Errantia I], edited by G. Purschke, M. Böggemann and W. Westheide. De Gruyter., available online at https://www.google.co.nz/books/edition/Pleistoannelida_Sedentaria_III_and_Erran/hBMrEAAAQBAJ? page(s): 373, 375; note: the authors doubt Mammiphione is separate from Ophryotrocha, with indirect molecular evidence it is the same (page 373), but they give it a genus listing without further comment [details]
Otheradditional source
Bellan, G. (2001). Polychaeta, <i>in</i>: Costello, M.J. <i>et al.</i> (Ed.) (2001). European register of marine species: a check-list of the marine species in Europe and a bibliography of guides to their identification. <em>Collection Patrimoines Naturels.</em> 50: 214-231. (look up in IMIS) note: checklist listing [details]
additional source
Neave, Sheffield Airey. (1939-1996). Nomenclator Zoologicus vol. 1-10 Online. <em>[Online Nomenclator Zoologicus at Checklistbank. Ubio link has gone].</em> , available online at https://www.checklistbank.org/dataset/126539/about [details]
From editor or global species database
Classification Orensanz placed Mammiphitime into Iphitimidae, hence the genus name. However, the family (and Iphitime) is included in Dorvilleidae currently. [details]
Diagnosis Based on family Diagnosis of Orensanz (1990), plus his diagnosis of Mammiphitime:
Iphitimidae: "Eunicemorphs with maxillae of ctenognath architecture. Prostomium with 4 short appendages: 2 dorsal antennae and 2 ventral palps, biarticulate in their plesiomorphic condition. Parapodia uniramous, with simple supra-acicular and composite subacicular selae; extra ventral acicular lobe, conical and retractile, with protroding acicular setae. Two mandibles, not fused along symphysis. Eight pairs of maxillae, 4 corresponding to superior and 4 to inferior elements of dorvilleids. First pair of superior elements in the form of large forceps ('icetong- shaped maxillae') in adults, denticulated in juveniles, posteriorly fused to form 'pseudocarriers.' Inferior elements displaced forward, expanded, with spinulate border.
Genus Mammiphitime: Iphitimidae with Prostomiurn without ventral palps. Neuropodia distally partitioned into low lobes, including round presetal lobe and ventral retractile lobe. Median and posterior segments with large dorsal lobes
Etymology author: Mammiphitime is "from 'mamma' (Latin: mother, breast), referring to the presence of mammillate dorsal lobes, and Iphitime, nominal genus" of Iphitimidae, in which Orensanz placed the genus. Iphitime is feminine. [details]
Grammatical gender Feminine. Iphitime is a feminine personal name. [details]
Synonymy There is no formal synonymy in Eibye-Jacobsen & Kristensen (1994) but in their analysis it occurs in a polytomy with Ophryotrocha and "the validity of Mammiphitime appears to be especially dubious". Similarly Oug (1994) did not use the genus. Wiklund et al (2021: 372) again doubt Mammiphione is separate from Ophryotrocha, with indirect molecular evidence it is the same (page 372), but they still give it a genus listing. As this genus has been named for 32 years without further support for its validity being published, it is here regarded as a synonym of Ophryotrocha. [details]Unreviewed
Taxonomy Classified under Iphitimidae [details]
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