WoRMS name details
Nomenclatureoriginal description
Detinova, N. N. (1985). многощЕтинковыЕ ЧЕРВИ ХРЕБТА РЕЙКЪЯНЕС (СЕВЕРНАЯ АТЛАНТИКА) [Polychaetous worms from the Reykjanes Ridge (the North Atlantic). Bottom Fauna from Mid-Ocean Rises in the North Atlantic. Donnayafauna Otkryto. Okeanicheskikh. Podnyatij. Severnaya. Atlantika]. <em>Trudy Instituta okeanologii im. P.P. Shirshova.</em> 120: 96-136 (text figures). [details] Available for editors [request]
Othercontext source (Deepsea)
Census of Marine Life. (2012). SYNDEEP: Towards a first global synthesis of biodiversity, biogeography and ecosystem function in the deep sea. Unpublished data (datasetID: 59). [details]
Type locality Atlantic Ocean, Reykjanes Ridge [details]