Rullier, François. (1972). Annélides polychètes de Nouvelle-Calédonie recueillies par Y. Plessis et B. Salvat. Expédition Française sur les Récifs Coralliens de la Nouvelle-Calédonie. 6: 6-169.
Rullier, François
Annélides polychètes de Nouvelle-Calédonie recueillies par Y. Plessis et B. Salvat
Expédition Française sur les Récifs Coralliens de la Nouvelle-Calédonie
None. Translation of part of Introduction:
""B. SALVAT and Y. PLESSIS, on mission to New Caledonia, under the aegis of the Singer Polignac Foundation, at the end of 1961 and at the beginning of 1962, collected many specimens of Polychaete. The research was carried out in an autonomous diving suit between 2 and 35 meters depth, [also] by collecting at low tide in the intertidal zone, and only once by dredging. Y. PLESSIS reported on the zoological surveys in Volume IV of the Cahiers du Pacifique and B. SALVAT in "Faunistic prospecting in New Caledonia", within the framework of the mission of studies of the coral reefs , No. 6, June 1964, pp. 77-19), cites the principal stations visited and the techniques employed." [...]"
"This collection includes 187 species, of which 103 are new for New Caledonia and 18 (one from the Gulf of Panama) are new to science; that is to say the considerable contribution it represents. The new species are distributed as follows: 3 Aphroditidae: Lepidonotus (Thormora) salvati, Lagisca hirsuta, Harmothoë lunulata (delle Chiaje) var. nigra; 1 Hesionidae: Ophiodromus tigrinus; 3 Syllidae: Syllis (Typosyllis) plessisi; Syllis (Typosyllis) filiformis, Autolytus bicolor; 3 Nereidae: Nereis homogompha (Gulf of Panama), Nereis (Ceratonereis) dubia, Platynereis hugonis; 1 Glyceridae: Eone salvati; 3 Eunicidae: Eunice plessisi, Marphysa bemardi, Amphiro pacifica; 1 Ariciidae: Scoloplosia minima; 1 Maldanidae: Chaponella heterochaeta nov. Gen., Nov., Sp; 1 Terebellidae: Terebellobranchia hugonis: 1 Sabellidae: Oridia pacifica. The best represented families are Aphroditidae (23 species), Syllidae (20), Nereidae (25), Eunicidae (28). Some families represented so far by very few species have seen their numbers rise rapidly: the Amphinomidae receive 4 species not yet reported in New Caledonia, as opposed to 2 already known, the Phyllodocidae and 7 new arrivals for a single old, the Syllidae, of 20 species, have 3 new and 11 species not yet reported there; the six species of Spionidae are all new to New Caledonia, and of 8 species of Cirratulidae, 6 had not yet been found there. We believe that the autonomous scuba widely used by Mm Plessis and Salvat for the collection of samples and allowing access to biotopes hitherto prohibited to researchers, explains, with the care that they put there, the richness of their discoveries."