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Polychaeta distribution - Placedetails

MRGID http://marineregions.org/mrgid/1910
Status Proposed standard Proposed standard
Language Name Name source
EnglishSouth Pacific Ocean(1953). Limits of oceans and seas. 3rd edition. IHO Special Publication, 23. International Hydrographic Organization (IHO): Monaco. 38 pp. (look up in IMIS)   
PlaceType IHO Sea Area 
Latitude 30° 5' 52.8" S (-30.098°)  
Longitude 143° 3' 39.3" W (-143.06093°)  
Min. Lat 60° 0' 0" S (-60°)  
Min. Long 130° 6' 40.6" E (130.1113°)  
Max. Lat 3° 23' 28.1" N (3.3911°)  
Max. Long 67° 16' 0" W (-67.2667°)  
Source (1953). Limits of oceans and seas. 3rd edition. IHO Special Publication, 23. International Hydrographic Organization (IHO): Monaco. 38 pp. (look up in IMIS)
Notes Previous coordinates (en): Latitude: -30.45719; Longitude: -82.45478; minLong: -146.48791; minLat: -60; maxLat: 3.39114; maxLong: 130.11129; precision: 6733116 meter (geometry updated 2020-01-22 to also reflect seas lying within IHO sea area)    
Part of  Pacific Ocean (Ocean)  [view hierarchy]   
Shapefile [download] or view the complete IHO Sea Area shapefile
in this area (11)
Eulalia lobocephalica Kinberg, 1866 accepted as Steggoa magalaensis (Kinberg, 1866)
Euphrosinopsis horsti Kudenov, 1993
Eurythoe pacifica Kinberg, 1857 accepted as Eurythoe complanata (Pallas, 1766)
Glycera simplex Grube, 1857 accepted as Hemipodia simplex (Grube, 1857)
Nainereis retusiceps Chamberlin, 1919 accepted as Naineris retusiceps Chamberlin, 1919
Nereis robusta Kinberg, 1865 accepted as Nereis callaona Grube, 1857
Plotohelmis alata Chamberlin, 1919
Rhamphobrachium averincevi Kucheruk, 1979 accepted as Rhamphobrachium (Spinigerium) averincevi Kucheruk, 1979
Rhynchonerella comes Ehlers, 1899 accepted as Rhynchonereella comes Ehlers, 1899
Thrausmatos dieteri Watson, 2001
Trypanosyllis bidentata Hartman, 1967
Edit history Last edited on 2021-01-22 12:16:46 by Lonneville Britt
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