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Polychaeta distribution - Placedetails

MRGID http://marineregions.org/mrgid/4562
Status Proposed standard Proposed standard
Language Name Name source
EnglishGeorges BankIHO-IOC GEBCO Gazetteer of Undersea Feature Names   
FrenchBanc de GeorgesUS BGN Advisory Committee on Undersea Features (ACUF)   
RussianBanka DzhordzhesUS BGN Advisory Committee on Undersea Features (ACUF)   
RussianБанка ДжорджесUS BGN Advisory Committee on Undersea Features (ACUF)   
PlaceType Bank 
Latitude 41° 30' 0" N (41.5°)  
Longitude 67° 0' 0" W (-67°)  
Source IHO-IOC GEBCO Gazetteer of Undersea Feature Names, available online at http://www.ngdc.noaa.gov/gazetteer/
Links http://geogratis.gc.ca/services/geoname/en/features/7dd4601aba3611d892e2080020a0f4c9    
Notes Coordinates in ACUF (en): Latitude: 41.25; Longitude: -67.5    
ACUF unique id (UFI) (en): -153506    
CGND unique id (featureid) (en): 7dd4601aba3611d892e2080020a0f4c9    
Part of  North Atlantic Ocean (IHO Sea Area)  [view hierarchy]   
in this area (5)
Nephthys circinata Verrill in Smith & Harger, 1874 accepted as Aglaophamus circinata (Verrill in Smith & Harger, 1874)
Nothria opalina Verrill, 1873 accepted as Onuphis opalina (Verrill, 1873)
Phyllodoce pettiboneae Blake, 1988
Phyllouschakovius armigerum Blake, 1988 accepted as Phyllodoce armigera (Blake, 1988)
Spirorbis validus Verrill in Smith & Harger, 1874 accepted as Bushiella (Bushiella) valida (Verrill in Smith & Harger, 1874)
Edit history Last edited on 2016-04-23 15:22:42 by Oset Garcia Paula
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