North Lebanon Coastal Zone

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North lebanon map.jpg

CASE description

The Northern coastline constitutes approximately 37% of the total Lebanese coast with 102.5 Km of shoreline length. It includes three bays and two main headlands and a variety of river deltas as well as the Palm Island Nature Reserve. The coast is sandy/pebbly (51% of the total Northern coast) and rocky (49% of the total Northern coast).

Marine Resources and Coastal Zone Management Program - Institute of the Environment - University of Balamand

ICZM phase

Designing the Future

Main coastal issues

- Urban sprawl

- Erosion

- Marine pollution

- Transport

- Impacts on fishery


- To mitigate coastal risk

- To improve urban sprawl and fishery resources management

Marine Resources and Coastal Zone Management Program - Institute of the Environment - University of Balamand

End Products

Reports on conservation and particular relevant coastal issues (coastal dynamics and pollution, urban sprawl and artificialiation, erosion, accretion and sea filling)

Tools foreseen to be developed and used

Indicators - LEAC - Economic Assessment - Modelling about pollution and sediment transport - Scenarios - Participatory methods

Other tools to be applied

Early warning system

Training needs

LEAC - Applied coastal physical oceanography indicators - Pollution transport - Early warning system

CASE Responsibles

Manale Abou Dagher, Manal R. Nader, University of Balamnd,,

Elaboration: Stefano Soriani, Fabrizia Buono, Monica Camuffo, Marco Tonino, University Ca’ Foscari of Venice.