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RAMS source details

Hayward, P.J.; Ryland, J.S. (1999). Cheilostomatous Bryozoa: part 2 Hippothooidea - Celleporoidea: notes for the identification of British species. 2nd ed.. Synopses of the British fauna (new series), 14. Field Studies Council: Shrewsbury, UK. ISBN 1-85153-263-3. vii, 416 pp.
2013-01-12 18:30:12Z

Acanthostegomorpha (additional source)
Adeonoidea Busk, 1884 (basis of record)
Ascophorina accepted as Ascophora accepted as Flustrina (basis of record)
Bitectiporidae MacGillivray, 1895 (additional source)
Bryocryptellidae Vigneaux, 1949 (additional source)
Bugulidae Gray, 1848 (additional source)
Buguloidea Gray, 1848 (basis of record)
Calloporidae Norman, 1903 (additional source)
Calloporoidea Norman, 1903 (basis of record)
Candidae d'Orbigny, 1851 (additional source)
Carbasea Gray, 1848 (additional source)
Cellariidae Fleming, 1828 (additional source)
Cellarioidea Fleming, 1828 (basis of record)
Celleporoidea Johnston, 1838 (basis of record)
Cribrilinoidea Hincks, 1879 (basis of record)
Electridae Stach, 1937 (1851) (additional source)
Escharellidae Levinsen, 1909 (basis of record)
Exochellidae Bassler, 1935 (basis of record)
Flustridae Fleming, 1828 (additional source)
Flustrina (additional source)
Flustroidea Fleming, 1828 (basis of record)
Hippoporinidae Bassler, 1935 accepted as Bitectiporidae MacGillivray, 1895 (basis of record)
Hippothoidae Busk, 1859 (additional source)
Hippothooidea Busk, 1859 (basis of record)
Hippothoomorpha (additional source)
Lepralielloidea Vigneaux, 1949 (basis of record)
Lepraliomorpha (additional source)
Malacostegina accepted as Membraniporina (additional source)
Membraniporoidea Busk, 1854 (basis of record)
Microporellidae Hincks, 1879 (additional source)
Microporoidea Gray, 1848 (additional source)
Schizoporellidae Jullien, 1882 (additional source)
Schizoporelloidea Jullien, 1883 (basis of record)
Scrupariidae Gray, 1848 (additional source)
Scrupariina (additional source)
Scruparioidea Gray, 1848 (basis of record)
Smittinidae Levinsen, 1909 (additional source)
Smittinoidea Levinsen, 1909 (basis of record)
Tricellaria Fleming, 1828 (additional source)
Umbonulidae Canu, 1904 (additional source)
Umbonulomorpha (additional source)

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