Traits name details
original description
Fedotov, D. M. (1937). Plastinchatozhabernyye mollyuski uglenosnykh otlozheniy Kuznetskogo basseyna [The Pelecypoda from the coal-bearing deposits of the Kuznetsk basin]. In: Paleontologiya i stratigrafiya Kuzbassa (XVII mezhdunarodnogo geologicheskogo kongressu) [Paleontology and stratigraphy of Kuzbass (17th International Geological Congress)]. <em>Trudy Tsentral'nogo nauchno-issledovatel'skogo geologo-razvedochnogo instituta.</em> 97: 5–96. page(s): 42-43, 83-84, pl. 8, figs 4-9v, pl. 9, figs 1, 2 [details] Available for editors
additional source
Weir, J. (1945). A Review of Recent Work on the Permian Non-Marine Lamellibranchs and its Bearing on the Affinities of certain Non-Marine Genera of the Upper Palaeozoic. <em>Transactions of the Geological Society of Glasgow.</em> 20(3): 291-340., available online at page(s): 328 [details] Available for editors