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Hällfors, G. (2004). Checklist of Baltic Sea Phytoplankton Species (including some heterotrophic protistan groups). Baltic Sea Environment Proceedings. No. 95: 210 pp.
Hällfors, G
Checklist of Baltic Sea Phytoplankton Species (including some heterotrophic protistan groups)
Baltic Sea Environment Proceedings
No. 95: 210 pp
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Baltic Sea
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2013-01-12 18:30:12Z

Achnanthes Bory, 1822 (additional source)
Achnanthes affinis Grunow, 1880 accepted as Achnanthidium affine (Grunow) Czarnecki, 1994 accepted as Achnanthes affinis var. affinis Grunow in Cleve & Grunow, 1880 (source of synonymy)
Achnanthes biasolettiana Grunow, 1880 accepted as Achnanthidium pyrenaicum (Hustedt) H.Kobayasi, 1997 accepted as Achnanthes pyrenaica var. pyrenaica Hustedt, 1939 (source of synonymy)
Achnanthes biasolettiana Grunow, 1880 accepted as Achnanthidium pyrenaicum (Hustedt) H.Kobayasi, 1997 accepted as Achnanthes pyrenaica var. pyrenaica Hustedt, 1939 (basis of record)
Achnanthes bottnica (Cleve) Cleve, 1895 accepted as Achnanthes clevei var. bottnica Cleve, 1891 (basis of record)
Achnanthes brevipes C.Agardh, 1824 (additional source)
Achnanthes brevipes var. brevipes Agardh, 1824 (additional source)
Achnanthes brevipes var. intermedia (Kützing) Cleve, 1895 accepted as Achnanthes intermedia Kützing, 1833 (additional source)
Achnanthes brevipes var. parvula (Kützing) Cleve, 1895 accepted as Achnanthes parvula Kützing, 1844 (additional source)
Achnanthes clevei Grunow, 1880 accepted as Karayevia clevei (Grunow) Round & Bukhtiyarova, 1999 (additional source)
Achnanthes clevei var. bottnica Cleve, 1891 (basis of record)
Achnanthes clevei var. bottnica Cleve, 1891 (source of synonymy)
Achnanthes conspicua A.Mayer, 1919 accepted as Planothidium conspicuum (A.Mayer) M.Aboal, 2003 accepted as Achnanthes conspicua var. conspicua A.Mayer, 1919 (additional source)
Achnanthes exigua Grunow, 1880 (additional source)
Achnanthes flexella (Kützing) Brun, 1880 accepted as Eucocconeis flexella (Kützing) Meister, 1912 accepted as Cymbella flexella Kützing, 1844 (basis of record)
Achnanthes gibberula Grunow, 1880 accepted as Crenotia gibberula (Grunow) Wojtal (basis of record)
Achnanthes gibberula Grunow, 1880 accepted as Crenotia gibberula (Grunow) Wojtal (source of synonymy)
Achnanthes grimmei Krasske, 1925 accepted as Crenotia grimmei (Krasske) Wojtal (basis of record)
Achnanthes grimmei Krasske, 1925 accepted as Crenotia grimmei (Krasske) Wojtal (source of synonymy)
Achnanthes grubei Simonsen, 1987 (source of synonymy)
Achnanthes grubei Simonsen, 1987 (basis of record)
Achnanthes hauckiana Grunow, 1880 (additional source)
Achnanthes hyperborea (Grunow) Grunow, 1884 (basis of record)
Achnanthes hyperborea (Grunow) Grunow, 1884 (source of synonymy)
Achnanthes intermedia Kützing, 1833 (additional source)
Achnanthes laevis Østrup, 1910 (basis of record)
Achnanthes lanceolata (Brébisson ex Kützing) Grunow, 1880 accepted as Planothidium lanceolatum (Brébisson ex Kützing) Bukhtiyarova, 1999 (additional source)
Achnanthes lanceolata var. dubia Grunow, 1880 (additional source)
Achnanthes lanceolata var. rostrata Hustedt, 1911 accepted as Planothidium rostratoholarcticum Lange-Bertalot & Bąk in Bąk & Lange-Bertalot, 2014 (additional source)
Achnanthes latissima Cleve-Euler, 1915 (additional source)
Achnanthes lemmermannii Hustedt, 1933 (additional source)
Achnanthes levanderi Hustedt, 1933 accepted as Psammothidium levanderi (Hustedt) L.Bukhtiyarova & Round, 1996 accepted as Achnanthes levanderi var. levanderi Hustedt, 1933 (basis of record)
Achnanthes linearis (W.Smith) Grunow, 1880 accepted as Achnanthidium lineare W.Smith, 1855 (basis of record)
Achnanthes longipes C.Agardh, 1824 (additional source)
Achnanthes microcephala (Kützing) Grunow, 1880 accepted as Achnanthidium microcephalum Kützing, 1844 (source of synonymy)
Achnanthes minuscula Hustedt, 1945 (basis of record)
Achnanthes minutissima Kützing, 1833 (basis of record)
Achnanthes minutissima var. cryptocephala Grunow, 1880 (basis of record)
Achnanthes minutissima var. cryptocephala Grunow, 1880 (source of synonymy)
Achnanthes oblongella Østrup, 1902 (basis of record)
Achnanthes parvula Kützing, 1844 (additional source)
Achnanthes peragalli Brun & Héribaud-Joseph, 1893 accepted as Skabitschewskia peragalli (Brun & Heribaud) Kulikovskiy & Lange-Bertalot, 2015 (basis of record)
Achnanthes petersenii Hustedt, 1937 (basis of record)
Achnanthes pusilla Grunow in Cleve & Grunow, 1880 (basis of record)
Achnanthes rosenstockii Lange-Bertalot, 1989 (basis of record)
Achnanthes rostrata Oestrup, 1902 (basis of record)
Achnanthes saxonica Krasske ex Hustedt, 1933 (additional source)
Achnanthes subsalsa J.B.Petersen, 1928 (basis of record)
Achnanthes subsalsoides Hustedt, 1933 (basis of record)
Achnanthes subsalsoides Hustedt, 1933 (source of synonymy)
Achnanthes suchlandtii Hustedt, 1933 accepted as Karayevia suchlandtii (Hustedt) Buktiyarova, 1999 accepted as Achnanthes suchlandtii var. suchlandtii Hustedt, 1933 (basis of record)
Achnanthes taeniata Grunow, 1880 accepted as Pauliella taeniata (Grunow) F.E.Round & P.W.Basson, 1997 (additional source)
Achnanthes thermalis (Rabenhorst) Schoenfeld, 1907 accepted as Achnanthidium thermale Rabenhorst, 1864 accepted as Crenotia thermalis (Rabenhorst) Wojtal (basis of record)
Achnanthidium F.T. Kützing, 1844 (additional source)
Achnanthidium clevei (Grunow) D.B.Czarnecki, 1995 accepted as Achnanthes clevei var. clevei Grunow, 1880 (source of synonymy)
Achnanthidium clevei (Grunow) D.B.Czarnecki, 1995 accepted as Achnanthes clevei var. clevei Grunow, 1880 (basis of record)
Achnanthidium delicatulum Kützing, 1844 accepted as Planothidium delicatulum (Kützing) Round & Bukhtiyarova, 1996 accepted as Achnanthidium delicatulum f. delicatulum Kützing, 1844 (basis of record)
Achnanthidium delicatulum Kützing, 1844 accepted as Planothidium delicatulum (Kützing) Round & Bukhtiyarova, 1996 accepted as Achnanthidium delicatulum f. delicatulum Kützing, 1844 (source of synonymy)
Achnanthidium lanceolatum Brébisson ex Kützing, 1846 accepted as Planothidium lanceolatum (Brébisson ex Kützing) Bukhtiyarova, 1999 (basis of record)
Achnanthidium lineare W.Smith, 1855 (basis of record)
Achnanthidium microcephalum Kützing, 1844 (basis of record)
Achnanthidium minutissimum (Kützing) Czarnecki, 1994 accepted as Achnanthes minutissima var. minutissima Kützing, 1833 (basis of record)
Achnanthidium thermale Rabenhorst, 1864 accepted as Crenotia thermalis (Rabenhorst) Wojtal (source of synonymy)
Achnanthidium thermale Rabenhorst, 1864 accepted as Crenotia thermalis (Rabenhorst) Wojtal (basis of record)
Actinocyclus C.G. Ehrenberg, 1837 (additional source)
Actinocyclus crassus (W.Smith) Ralfs ex Pritchard, 1861 accepted as Eupodiscus crassus W.Smith, 1853 (source of synonymy)
Actinocyclus crassus (W.Smith) Ralfs ex Pritchard, 1861 accepted as Eupodiscus crassus W.Smith, 1853 (basis of record)
Actinocyclus ehrenbergii Ralfs, 1861 (source of synonymy)
Actinocyclus ehrenbergii var. crassa (W. Smith) Hustedt, 1929 accepted as Eupodiscus crassus W.Smith, 1853 (source of synonymy)
Actinocyclus ehrenbergii var. crassa (W. Smith) Hustedt, 1929 accepted as Eupodiscus crassus W.Smith, 1853 (basis of record)
Actinocyclus ehrenbergii var. ralfsii (W.Smith) Hustedt, 1929 accepted as Eupodiscus ralfsii var. ralfsii W. Smith, 1856 (source of synonymy)
Actinocyclus ehrenbergii var. sparsa (Gregory) Hustedt, 1929 accepted as Eupodiscus sparsus Gregory, 1857 (basis of record)
Actinocyclus ehrenbergii var. sparsa (Gregory) Hustedt, 1929 accepted as Eupodiscus sparsus Gregory, 1857 (source of synonymy)
Actinocyclus ehrenbergii var. tenella (Brébisson) Hustedt, 1929 accepted as Eupodiscus tenellus Brébisson, 1854 (source of synonymy)
Actinocyclus ehrenbergii var. tenella (Brébisson) Hustedt, 1929 accepted as Eupodiscus tenellus Brébisson, 1854 (basis of record)
Actinocyclus kützingii (A.Schmidt) Simonsen (additional source)
Actinocyclus normanii (Gregory) Hustedt, 1957 (additional source)
Actinocyclus normanii f. normanii (W. Gregory) Hustedt, 1957 accepted as Coscinodiscus normanii Gregory ex Greville, 1859 (basis of record)
Actinocyclus normanii f. subsalsus (Juhlin-Dannfelt) Hustedt (additional source)
Actinocyclus octonarius Ehrenberg, 1837 accepted as Actinoptychus octonarius (Ehrenberg) Kützing, 1844 accepted as Actinocyclus octonarius var. octonarius Ehrenberg, 1837 (additional source)
Actinocyclus octonarius var. octonarius Ehrenberg, 1837 (basis of record)
Actinocyclus octonarius var. ralfsii (W.Smith) Hendey, 1954 accepted as Eupodiscus ralfsii var. ralfsii W. Smith, 1856 (additional source)
Actinocyclus octonarius var. tenellus (Brébisson) Hendey, 1954 accepted as Eupodiscus tenellus Brébisson, 1854 (additional source)
Actinocyclus ralfsii (W.Smith) Ralfs, 1861 accepted as Actinocyclus octonarius var. ralfsii (W.Smith) Hendey, 1954 accepted as Eupodiscus ralfsii var. ralfsii W. Smith, 1856 (basis of record)
Actinocyclus ralfsii (W.Smith) Ralfs, 1861 accepted as Actinocyclus octonarius var. ralfsii (W.Smith) Hendey, 1954 accepted as Eupodiscus ralfsii var. ralfsii W. Smith, 1856 (source of synonymy)
Actinocyclus senarius Ehrenberg, 1838 (basis of record)
Actinocyclus senarius Ehrenberg, 1838 (source of synonymy)
Actinocyclus tenellus (Brébisson) Grunow, 1867 accepted as Eupodiscus tenellus Brébisson, 1854 (source of synonymy)
Actinocyclus tenellus (Brébisson) Grunow, 1867 accepted as Eupodiscus tenellus Brébisson, 1854 (basis of record)
Actinocyclus undulatus J.W.Bailey, 1842 (source of synonymy)
Actinocyclus undulatus J.W.Bailey, 1842 (basis of record)
Actinoptychus senarius (Ehrenberg) Ehrenberg, 1843 accepted as Actinocyclus senarius Ehrenberg, 1838 (additional source)
Actinoptychus splendens (Shadbolt) Ralfs ex Pritchard, 1861 (additional source)
Amphipleura F.T. Kützing, 1844 (additional source)
Amphipleura pellucida (Kützing) Kützing, 1844 (basis of record)
Amphipleura rutilans (Trentepohl ex Roth) Cleve, 1894 accepted as Berkeleya rutilans (Trentepohl ex Roth) Grunow, 1880 (additional source)
Amphiprora C.G. Ehrenberg, 1843 (additional source)
Amphiprora alata (Ehrenberg) Kützing, 1844 accepted as Entomoneis alata (Ehrenberg) Ehrenberg, 1845 (additional source)
Amphiprora complexa Gregory, 1857 (additional source)
Amphiprora costata Hustedt, 1930 accepted as Entomoneis costata (Hustedt) Reimer, 1975 (basis of record)