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Turbellarians source details

Dorner, G. (1902). Darstellung der Turbellarienfauna der Binnengewässer Ostpreussens. Schriften der physikalisch-ökonomischen Gesellschaft zu Königsberg in Pr. 43: 1-58. Taf. 1-2.
Dorner, G.
Darstellung der Turbellarienfauna der Binnengewässer Ostpreussens.
Schriften der physikalisch-ökonomischen Gesellschaft zu Königsberg in Pr.
43: 1-58. Taf. 1-2
Systematics, Taxonomy
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2016-06-27 09:30:41Z
2021-10-21 06:08:04Z

Bothromesostoma essenii Braun, 1885 accepted as Bothromesostoma personatum (Schmidt, 1848) Braun, 1885 (additional source)
Castrada (Castrada) agilis Dorner, 1902 accepted as Strongylostoma radiatum (Müller, 1773) Örsted, 1843 (original description)
Castrella (Castrella) serotina Dorner, 1902 accepted as Castrella (Castrella) truncata (Abildgaard, 1789) Sekera, 1906 (original description)
Mesostoma cycloposthe Dorner, 1902 accepted as Castrada (Castrada) armata (Fuhrmann, 1894) Luther, 1904 (original description)
Mesostoma exiguum Dorner, 1902 accepted as Olisthanella exigua (Dorner, 1902) Luther, 1904 (original description)
Mesostoma masovicum Dorner, 1902 (original description)
Microstomum lineare giganteum Dorner, 1902 (original description)
Microstomum lineare lineare Dorner, 1902 (original description)
Microstomum punctatum Dorner, 1902 (original description)
Vortex hallezi accepted as Vortex hallezii Graff, 1882 accepted as Dalyellia hallezii (Graff, 1882) Graff, 1905 (basis of record)
Vortex hallezii Graff, 1882 accepted as Dalyellia hallezii (Graff, 1882) Graff, 1905 (additional source)
Vortex helluo (Müller, 1773) Hallez, 1894 accepted as Dalyellia viridis (Shaw, 1791) Graff, 1905 (additional source)
Vortex pictus Schmidt, 1848 accepted as Dalyellia picta (Schmidt, 1848) Graff, 1905 accepted as Microdalyellia picta (Schmidt, 1848) Gieysztor, 1938 (additional source)
Vortex sexdentatus Graff, 1882 accepted as Vortex cuspidatus sexdentatus Graff, 1882 accepted as Dalyellia cuspidata (Schmidt, 1861) Hofsten, 1907 accepted as Gieysztoria cuspidata (Schmidt, 1861) Ruebush & Hayes, 1939 (redescription)
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