In this paper, two new brackish-water species of the macrostomid turbellarian genus Macrostomum, Macrostomum pseudosinense sp. nov. and Macrostomum taurinum sp. nov., collected from coastal water at Shenzhen, Guangdong Province, China, are described based on morphological, histological, and molecular phylogenetic analyses. Macrostomum pseudosinense sp. nov. differs from similar species within the genus in the length of the stylet (152 [plus or minus] 15.0 [mu]m), diameter of stylet opening (20 [plus or minus] 4.0 [mu]m proximally; 7 [plus or minus] 0.5 [mu]m distally), two bends of the stylet, and the non-spiral end of the stylet. Macrostomum taurinum sp. nov. differs from its congeners in the length of the stylet (81 [plus or minus] 7.4 [mu]m), the stylet bending position and angle (50% and 60[degree]), diameter of stylet proximal opening (15 [plus or minus] 3.0 [mu]m), sperm with bristles and brush, and the smooth-walled ovaries. Phylogenetic analyses inferred from nuclear 18S and 28S rRNA genes support the establishments of these two new species. In addition, reciprocal mating behavior of M. pseudosinense sp. nov. was observed and documented.