Opresko, D.M., and J. A. Sánchez. 1997. A new species
of antipatharian coral (Cnidaria : Anthozoa) from
the Caribbean coast of Colombia. Caribbean Journal of Science 33:
Opresko, D. M.; Sánchez, J. A.
A new species
of antipatharian coral (Cnidaria : Anthozoa) from
the Caribbean coast of Colombia
Caribbean Journal of Science
33: 75-81
A new species of black coral, Aphanipathes colombiana (Cnidaria:Antipatharia) from the Ca-
ribbean coast of Colombia is described. The species forms small ?abellate colonies with anisomorphic polypar spines. It is morphologically similar to the western Atlantic species A. thyoides (Pourtales) but its hypostomal polypar spines are not reduced in size. The new species also resembles the Indo-Paci?c species A. reticulata van Pesch but it has smooth-surfaced polypar spines, whereas in A. reticulata these spines have small tubercles on their surface.