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Asteroidea source details

Hayward, P.J. & J.S. Ryland (Eds.). (1990). The marine fauna of the British Isles and North-West Europe: 1. Introduction and protozoans to arthropods. Clarendon Press: Oxford, UK. 627 pp.
Hayward, P.J. & J.S. Ryland (Eds.)
The marine fauna of the British Isles and North-West Europe: 1. Introduction and protozoans to arthropods.
Clarendon Press: Oxford, UK.
627 pp.
pdf is only chapter 8 Crustacea :322-361.
Available for editors  PDF available
Circeis paguri Phyllis Knight-Jones (Knight-Jones & Knight-Jones, 1977) differs from C. armoricalla and all spirorbids so far studied in that all the larval eyes are small rounded ocelli. The species breeds from February to August. Some of those attached to the telson bear embryos and may thus be transferred to new shells by the hermit-crabs without any need for a pelagic stage. The attached tubes are concentrated it) the roof of the penultimate whorl. Mean size, numbers and breeding potential are greater within larger shells.
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2013-01-12 18:30:12Z
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Echinodermata (additional source)
Stichasteridae Perrier, 1885 (basis of record)
British Isles for Anseropoda placenta (Pennant, 1777) 
British Isles for Asterias rubens Linnaeus, 1758 
British Isles for Asterina gibbosa (Pennant, 1777) 
British Isles for Asterina phylactica Emson & Crump, 1979 
British Isles for Astropecten irregularis (Pennant, 1777) 
British Isles for Crossaster papposus (Linnaeus, 1767) 
British Isles for Luidia ciliaris (Philippi, 1837) 
British Isles for Luidia sarsii Düben & Koren in Düben, 1844 
British Isles for Marthasterias glacialis (Linnaeus, 1758) 
British Isles for Porania (Porania) pulvillus (O.F. Müller, 1776) 
British Isles for Solaster endeca (Linnaeus, 1771) 
British Isles for Stichastrella rosea (O.F. Müller, 1776) 
English Channel for Crossaster papposus (Linnaeus, 1767) 
English Channel for Solaster endeca (Linnaeus, 1771) 
Irish Sea for Henricia oculata (Pennant, 1777) 
Irish Sea for Solaster endeca (Linnaeus, 1771) 
Northumberland for Hippasteria phrygiana (Parelius, 1768) 
Scotland for Henricia sanguinolenta (O.F. Müller, 1776) 
Scotland for Hippasteria phrygiana (Parelius, 1768) 
Shetlands for Anseropoda placenta (Pennant, 1777) 
Shetlands for Leptasterias (Leptasterias) muelleri (M. Sars, 1846) 
South Coast of England for Henricia oculata (Pennant, 1777) 
South Coast of England for Hippasteria phrygiana (Parelius, 1768) 
West Coast of England for Henricia oculata (Pennant, 1777) 
West Coast of England for Henricia sanguinolenta (O.F. Müller, 1776) 
English coalfish for Pollachius virens (Linnaeus, 1758)
English coley for Pollachius virens (Linnaeus, 1758)
English common dragonet for Callionymus lyra Linnaeus, 1758
English Connemara clingfish [from synonym] for Lepadogaster candollei Risso, 1810
English Corbin's sand eel for Hyperoplus immaculatus (Corbin, 1950)
English corkwing [from synonym] for Symphodus (Crenilabrus) melops (Linnaeus, 1758)
English Cornish clingfish [from synonym] for Lepadogaster lepadogaster purpurea (Bonnaterre, 1788)
English deep-nosed pipefish for Syngnathus typhle Linnaeus, 1758
English father lasher for Myoxocephalus scorpius (Linnaeus, 1758)
English fluke for Platichthys flesus (Linnaeus, 1758)
English John dory for Zeus faber Linnaeus, 1758
English lamprey for Lampetra fluviatilis (Linnaeus, 1758)
English lesser pipefish for Syngnathus rostellatus Nilsson, 1855
English lesser sand eel for Ammodytes tobianus Linnaeus, 1758
English painted ray for Raja microocellata Montagu, 1818
English poor-cod for Trisopterus minutus (Linnaeus, 1758)
English pout for Trisopterus luscus (Linnaeus, 1758)
English Raitt's sand eel for Ammodytes marinus Raitt, 1934
English reticulate dragonet for Callionymus reticulatus Valenciennes, 1837
English sand smelt [from synonym] for Atherina (Hepsetia) presbyter Cuvier, 1829
English sapphirine gurnard [from synonym] for Trigla lucerna Linnaeus, 1758
English sea snail for Liparis liparis (Linnaeus, 1766)
English streaked gurnard [from synonym] for Trigloporus lastoviza (Bonnaterre, 1788)
English trout for Salmo trutta Linnaeus, 1758
English tub [from synonym] for Trigla lucerna Linnaeus, 1758
English turbot [from synonym] for Psetta maxima (Linnaeus, 1758)
English two spot goby [from synonym] for Gobiusculus flavescens (Fabricius, 1779)


Darwin, 1854 [details]


(Alder & Hancock, 1845) [details]


(Allman) [details]


(Johnston, 1827-28) [details]


(Johnston, 1865) [details]


(Toriumi) [details]


(Ström, 1868) [details]


Llewellyn & Knight-Jones [details]


(Couch, 1844) [details]


(Mc Intosh, 1873-74) [details]


Species described by Montagu [details]


(O.F. Müller, 1776) [details]


(Schultze, 1865) [details]


Vejdorsky, 1879 [details]


Nielsen & Christensen, 1961 [details]


(McIntosh, 1873/74) [details]


Audouin & Milne Edwards, 1834 [details]


(Walker & Boys) [details]


(Linnaeus) Hornwrack [details]


(Fabricus) in stead of the author Rathke. [details]


(Dujardin) [details]


(Norman) [details]


(Lucas, 1846) [details]


(Rathke, 1837) [details]


was given as Johnston, in most works prior to 1994. [details]


Holmes, 1903 [details]


(Chiereghin) [details]


(Alder & Hancock, 1862) [details]


(Quatrefages, 1844) [details]


Author: (Linnaeus) according to Hayward & Ryland (1990). [details]


Stephenson, 1911 [details]


Levinsen, 1883 [details]


Nielsen C. O. and Christensen B., 1959 [details]


Ehrenberg, 1831 [details]


(Oersted, 1844 in Grube, 1860) [details]


Fabricius, 1780 [details]


(O.F. Müller, 1784) [details]


Forbes in Forbes & Hanley [details]


de Saint-Joseph, 1887 [details]


(Linnaeus, 1761) [details]


(Johnston, 1828-29) [details]


(M. Sars, 1864) [details]


de Savigny, 1822 [details]


Hesse [details]


(Hassal, 1842) [details]


Madsen [details]


Kröyer [details]


(Dollfus) [details]


Ehrenberg, 1831 [details]


(Mc Intosh, 1873-74) [details]


This authority places the genus under the family Sphenomonadidae [details]


Classified under Fischerinidae in aphia. [details]


This authority places the genus under the family Cyathomonadidae. [details]


This authority places the genus under the family Heteronematidae. [details]


This authority places the genus under the family Heteronematidae. [details]


Some authorities consider this genus as a zoological group and place it under the zoological name of the family ... [details]


This authority places the genus under the family Heteronematidae. [details]


This genus was placed by these authorities in the family Lophodiniidae but according to Algaebase this genus is ... [details]


Some authorities consider this genus as a zoological group and place it under the zoological name of the family ... [details]


This authority places the genus under the family Sphenomonadidae [details]


This authority places the genus under the family Heteronematidae. [details]


This authority places the genus under the family Sphenomonadidae [details]


Some authorities consider this genus as a zoological group and place it under the zoological name of the family ... [details]


This genus is classified in family Heteroceridae by Hayward & Ryland (1990). [details]


This authority places the genus under the family Sphenomonadidae [details]


Some authorities consider this genus as a zoological group and place it under the zoological name of the family ... [details]


This authority considered the genus as zoological and placed it under the family Prasinocladidae, but according to ... [details]


This authority places the genus under the family Heteronematidae [details]


This species has not been recorded frequently but may have a distribution similar to that of A. echinata. However, ... [details]


absent from the west coast of Jutland and the Baltic [details]


An artic species which reaches its southernmost limits around Shetland. [details]


Amongst vegetation in shallow brackish water. [details]


Scarce. [details]


Absent from Baltic and eastern basin of English Channel [details]


Cosmopolitan in temperate and warm temperate seas [details]


absent from Belgium, Holland, east coast of Denmark, and Baltic Sea [details]


All coasts, but uncommon in south, not present around Channel Islands [details]


Common and generally distributed. [details]


Rare, mainly in bottom plankton hauls [details]


An Arctic-Boreal species [details]


Not common around Channel Isles and Scilly Isles [details]


Occurs in littoral subsoil and salt-marshes on the east coast of England. [details]


Not common [details]


south-west and south-east Scotland; southwest England; coasts of Norway [details]


Not recorded for Mediterranean [details]


All British coasts, but apparently not common. [details]

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