MSBIAS source details

Rosa, Daniele 1908 (1911?). Annelidi pt. 1. Tomopteridi. Raccolte planctoniche fatte dalla R. Nave "Liguria" nel viaggio di circonnavigazione del 1903-1905 sotto il commando di S.A.R. Luigi di Savoia, Duca degli Abruzzi. 1(5): 245-327. [Liguria Expedition report series as published in "Pubblicazioni del R. Istituto di Studi Superiori Pratici e di Perfezionamento in Firenze; Sezione di Scienze Fisiche e Naturali"]
Polychaeta DB. Zoo Record has 1911 as publication date (diagnoses published elsewhere in 1908). No online original source detected as at January 2011. However, an English translation is available
Begins: "Due to a set of favourable circumstances, this work, which originally had the very modest aim of describing the Tomopterids of the "Liguria", turned into a complete "Review of the Family Tomopteridae" giving the characters of all the twenty-four known species, sixteen of which (including six new species) are described de visu (the others are, for the most part, ancient unrecognizable species)."
2013-01-12 18:30:12Z