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Kirtley, David W. 1994. A review and taxonomic revision of the family Sabellariidae Johnston, 1865 (Annelida; Polychaeta). Science Series number 1. 1-223. Sabecon Press. Vero Beach, Florida.
Kirtley, D. W.
A review and taxonomic revision of the family Sabellariidae Johnston, 1865 (Annelida; Polychaeta)
Science Series number
1: 1-223
World Polychaeta Database (WPolyDb). In 1995 Kirtley [deceased] circulated a Corrigenda in “Chaetozone Nine” Polychaete Newsletter, later recirculated to Annelida list. See
The Family Sabellariidae is reviewed and revised, based on examination of type material, previously published reports, and original studies of new material. A chronological synopsis of the genera, a summary of general characteristics of the family, taxonomic keys, and brief descriptions of the characteristics of the various genera and species, along with their zoogeographic distribution as inferred from collection localities, are included. These sand-tube building annelids are recorded from a wide range of marine zoogeographic provinces and are particularly abundant in the surf zone along shorelines with mobile, sand size particles in recurrent turbulent suspension. Species are also recorded from the floors of continental shelves and slopes and from great depths in the ocean. According to the present analysis, interpretation, and account the family Sabellariidae contains 2 newly defined subfamilies [Sabellariinae, Lygdaminae for Lygdamis and Mariansabellaria, etc, etc], 12 known genera, including 4 new genera [Neosabellaria, Paraidanthyrsus, Mariansabellaria, Gesaia], and 111 species, including 27 new combinations and 43 new species.
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2013-01-12 18:30:12Z
2014-06-10 22:15:49Z

Gesaia Kirtley, 1994 (original description)
Gesaia fossae Kirtley, 1994 (original description)
Gunnarea Johannson, 1927 (additional source)
Gunnarea gaimardi (Quatrefages, 1848) (basis of record)
Hermella Savigny, 1822 accepted as Sabellaria Lamarck, 1818 (status source)
Idanthyrsus luciae (Rochebrune, 1882) (basis of record)
Idanthyrsus pennatus (Peters, 1854) (source of synonymy)
Lygdamis bhaudi Kirtley, 1994 (original description)
Lygdamis dayi Kirtley, 1994 (original description)
Lygdamis gilchristi (McIntosh, 1924) (status source)
Lygdamis kirkegaardi Kirtley, 1994 (original description)
Lygdamis malagasiensis Kirtley, 1994 (original description)
Pallasia gaimardi Quatrefages, 1866 (source of synonymy)
Pallasia gaimardi Quatrefages, 1848 accepted as Gunnarea gaimardi (Quatrefages, 1848) (source of synonymy)
Pallasia luciae Rochebrune, 1882 accepted as Idanthyrsus luciae (Rochebrune, 1882) (source of synonymy)
Phalacrostemma lechapti Kirtley, 1994 (original description)
Sabellaria (Pallasia) johnstoni McIntosh, 1885 accepted as Idanthyrsus luciae (Rochebrune, 1882) (source of synonymy)
Sabellaria bellani Kirtley, 1994 (original description)
Sabellaria fucicola Augener, 1918 (basis of record)
Sabellaria gilchristi McIntosh, 1924 (basis of record)
Sabellaria guinensis Augener, 1918 (basis of record)
Sabellaria intoshi Fauvel, 1914 (additional source)
Sabellaria marskaae Kirtley, 1994 (original description)
Sabellaria pectinata Fauvel, 1932 (additional source)
Sabellaria spinulosa (Leuckart, 1849) (taxonomy source)
Sabellaria spinulosa gilchristi McIntosh, 1924 accepted as Sabellaria gilchristi McIntosh, 1924 (source of synonymy)
Sabellaria spinulosa intoshi Fauvel, 1914 accepted as Sabellaria intoshi Fauvel, 1914 (status source)
Sabellariidae Johnston, 1865 (taxonomy source)
Tetreres murata gilchristi McIntosh, 1924 accepted as Lygdamis gilchristi (McIntosh, 1924) (taxonomy source)
Tetreres sandraae Kirtley, 1994 (original description)