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Amphipoda source details

Froese, R. & D. Pauly (Editors). (2024). FishBase. World Wide Web electronic publication. version (06/2024).
Froese, R. & D. Pauly (Editors)
FishBase. World Wide Web electronic publication
version (06/2024)
RIS (EndNote, Reference Manager, ProCite, RefWorks)
BibTex (BibDesk, LaTeX)
2013-01-12 18:30:12Z
2016-07-06 20:20:07Z
2018-04-10 08:02:36Z
2019-01-02 08:20:54Z
2019-04-17 09:38:20Z
2020-07-24 14:03:09Z
2023-10-29 21:32:29Z
2024-09-23 08:40:47Z

Albanian ngjale deti e baleareve for Ariosoma balearicum (Delaroche, 1809)
Albanian peshk derr [from synonym] for Balistes carolinensis Gmelin, 1789
Bengali Loitta for Harpadon nehereus (Hamilton, 1822)
Croatian babica kokošica for Aidablennius sphynx (Valenciennes, 1836)
Croatian cnerj for Chromis chromis (Linnaeus, 1758)
Croatian indijanac for Chromis chromis (Linnaeus, 1758)
Croatian jera for Anthias anthias (Linnaeus, 1758)
Croatian kaliger for Chromis chromis (Linnaeus, 1758)
Croatian kirnjica for Anthias anthias (Linnaeus, 1758)
Croatian matulicic [from synonym] for Apogon (Apogon) imberbis (Linnaeus, 1758)
Croatian mlijec ružicni for Aphia minuta (Risso, 1810)
Croatian razok for Bothus podas (Delaroche, 1809)
Croatian ugoric zlatar for Ariosoma balearicum (Delaroche, 1809)
Czech úhoř mořský for Conger conger (Linnaeus, 1758)
Czech úhořovec malý for Ariosoma balearicum (Delaroche, 1809)
Danish Balearisk havål for Ariosoma balearicum (Delaroche, 1809)
Danish bredøjet hvarre for Bothus podas (Delaroche, 1809)
Danish haneslimfisk for Aidablennius sphynx (Valenciennes, 1836)
Danish middelhavskardinalfisk [from synonym] for Apogon (Apogon) imberbis (Linnaeus, 1758)
Danish ringhavrude for Diplodus annularis (Linnaeus, 1758)
Danish spidssnudet havrude for Diplodus puntazzo (Walbaum, 1792)
Dutch breedsnuitrog for Bathyraja brachyurops (Fowler, 1910)
Dutch kever for Trisopterus esmarkii (Nilsson, 1855)
English abas for Gymnarchidae Bleeker, 1859
English Aden splitfin [from synonym] for Synagrops adeni Kotthaus, 1970
English aestivating lungfishes for Lepidosirenidae Bonaparte, 1841
English African angelshark for Squatina africana Regan, 1908
English African basslet for Liopropoma africanum (Smith, 1954)
English African butterflyfish for Chaetodon dolosus Ahl, 1923
English African chimaera for Hydrolagus africanus (Gilchrist, 1922)
English African coris [from synonym] for Coris gaimard africana Smith, 1957
English African deepwater flathead for Parabembras robinsoni Regan, 1921
English African demoiselle for Neopomacentrus fuliginosus (Smith, 1960)
English African eel blenny for Haliophis guttatus (Forsskål, 1775)
English African forktail snapper for Apsilus fuscus Valenciennes, 1830
English African longfin eel for Anguilla mossambica (Peters, 1852)
English African lungfishes for Protopteridae Peters, 1855
English African pikes for Hepsetidae Hubbs, 1939
English African pompano for Alectis ciliaris (Bloch, 1787)
English African ribbontail catshark for Eridacnis sinuans (Smith, 1957)
English African righteye flounder for Poecilopsetta natalensis Norman, 1931
English African rivulines for Nothobranchiidae Garman, 1895
English African sailfin flyingfish [from synonym] for Parexocoetus mento mento (Valenciennes, 1847)
English African scad for Trachurus delagoa Nekrasov, 1970
English African sea catfish for Arius africanus Günther, 1867
English African spadefish for Tripterodon orbis Playfair, 1867
English African spotted catshark for Holohalaelurus punctatus (Gilchrist, 1914)
English African tetras for Alestidae Cockerell, 1910
English airbreathing catfishes for Clariidae Bonaparte, 1845
English airsac catfishes for Heteropneustidae Hora, 1936
English albacore for Thunnus alalunga (Bonnaterre, 1788)
English alfonsino for Beryx decadactylus Cuvier, 1829
English algae eaters for Gyrinocheilidae Gill, 1905
English Allard's anemonefish for Amphiprion allardi Klausewitz, 1970
English alligator pipefish for Syngnathoides biaculeatus (Bloch, 1785)
English Almaco jack for Seriola rivoliana Valenciennes, 1833
English aloha grenadier for Nezumia propinqua (Gilbert & Cramer, 1897)
English American soles for Achiridae Rafinesque, 1815
English angler catfish for Chacidae Bleeker, 1858
English Antarctic dragonfishes for Bathydraconidae Regan, 1913
English Antarctic sculpins for Bathylutichthyidae Balushkin & Voskoboynikova, 1990
English antenna codlet for Bregmaceros atlanticus Goode & Bean, 1886
English Arab blenny for Omobranchus fasciolatus (Valenciennes, 1836)
English Arabian angelfish for Pomacanthus asfur (Forsskål, 1775)
English Arabian butterflyfish for Chaetodon melapterus Guichenot, 1863
English Arabian gizzard shad for Nematalosa arabica Regan, 1917
English Arabian monocle bream for Scolopsis ghanam (Forsskål, 1775)
English Arabian pandora for Pagellus affinis Boulenger, 1888
English Arabian scad for Trachurus indicus Nekrasov, 1966
English Arabian smooth-hound for Mustelus mosis Hemprich & Ehrenberg, 1899
English arc-eye hawkfish for Paracirrhites arcatus (Cuvier, 1829)
English archerfishes for Toxotidae Bleeker, 1859
English Arctic sand lance for Ammodytes hexapterus Pallas, 1814
English areolate grouper for Epinephelus areolatus (Forsskål, 1775)
English armored catfishes for Loricariidae Rafinesque, 1815
English armored gurnards for Peristediidae Jordan & Gilbert, 1883
English armored searobins for Peristediidae Jordan & Gilbert, 1883
English armored sticklebacks for Indostomidae Prashad & Mukerji, 1929
English armorhead catfishes for Cranoglanididae Myers, 1931
English arowanas for Osteoglossidae Bonaparte, 1845
English Aru gudgeon for Oxyeleotris aruensis (Weber, 1911)
English Asian leaffishes for Nandidae Bleeker, 1852
English Asian seaperches for Lateolabracidae Ghedotti, Davis & Smith, 2018
English Atlantic blue marlin for Makaira nigricans Lacepède, 1802
English Atlantic bonito for Sarda sarda (Bloch, 1793)
English Atlantic horse mackerel for Trachurus trachurus (Linnaeus, 1758)
English Atlantic red eels for Myrocongridae Gill, 1890
English Atlantic sturgeon [from synonym] for Acipenser oxyrinchus oxyrinchus Mitchill, 1815
English Atlantic tripletail for Lobotes surinamensis (Bloch, 1790)
English Atlantic weasel shark for Paragaleus pectoralis (Garman, 1906)
English attenuated spider fish for Bathypterois atricolor Alcock, 1896
English aulopus for Aulopidae Bonaparte, 1831
English Australian bonytongue for Scleropages jardinii (Saville-Kent, 1892)
English Australian lungfish for Ceratodontidae †
English Australian prowfishes for Pataecidae Gill, 1872
English Australian salmon for Arripidae Gill, 1893
English austroglanids for Austroglanididae Mo, 1991
English axilspot hogfish for Bodianus axillaris (Bennett, 1832)
English Ayu fish for Plecoglossidae Bleeker, 1859
English Baelama anchovy for Thryssa baelama (Forsskål, 1775)

Authority given as Gunther, 1857 (original combination) in <130>. [details]


Authority Lac., 1798 in <130> [details]


Lacepede as author in Kalk (1958). [details]


Authority (Shaw, 1758) in <130> [details]


Authority (Forsk, 1775) in <130> [details]


Authority given as (Playfair & Gunther, 1867) , and spelt C. multispinis in Randall <307>. [details]


Author (Lacepede 1801) in <307>. [details]


(Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1830) in <307>. [details]


Authority given as for original combination in Smith & Smith (1963). [details]


Authority given as Bleeker, 1851 in <130> [details]


Authority (Brouss., 1786) in <130> [details]


Authority (Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1828) according to Smith <130>, <150>. [details]


Smith & Radcliffe in Radcliffe, 1913 [details]


Authority given as (Lacepede, 1803) in <130> [details]


Authority Bleeker, 1853 in <130>. Some idication of confusion also in FishBase. [details]


Authority is (Bloch-Sneider, 1801) in <130> [details]


Authority (Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1829) in Randall <307>. [details]


Authority (Bloch & Schneider, 1801) in <130> [details]


Authority Regan 1908 in <130> [details]


Authority is (Fowler, 1912) according to Randall <307>. [details]


Placed in Family Pseudogrammidae in <130> [details]


Placed in separate family Astronesthidae in FishBase 2000 [details]


Placed in family Nasidae in <130> [details]


In family Melanostomiidae in Fishbase 96 [details]


In family Chlorophthalmidae in Fishbase 96 [details]


In family Chlorophthalmidae in Fishbase 96 [details]


In family Chlorophthalmidae in Fishbase 96 [details]


In family Chlorophthalmidae in Fishbase 96 [details]


Placed in Family Tetrarogidae in <130> [details]


In Pentapodidae in <130> [details]


Placed in genus Bodianus in FishBase? [details]


Placed in Genus Bodianus in FishBase? [details]


Sometimes treated as a separate family, Macroramphosidae [details]


Genus placed in Family Alutheridae in <130> and <355> [details]


Placed in Family Pseudogrammidae in <130> [details]


Placed in Family Scolopsidae by <130> [details]


Placed in family Callyodontidae by <130>. Genus probably no longer valid. [details]


Inhabits coastal areas, usually found over muddy and sandy bottoms, also around reefs, together with the sponges ... [details]


Inhabits coastal and oceanic waters but more often found near islands (Ref. 5213). Feeds mainly on small fishes. ... [details]


Inhabits coastal coral reefs. [details]


Inhabits rocky inshore and offshore reefs. [details]


Found in small groups along upper edges of sheltered shear dropoffs. Also found in rocky inshore reefs of usually ... [details]


Usually found in shallow waters to around 15 meters, juveniles are common in tide pools while adults school over ... [details]


Inhabits lagoon and outer reefs in shallow areas exposed to mild or moderate surge. Feeds on benthic algae and ... [details]


Inhabits inshore and offshore coral or rocky reefs. Feeds on zooplankton and algae and aggregates high in the water ... [details]


Inhabits rocky lagoons, reef flat shorelines and piers subject to mild surge; juveniles are common in tidepools. ... [details]


Usually found in shallow water zones in lagoons and in flat bottom areas. Feeds on algae and sometimes on ... [details]


Inhabits upper edge of outer reef slopes and inshore rocky reefs. Feeds on zooplankton, benthic algae, and small ... [details]


Occurs frequently among rocks in depths of 1 to at least 20 m. Flesh excellent. [details]


An oceanic species frequently solitary or forming small loose aggregations rather than compact schools. Feeds on ... [details]


Found on muddy and sandy bottoms of coastal waters and estuaries. Enters freshwater. Juveniles inhabit protected ... [details]


Occurs in shallow coastal waters. Enters estuaries and bays, mainly around coral reefs. Sold fresh or dried in markets. [details]


Occurs in clear seaward reefs to a depth of at least 30 m. [details]


Occurs in outer lagoon and seaward reefs to a depth of over 12 m and feeds primarily on the algal film covering ... [details]


A schooling species, usually occurring in seaward reefs at depths greater than 9 m. Feeds on surface film of fine ... [details]


Occurs in surge zones and browses on filamentous and calcareous algae. Occasionally forms schools. [details]


Inhabits coral reefs. May occur singly or in large feeding aggregations. Feeds on benthic algae. Marketed fresh. ... [details]


A territorial species (Ref. 167) which is common in surge zones of exposed seaward reefs of less than 3 m. The ... [details]


Inhabits steep slopes, often in turbid waters, generally in the vicinity of coral reefs or rocky bottoms. May form ... [details]


Occurs in clear lagoon and seaward reefs to a depth of at least 30 m around isolated coral heads. Prefers sandy ... [details]


Found on hard substrates of shallow lagoon and seaward reefs from the lower surge zone to a depth of more than 15 ... [details]


Inhabits clear lagoon and seaward reefs; often in areas with mixed coral, pavement, rubble and sand substrates ... [details]


Occurs in lagoon and seaward reefs; prefers areas of mixed coral, rock, or sand at the base of reefs or ledges. ... [details]


Feeds on various kinds of algae, mainly @Sargassum@, and fine filamentous green algae <111>. The typical habitat is ... [details]


Inhabits coral reefs. Sometimes occurs in small shoals. Grazes on benthic algae. [details]


This occasionally schooling species occurs in steep outer reef slopes and drop-offs at depths of 4 to over 75 m ... [details]


Occurs in lagoon and seaward reefs with hard substrate to a depth of at least 90 m and feeds on a wide variety of ... [details]


Juveniles inhabit shallow, protected, turbid inshore waters while adults prefer deeper areas of protected bays and ... [details]


Enters rivers (Ref. 4343). [details]


Probably epibenthic (Ref. 4343). [details]


Reaches at least 6.3 cm. [details]


Occurs in the continental shelf (Ref. 7300). Marketed fresh and reduced to fishmeal. [details]


Form schools among the spines of @Diadema@ or staghorn corals, and feed on minute crustaceans in the zooplankton. ... [details]


Usually seen in or near caves and holes in the reef. Feeds mainly on small fishes (including @Pempheris@ sp.), also ... [details]


Usually found in shallow inshore waters. Common around bays, estuaries, off beaches and coral reefs but may cross ... [details]


Found in muddy bays and banks and on coral reefs from close inshore to 110 m depth (Ref. 9862). Probably caught in ... [details]


Inhabits freshwaters but may occur in estuaries. Taken mainly in subsistence fisheries in rivers. Marketed fresh. [details]


Lives mainly in freshwaters, but it may occasionally be found in estuaries (Ref. 3468). [details]


Distribution: cosmopolitan in tropical seas (Losse, 1968). Look up in FishBase [details]


Juveniles occur in open seas near the surface, adults near the bottom from shallow waters to 100 m; rarely occurs ... [details]


Adults mainly taken on hook and line, especially on light tackle while juveniles often caught with beach seines. ... [details]


Forms schools near reefs. Feeds on shrimps, copepods, crustacean larvae and small fish (Ref. 5213). [details]


Common in shallow coastal waters where it often swims near the surface. Feeds chiefly on shrimps, copepods, decapod ... [details]


Occurs on the continental slope (Ref. 9563). [details]


An occasionally schooling species which feeds mainly on krill (euphausids), and also on squids and small fishes. ... [details]


Primarily an oceanic and epipelagic species; usually mesopelagic in the tropics (Ref. 1602). Also inhabits ... [details]


An oceanic species that visits coasts and occurs near the bottom at depths down to 500 m. Feeds on pelagic ... [details]


Possibly to 609 cm. Also in coastal waters. Eats schooling fish, including mackerels, bluefishes, clupeids, ... [details]


Marine species occasionally found in the mouths of rivers. The actual occurrence of this euryhaline species in ... [details]


Inhabits reefs (Ref. 9318). Occasionally in shallow waters by steep drop-offs. Usually observed either singly or in ... [details]


Occurs in lagoons and on seaward reefs. Solitary, often in open water (Ref. 9710). Feeds on algae, seagrasses, ... [details]


Prefers shallow coastal coral reefs and feeds on benthic organisms (Ref. 3467). [details]


Occurs in areas of mixed sand, rubble, and coral heads on semi-protected seaward reefs at depths of 3 to at least 18 m. [details]


Known only from larvae and juveniles. [details]


In shallow waters; common in estuaries; may enter lower reaches of rivers. Can tolerate fresh water only within a ... [details]


Tolerant of freshwater within a temperature range of 19-27°C. In summer, feeds mainly in early evening and late ... [details]


Common in brackish waters near river mouths where it occurs in schools; sometimes found in upper streams (Ref. ... [details]


Lives with symbiont alpheid shrimps which prepare and maintain burrows in sand or sand and rubble areas. [details]


A schooling species occurring in coastal waters. [details]

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