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Asteroidea source details
Fisher, W.K. (1906). The starfishes of the Hawaiian islands. Bulletin of the United States Fish Commission, 23: 987-1130.
Fisher, W. K.
The starfishes of the Hawaiian islands
Bulletin of the United States Fish Commission
23: 987-1130
Taxonomic term
(EndNote, Reference Manager, ProCite, RefWorks)
(BibDesk, LaTeX)
2013-01-12 18:30:12Z
2016-04-12 09:25:21Z
Jossart, Quentin
2019-05-20 19:17:07Z
Mah, Christopher
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Taxa (73)
Distributions (29)
Anseropoda insignis
Fisher, 1906
(original description)
Anseropodidae Fisher, 1906
accepted as
Asterinidae Gray, 1840
(original description)
Antheniaster epixanthus
Fisher, 1906
accepted as
Anthenoides epixanthus
(Fisher, 1906)
(original description)
Asterodiscus tuberculosus
Fisher, 1906
accepted as
Asterodiscides tuberculosus
(Fisher, 1906)
(original description)
Fisher, 1906
(original description)
Asthenactis papyraceus
Fisher, 1906
(original description)
Fisher, 1906
(original description)
Astroceramus callimorphus
Fisher, 1906
(original description)
Astropecten callistus
Fisher, 1906
accepted as
Astropectinides callistus
(Fisher, 1906)
(original description)
Astropecten ctenophorus
Fisher, 1906
accepted as
Astropectinides ctenophora
(Fisher, 1906)
(original description)
Astropecten productus
Fisher, 1906
(original description)
Astropecten pusillulus
Fisher, 1906
(original description)
Benthaster eritimus
Fisher, 1906
(original description)
Brisinga alberti
Fisher, 1906
(original description)
Brisinga evermanni
Fisher, 1906
(original description)
Brisinga fragilis
Fisher, 1906
accepted as
Hymenodiscus fragilis
(Fisher, 1906)
(original description)
Brisinga panopla
Fisher, 1906
accepted as
Freyellaster (Pseudobrisinga) panopla
(Fisher, 1906)
(original description)
Calliaster pedicellaris
Fisher, 1906
(original description)
Calliderma spectabilis
Fisher, 1906
accepted as
Calliderma emma
Gray, 1847
(original description)
Cheiraster (Cheiraster) inops
Fisher, 1906
(original description)
Cheiraster (Cheiraster) snyderi
Fisher, 1906
(original description)
Cheiraster (Christopheraster) horridus
Fisher, 1906
(original description)
Coscinasterias (Distolasterias) euplecta
Fisher, 1906
accepted as
Sclerasterias euplecta
(Fisher, 1906)
(original description)
Coscinasterias euplecta
Fisher, 1906
accepted as
Sclerasterias euplecta
(Fisher, 1906)
(original description)
Craterobrisinga panopla
(Fisher, 1906)
accepted as
Brisinga panopla
Fisher, 1906
accepted as
Freyellaster (Pseudobrisinga) panopla
(Fisher, 1906)
(original description)
Fisher, 1906
(original description)
Ctenophoraster hawaiiensis
Fisher, 1906
(original description)
Cyllaster pauperrima
(Fisher, 1906)
accepted as
Henricia pauperrima
Fisher, 1906
(original description)
Dipsacaster nesiotes
Fisher, 1905
(original description)
Fisher, 1906
(original description)
Evoplosoma forcipifera
Fisher, 1906
(original description)
Fisher, 1906
(original description)
Gilbertaster anacanthus
Fisher, 1906
(original description)
Fisher, 1906
accepted as
Agassiz, 1836
(original description)
Henricia pauperrima
Fisher, 1906
(original description)
Henricia robusta
Fisher, 1906
(original description)
Hydrasterias verrilli
Fisher, 1906
accepted as
Tarsastrocles verrilli
(Fisher, 1906)
(original description)
Hymenaster pentagonalis
Fisher, 1906
(original description)
Leiaster callipeplus
Fisher, 1906
accepted as
Leiaster glaber
Peters, 1852
(original description)
Luidia hystrix
Fisher, 1906
accepted as
Luidia aspera
Sladen, 1889
(original description)
Luidia magnifica
Fisher, 1906
(original description)
Luidiaster horridus
(Fisher, 1906)
accepted as
Cheiraster (Christopheraster) horridus
Fisher, 1906
(original description)
Mediaster ornatus
Fisher, 1906
(original description)
Myxasteridae Perrier, 1885
(additional source)
Nereidaster bowersi
Fisher, 1906
accepted as
Ceramaster bowersi
(Fisher, 1906)
(original description)
Odinia pacifica
Fisher, 1906
accepted as
Novodinia pacifica
(Fisher, 1906)
(original description)
Ophidiaster lorioli
Fisher, 1906
(original description)
Ophidiaster rhabdotus
Fisher, 1906
(original description)
Ophidiaster sclerodermus
Fisher, 1906
accepted as
Tamaria scleroderma
(Fisher, 1906)
(original description)
Ophidiaster squameus
Fisher, 1906
accepted as
Ophidiaster hemprichi
Müller & Troschel, 1842
(original description)
Ophidiaster tenellus
Fisher, 1906
accepted as
Tamaria tenella
(Fisher, 1906)
(original description)
Ophidiaster triseriatus
Fisher, 1906
accepted as
Tamaria triseriata
(Fisher, 1906)
(original description)
Oreaster hawaiiensis
(Fisher, 1906)
accepted as
Pentaceraster cumingi
(Gray, 1840)
(original description)
Palmipes insignis
(Fisher, 1906)
accepted as
Anseropoda insignis
Fisher, 1906
(original description)
Fisher, 1906
(original description)
Patagiaster nuttingi
Fisher, 1906
(original description)
Pentaceros hawaiiensis
Fisher, 1906
accepted as
Pentaceraster cumingi
(Gray, 1840)
(original description)
Pentagonaster ammophilus
Fisher, 1906
accepted as
Sphaeriodiscus ammophilus
(Fisher, 1906)
(original description)
Persephonaster cingulatus cingulatus
(Fisher, 1906)
(original description)
Pseudarchaster jordani
Fisher, 1906
(original description)
Pseudarchaster myobrachius
Fisher, 1906
(original description)
Psilaster attenuatus
Fisher, 1906
(original description)
Fisher, 1906
accepted as
Wood-Mason & Alcock, 1891
(original description)
Psilasteropsis cingulata
Fisher, 1906
accepted as
Persephonaster cingulatus
(Fisher, 1906)
(original description)
Pteraster (Apterodon) reticulatus
Fisher, 1906
represented as
Pteraster reticulatus
Fisher, 1906
(original description)
Pteraster reticulatus
Fisher, 1906
(original description)
Fisher, 1923
(additional source)
Tosia (Ceramaster) micropelta
Fisher, 1906
accepted as
Peltaster micropeltus
(Fisher, 1906)
accepted as
Pillsburiaster micropeltus
(Fisher, 1906)
(original description)
Tosia ceramoidea
Fisher, 1906
accepted as
Plinthaster ceramoidea
(Fisher, 1906)
(original description)
Tosia micropelta
Fisher, 1906
accepted as
Peltaster micropeltus
(Fisher, 1906)
accepted as
Pillsburiaster micropeltus
(Fisher, 1906)
(original description)
Fisher, 1906
(original description)
Tritonaster craspedotus
Fisher, 1906
(original description)
Zoroaster spinulosus
Fisher, 1906
(original description)
Hawaiian Islands for
Antheniaster epixanthus
Fisher, 1906
Hawaiian Islands for
Astropecten hawaiiensis
Döderlein, 1917
Hawaiian Islands for
Astropecten polyacanthus
Müller & Troschel, 1842
Hawaiian Islands for
Astropecten productus
Fisher, 1906
Hawaiian Islands for
Astropectinides callistus
(Fisher, 1906)
Hawaiian Islands for
Astropectinides ctenophora
(Fisher, 1906)
Hawaiian Islands for
Benthaster eritimus
Fisher, 1906
Hawaiian Islands for
Brisinga panopla
Fisher, 1906
Hawaiian Islands for
Calliaster pedicellaris
Fisher, 1906
Hawaiian Islands for
Calliderma spectabilis
Fisher, 1906
Hawaiian Islands for
Ceramaster bowersi
(Fisher, 1906)
Hawaiian Islands for
Ctenophoraster hawaiiensis
Fisher, 1906
Hawaiian Islands for
Culcita novaeguineae
Müller & Troschel, 1842
Hawaiian Islands for
Gilbertaster anacanthus
Fisher, 1906
Hawaiian Islands for
Henricia pauperrima
Fisher, 1906
Hawaiian Islands for
Henricia robusta
Fisher, 1906
Hawaiian Islands for
Hymenaster pentagonalis
Fisher, 1906
Hawaiian Islands for
Luidia magnifica
Fisher, 1906
Hawaiian Islands for
Ophidiaster sclerodermus
Fisher, 1906
Hawaiian Islands for
Ophidiaster squameus
Fisher, 1906
Hawaiian Islands for
Ophidiaster triseriatus
Fisher, 1906
Hawaiian Islands for
Patagiaster nuttingi
Fisher, 1906
Hawaiian Islands for
Peltaster micropeltus
(Fisher, 1906)
Hawaiian Islands for
Psilaster attenuatus
Fisher, 1906
Hawaiian Islands for
Pteraster reticulatus
Fisher, 1906
Hawaiian Islands for
Sclerasterias euplecta
(Fisher, 1906)
Hawaiian Islands for
Sphaeriodiscus ammophilus
(Fisher, 1906)
Hawaiian Islands for
Tarsastrocles verrilli
(Fisher, 1906)
Hawaiian Islands for
Tritonaster craspedotus
Fisher, 1906
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