
My colleagues of the fire department knew that I had a more than normal interest in nature and in 1999 the divers asked me to come to their weekly practice in the inner harbour of Zeebrugge. This triggered my interest for marine biology and bryozoology. All this would not have been possible without my curiosity, internet, the availability of good literature and identification keys and the support and interest of many persons an organizations encouraging my motivation. It is great to be an amateur bryozoologist!

The host of the website gave me the opportunity to experiment with another kind of identification keys than the key used in the book. These keys have the advantage of easy change and addition of species. An experimental key of the Caulibugula of the world is here introduced.

Several other items on bryozoans might be developed in the next years. One of them should be the introduction of invasive bryozoans in Western Europe.

Key to the Caulibugula of the world

Key to the Ctenostomatida of the Southern Bight of the North Sea

Key to the Cyclostomatida of the Southern Bight of the North Sea

Key to the Ascophora (Cheilostomatida) of the Southern Bight of the North Sea

Key to the Cribrilinidae (Cheilostomatida) of the Southern Bight of the North Sea

Marine bryozoa introduced to western Europe