RAMS gives this species (Kroyer, 1856) as author [details]
(Keferstein, 1863) is mentioned in RAMS [details]
Gambi et al., 1997 found 2 not yet described species: "sp.1" and "sp.2" [details]
The authors are uncertain about the authority [details]
Member of the family Arcturidae according to RAMS [details]
According to RAMS, the genus Anoplodactylus belongs to the Pycnogonidae family instead of the Phoxichilidiidae family. [details]
Member of the family Arcturidae according to RAMS [details]
According to RAMS, the genus Ascothorax belongs to the Synagogidae family instead of the Ascothoracidae family. [details]
According to RAMS, the genus Balanus belongs to the Bathylasmatidae family instead of the Balanidae family. [details]
Member of the family Arcturidae according to RAMS [details]
According to RAMS, the genus Coronula belongs to the Bathylasmatidae family instead of the Coronulidae family. [details]
According to RAMS, the family Ctenosculidae belongs to the Cirripedia infraclass instead of the Ascothoracida ... [details]
Member of the family Arcturidae according to RAMS [details]
According to RAMS, the family Dendrogastridae belongs to the Cirripedia infraclass instead of the Ascothoracida ... [details]
Considered to belong to the Family Munnopsidae [details]
Genus Escharella is considered by RAMS to belong to the FamilyExochellidae [details]
The Genus Escharoides is considered bt RAMS to belong to the Family Exochellidae [details]
Considered to belong to the Family Munnopsidae [details]
Considered by RAMS to belong to the Family Exochellidae [details]
Member of the family Arcturidae according to RAMS [details]
Member of the family Arcturidae according to RAMS [details]
Considered to belong to the family Munnopsidae [details]
Member of the family Arcturidae according to RAMS [details]
Listed under Dimeatidae in Clarke & Johnston (2003). [details]
Belongs to the family Arcturidae accoring to RAMS [details]
According to RAMS, the genus Pallenopsis belongs to the Callipallenidae; in the printed version of ERMS, the genus is ... [details]
Placed in family Plicatocrinidae by Clarke & Johnston (2003). [details]
belongs to familt Arcturidae according to RAMS [details]
Considered to belong to the Family Munnopsidae [details]
According to RAMS, the family Synagogidae belongs to the Cirripedia infraclass instead of the Ascothoracida infraclass. [details]
Belongs to family Arcturidae according to RAMS [details]
According to RAMS, the genus Xenobalanus belongs to the Bathylasmatidae family instead of the Coronulidae family. [details]
The authors are uncertain about the Species [details]
Spelled as Alyconidum eightsi in RAMS [details]
Spelled as Camploplites retiformis in RAMS [details]
Referred to by RAMS as Coelosphaera appendiculata. [details]
Referred to by RAMS as Desmacidon ramosa and by Uriz as Desmacidon ramosus, but corrected for gender of genus name. [details]
Referred to by RAMS as Dolichocantha macrodon. [details]
Clarke & Johnston's (2003) list of Antarctic sponges misspelled the (sub-)genus name Ectyomyxilla as Ectomyxilla, ... [details]
Spelled Harmothoe (Harmathoe) spinosa in RAMS [details]
As far as is known the genus misspelling 'Leospira' exists only in an unpublished checklist associated with the ... [details]
Referred to by RAMS as Leucoselenia discoveryi. [details]
in RAMS spelled as M. longircollaris [details]
Spelled in RAMS as Pseudoscalibregmida bransfieldia [details]
In RAMS spelled as S.( Leodamus) marginatus mcleani [details]
In RAMS spelled as S. (Leodamus) ohlini [details]
A species named A. nr. hastulifera was described by (Fauvel, 1936) in RAMS [details]
RAMS also mentions a species Autolutus cf. maclearanus [details]
RAMS also mentions a species Autolytus cf. simplex [details]
Hooper (2002) and Van Soest (2002) in the same volume assign Bipocillopsis as a junior synonym to different genera ... [details]
Gambi et al., 1997 mentions two not yet described species: sp. 1 and sp. 2 [details]
Referred to by RAMS as Geodinella, which is a junior genus name for Geodia according to a checklist provided by Rob ... [details]
The genus Leodora is placed under Serpulidae according to RAMS [details]
Was under Iphitimidae. Palpiphitime is best treated as a species group within Ophyrotrocha according to Wiklund et ... [details]
This Genus is placed under Serpulidae in RAMS [details]
This genus belongs to Lineidae according to RAMS [details]
RAMS also mentions a species Pionosyllis cf. comosa [details]
(Hartman, 1978) mentions 3 not yet described species: sp.A, sp. B and sp. C [details]
RAMS mentions also a species Sphaerosyllis cf. tetralix. [details]
Referred to by RAMS as Monosyringa, which is a junior synonym. [details]
Kinberg, 1855 is mentioned in RAMS Checklists but actual publication date of that work was 1856 [details]
RAMS isn't sure about the Genus name [details]